geometric representation theory
representation, 2-representation, ∞-representation
Grothendieck group, lambda-ring, symmetric function, formal group
principal bundle, torsor, vector bundle, Atiyah Lie algebroid
Eilenberg-Moore category, algebra over an operad, actegory, crossed module
The Brauer induction theorem (Brauer 1946) states that, for ground field the complex numbers, finite-dimensional linear representations of a finite group all arise as virtual combinations of induced representations of just 1-dimensional representations , :
In other words, this says that the representation ring is generated from isomorphism classes of induced representations of 1-dimensional representations of subgroups .
This may be thought of as (implying) a splitting principle for linear representations (Symonds 91), for more on this see at characteristic classes of linear representations the section splitting principle.
Brauer induction generalizes the immediate statement that finite-dimensional permutation representations are all direct sums of induced representations of the trivial 1-dimensional representation; see at induced representation of the trivial representation.
The analogous statement holds true also for ground ring the quaternions, while for ground field the real numbers one has to induce not just from 1-dimensional but also from 2-dimensional representations.
Of course, the expansions (1) are not unique. But one may find functorial choices that satisfy good extra properties, see below at Snaith’s explicit Brauer induction and Symond’s explicit Brauer induction.
We may also restrict the collection of subgroups needed. For example, in the representation ring of a finite group , every element is a difference of elements induced from representations of elementary subgroups of , where an elementary subgroup is a group of order times a cyclic group whose order is relatively prime to . This result is a partner to the Artin induction theorem saying that every element of the representation ring of is a rational linear combination of elements induced from cyclic subgroups of . (For both cyclic and elementary groups, every representation is a direct sum of 1-dimensional representations.)
We state an explicit and natural choice of Brauer induction due to Symonds 91 (Prop. ) below. Its main property is good compatibility with the total Chern classes of linear representations via a certain multiplicative transfer map on integral cohomology (the latter recalled as Lemma below).
(Evens’ multiplicative transfer)
For a finite group and a subgroup, there is a linear map
from the cohomology ring of the classifying space of to that of which is multiplicative in that its respects the product structure, hence the cup product, on both sides
This is due to Evens 63. There, the maps themselves are introduced on the bottom of p. 7, while their multiplicativity is stated as Prop. 4 on p. 10.
(Symonds’ explicit Brauer induction)
For FinGrp there is a linear map (homomorphism of abelian groups)
from the underlying abelian group of the representation ring to the product group of the free abelian groups that are spanned by the isomorphism classes of 1-dimensional representations over all conjugacy classes of subgroup ,
such that
is a natural transformation of functors ,
hence ;
is a section of the natural transformation
which applies induction and then sums everything up, in that the composition is the identity:
is compatible with the total Chern classes of linear representations
via their multiplicative transfer (Lemma ) in that
hence in that the following diagram commutes:
a 1-dimensional representation is sent to the tuple whose component over is itself, and all whose other components vanish;
in contrast, if has no 1-dimensional direct summand, then the -compnents of is zero;
(Symonds 91, Prop. 2.1, Theorem 2.2, and Theorem 2.4)
Due to
See also
In the context of characteristic classes of linear representations:
based on
Last revised on March 14, 2025 at 06:54:46. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.