nLab irreflexive symmetric relation



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An irreflexive symmetric relation is a binary relation that is irreflexive and symmetric.


In constructive mathematics

In constructive mathematics, not ever tight irreflexive symmetric relation is a denial inequality, and not every denial inequality is tight. Instead, every denial inequality is only weakly tight. Indeed, since excluded middle cannot be proven, we could distinguish between the following irreflexive symmetric relations in constructive mathematics:

  • denial inequality, an irreflexive symmetric relation \neq which additionally satisfies ¬(a=b)\neg(a = b) implies (ab)(a \neq b)

  • tight irreflexive symmetric relation, an irreflexive symmetric relation \neq which additionally satisfies ¬(ab)\neg(a \neq b) implies (a=b)(a = b)

  • weakly tight irreflexive symmetric relation, an irreflexive symmetric relation \neq which additionally satisfies ¬(ab)\neg(a \neq b) implies ¬¬(a=b)\neg \neg (a = b)

  • stable irreflexive symmetric relation, an irreflexive symmetric relation \neq which additionally satisfies ¬¬(ab)\neg \neg (a \neq b) implies (ab)(a \neq b)

  • decidable irreflexive symmetric relation, an irreflexive symmetric relation \neq which additionally satisfies (ab)(a \neq b) or ¬(ab)\neg (a \neq b)

  • apartness relation, an irreflexive symmetric relation \neq which additionally satisfies aba \neq b implies that aca \neq c or cbc \neq b

or any combination of the above, such as tight apartness relation.

The notion of “inequality relation” in constructive mathematics usually refers to either the denial inequality or a tight apartness relation. On the other hand, some authors have used “inequality relation” to refere to general irreflexive symmetric relations.

See also

Last revised on December 8, 2022 at 20:36:15. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.