Schreiber The Hidden M-Group

An article that we are finalizing at CQTS:

Abstract. The basic M-algebra, namely 11d susy extended by M-brane central charges, famously admits a “hidden” fermionic extension which supports a richly structured super-invariant avatar of the M-theory 3-form, which becomes closed in a limit in which local Lorentz-symmetry enhances to Sp ( 32 ) \mathrm{Sp}(32) (in fact further to CSp ( 32 ) \mathrm{CSp}(32) ).

Here we understand this symmetry-enhanced hidden M-algebra as the super-space version of an exceptional generalized tangent space model for fully reduced 11d supergravity, and its closed 3-form as the M-theoretic lift of the Poincaré 2-form (that controls T-duality on doubled spacetime).

Therefore we look to promote it to a Kleinian model space for super-exceptional Cartan geometry, hence to an actual super-Lie group: the hidden M-group extending 11d spacetime by manifesting both its super- as well as much of its U-duality symmetry. Actual sections (only alluded to by the “section conditions” of exceptional field theory) of this super-Lie extension encode M-theory super 3-form field configurations in super-exceptional coordinates, for which we give explicit formulas.

To deal with subtleties in the construction we also (1.) provide a computer-checked re-derivation of the hidden M-algebra and of its super-invariant 3-form, and we (2.) present a streamlined conception of super-Lie groups and their super-Lie integration which is both rigorous while still close to physics practice.

Followup to:

Last revised on September 24, 2024 at 13:37:41. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.