Schreiber M-Algebra and Exceptional Tangent Spaces

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an article that we are finalizing at CQTS:

Abstract. The conjectured symmetries of M-theory famously involve (1.) brane-extended super-symmetry (the M-algebra) and (2.) exceptional duality-symmetry (the 𝔢 11 \mathfrak{e}_{11} -algebra); but little attention has been given to their inevitable combination.

In this little note we highlight (by combining results available in the literature) that the local exceptional duality-symmetry (the hyperbolic involutory 𝔨 1,10⊂𝔢 11\mathfrak{k}_{1,10} \subset \mathfrak{e}_{11}) acts on the M-algebra, through the “brane-rotating symmetry” 𝔰𝔩 32\mathfrak{sl}_{32}, in a way which extends the known hierarchy of finite-dimensional nn-exceptional tangent spaces compatibly beyond the traditional bound of n≤7n \leq 7 all the way to n=11n = 11.

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Last revised on November 12, 2024 at 15:58:21. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.