With braiding
With duals for objects
category with duals (list of them)
dualizable object (what they have)
ribbon category, a.k.a. tortile category
With duals for morphisms
monoidal dagger-category?
With traces
Closed structure
Special sorts of products
Internal monoids
In higher category theory
Fusion categories over a field may be regarded as a categorification of semisimple -algebras. For example, the group algebra of a finite group would categorify to the fusion category of -graded vector spaces. On the other hand, the notion of 2-groups is an internalisation of the notion of groups. A strict 2-group (which is essentially the same as a crossed module) in particular has an underlying group.
In this sense, -crossed braided fusion categories may be seen as some kind of categorification of crossed modules , where the group is lifted to a fusion category, but is still a (finite) group. The boundary morphism is replaced by a -grading, and the Peiffer rule (-graded commutativity) is categorified to a crossed braiding on .
-crossed braided fusion categories can also be turned into monoidal bicategories.
(Terminology) There are various names for this particular flavor of fusion category, involving permutations of the words “braided” and “crossed”, or possibly trading “braided” for “-braided”.
The latter choice has its justification in the fact that in general, it is not a braided category, but the braiding is in a sense twisted by the grading, just as the second group in a crossed module need not be abelian, but up to a group action.
A -crossed braided fusion category consists of the following:
A finite group ,
a fusion category over a field ,
a -grading on ,
a monoidal -action on (i.e. a monoidal functor from viewed as a discrete monoidal category to the category of tensor automorphisms of ) such that ,
for each , a natural isomorphism , where
TODO Commutative diagrams
If carries extra structure (e.g. a pivotal structure), the group action is typically required to preserve it.
Let be a -crossed braided fusion category. It follows from the axioms that the subcategory with degree is a braided fusion subcategory.
Assume furthermore that the -grading of is faithful, that is, that the subcategory is nonzero for all . Theorem 7.12 in Etingof et al 09 states that any such is determined by , , and a homotopy class of map
for the classifying space of the higher group of invertible -bimodules. In particular, as shown in Proposition 7.3 in Etingof et al 09, the classifying space satisfies , the group of equivalence classes of -bimodules, , the group of isomorphism classes of invertible objects in , and the multiplicative group of the ground field.
Every braided fusion category can be trivially graded, with the trivial action.
Every crossed module makes -graded vector spaces into a -crossed category. (Check/reference!)
See also equivariantisation for more details.
Let be a finite group, and a braided fusion category.
A braided action of the (finite dimensional) representations on is the same as an inclusion of in the symmetric centre . By deequivariantisation, this is basically the same as a braided -action on (the category of internal -modules). This makes into a -crossed braided fusion category, but most examples don’t arise like this, e.g. the grading obtained this way will always be trivial.
The idea is then to generalise the full inclusion to a full inclusion that need not factor over . One can still deequivariantise the underlying fusion category of with respect to the -action, but the procedure will not respect the braiding. Naturally, the result is not a braided fusion category, but a -crossed braided fusion category.
Vice versa, given a -crossed braided fusion category , one can equivariantise it to a braided fusion category with a full inclusion of . When is the crossed braiding of , the braiding of two equivariant objects and is given by .
TODO – Cui 2019
TODO – Cui 2019‘s 2-category
Vladimir Drinfeld, Shlomo Gelaki, Dmitri Nikshych, Victor Ostrik, Section 4.4 in: On braided fusion categories I, Selecta Mathematica. New Series 16 1 (2010) 1–119 [arXiv:0906.0620, doi:10.1007/s00029-010-0017-z]
Description of -crossed braided categories as monoidal bicategories and construction of a 4d TQFT:
Equivalence of certain Gray categories with -crossed braided categories and strictification:
The classification of -crossed braided fusion categories with faithful grading
Last revised on March 7, 2025 at 17:09:03. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.