nLab exceptional field theory

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Exceptional structures

String theory




In the context of supergravity and string theory, the term exceptional field theory has come to be used for formulations of 11-dimensional supergravity which make the (exceptional, whence the name) U-duality symmetry group structure manifest. This is in generalization of the “double field theory” formulation of 10d type II supergravity which makes (only) the T-duality symmetry manifest.

Accordingly, exceptional field theory is related to exceptional generalized geometry as double field theory is related to generalized complex geometry.

A spacetime in exceptional field theory is locally modeled on the Cartesian product

1,d1×R \mathbb{R}^{1,d-1} \times R

of a dd-dimensional Minkowski space with the fundamental representation vector space RR of a form of the exceptional Lie group E 11dE_{11-d} (the U-duality group). In the literature the former is called external space and the latter internal space. Fields on this spacetime are subject to satisfy a certain differential equation derived from an invariant form of the representation and one considers a generalized isometry algebra on this space which fails the Jacobi identity by a term proportional to this contraint (e.g. Baguet-Hohm-Samtleben 15, section 2).



Precursors on U-duality covariant formulations of D=11 supergravity:

And precursor geometry enriched by brane winding charges in higher analogy to double field theory:

The original articles introducing the terminology of “exceptional field theory”:


Review for KK-compactification to 5d supergravity, hence for E6-U-duality, includes

Discussion of solitonic black brane (and exotic brane) solutions in terms of EFT includes

Discussion for E11:

Discussion for E9:

Generalization to exceptional super-spacetimes:

On AdS4/CFT3 duality via exceptional field theory and super Chern-Simons theory:

See also:

On application to KK-reduction of D=10 supergravity and D=11 supergravity on squashed 7-spheres:

Exceptional-geometric brane sigma-models

On U-duality-covariant exceptional geometric super p p -brane sigma-models (worldvolume exceptional field theory):

Last revised on November 20, 2024 at 17:22:05. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.