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The term Frobenius reciprocity has a meaning
(For different statements of a similar name see the disambiguation at Frobenius theorem.)
In representation theory, Frobenius reciprocity is the statement that the induction functor for representations of groups (or in some other algebraic categories) is left adjoint to the restriction functor. Sometimes it is used for a decategorified version of this statement as well, on characters.
Specifically for an subgroup inclusion, there is an adjunction
between the categories of -representations and -representations, where for an -representation, is the induced representation.
Sometimes also the projection formula
is referred to as Frobenius reciprocity in representation theory (e.g. here on PlanetMath).
In category theory, Frobenius reciprocity is a condition on a pair of adjoint functors . If both categories are cartesian closed, then the adjunction is said to satisfy Frobenius reciprocity if the right adjoint is a cartesian closed functor; that is, if the canonical map is an isomorphism for all objects of .
Each of the functors , and has a left adjoint, so by the calculus of mates, this condition is equivalent to asking that the canonical “projection” morphism
is an isomorphism for each in and in .
This holds for instance for the base change between slice categories , of a finitely complete category along a morphism – by the pasting law in :
The condition (1) clearly makes sense also if the categories are cartesian but not necessarily closed, and is the usual formulation found in the literature. It is equivalent to saying that the adjunction is a Hopf adjunction relative to the cartesian monoidal structures.
This terminology is most commonly used in the following situations:
When and are the inverse and direct image functors along a map in a hyperdoctrine. Here is a category and is an -indexed category such that each category is cartesian closed and each functor has a left adjoint (existential quantifier, also written ). Then is said to satisfy Frobenius reciprocity, or the Frobenius condition, if each of the adjunctions does. If the categories are cartesian but not closed then it still makes sense to ask for Frobenius reciprocity in the second form above, and in that case its logical interpretation is that is equivalent to if is not free in .
When is the inverse image part of a geometric morphism between (n,1)-topoi and is a left adjoint of it, if the adjunction satisfies Frobenius reciprocity, then the geometric morphism is called locally (n-1)-connected. In particular, if so that we have a continuous map of locales, then a left adjoint satisfying Frobenius reciprocity makes it an open map, and if so that we have 1-topoi, then it is locally connected (see also open geometric morphism). This usage of “Frobenius reciprocity” is sometimes also extended to the dual situation of proper maps of locales and topoi.
The projection formula plays a notable role in Grothendieck’s yoga of six operations. For example if an adjoint triple between symmetric closed monoidal categories is a Wirthmüller context (May 05), is a strong closed monoidal functor. This implies the projection formula, i.e. the existence of a natural isomorphism of the form
The projection formula also holds in a Grothendieck context or a Verdier-Grothendieck context (May 05).
A weak factorization system on a finitely complete category is said to satisfy the Frobenius condition when is closed under pullback (i.e., base change) along morphisms in .
The property seems to have been named by Van den Berg and Garner (2012). This usage is related to Frobenius reciprocity for adjoint functors by the following observation (Clementino, Giuli & Tholen 1996, Proposition 1.3):
A proper orthogonal factorization system in a finitely complete category satisfies the Frobenius condition if and only if for all , the adjunction satisfies the Frobenius condition (where is the poset of subobjects of in , is pullback along , and sends to the part of the factorization of ).
When the category is locally cartesian closed, the Frobenius condition has an equivalent formulation in terms of dependent product:
A weak factorization system on a locally cartesian closed category satisfies the Frobenius condition if and only if for every in and in , the dependent product is in .
In categorical models of dependent type theory where types are interpreted as maps in a right class (as in (Van den Berg & Garner 2012)), the Frobenius condition can thus be used to interpret dependent product types. See for example Kapulkin & Lumsdaine 2021, Lemma 2.3.1.
In the context of Quillen model categories, the Frobenius condition is related to right properness (Gambino & Sattler 2017):
A Quillen model category whose cofibrations are closed under pullback is right proper if and only if its (trivial cofibration, fibration) weak factorization system satisfies the Frobenius condition.
A model category which has cofibrations closed under pullback and a (trivial cofibration, fibration) wfs satisfying the Frobenius condition is a locally cartesian closed model category and thus presents a locally cartesian closed (∞,1)-category.
The following result isolates the connection between closed functors and the projection formula. We begin with some context.
Recall that a monoidal category is left closed if each functor has a right adjoint , called the internal hom. We can similarly define right closed monoidal categories. A symmetric or even braided monoidal category is left closed if and only if it is right closed, and one then simply calls it closed, but for maximum generality we consider the merely monoidal case.
A functor between left closed monoidal categories is lax closed it if preserves the internal hom and the unit object up to a specified map
natural in both variables and obeying some coherence laws listed at closed functor. If these are natural isomorphisms we call the functor strong closed.
Any lax monoidal functor betweeen left closed monoidal categories is lax closed (for a sketch of the argument see closed functor), but a strong monoidal functor may not be strong closed.
Suppose is an adjunction between left closed monoidal categories. Then natural transformations
correspond bijectively to natural maps
Furthermore, is an isomorphism if and only if is, in which case we say the projection formula holds.
Suppose and are left closed monoidal categories and is left adjoint to . Suppose we have a natural map
for . Thus we obtain a natural map
for arbitrary (now natural in all three variables). By hom-tensor adjointness and the fact that is the left adjoint of we can rewrite this as
Using both these facts again we obtain
By the Yoneda lemma this gives the desired natural map
By running through this calculation one can see that if is a invertible then all the other natural maps listed above are too, including . Conversely, starting with we can run the argument backwards and get , and if is invertible then so is .
It follows that if is strong closed, the projection formula holds. Also if is strong monoidal and the projection formula holds, is strong closed.
The name “Frobenius” is sometimes used to refer to other conditions on adjunctions, known as “Frobenius laws”. The formal structure of the Frobenius law appears in the notion of Frobenius algebra, in the axiom which relates multiplication to comultiplication, and recurs in another form isolated by Carboni and Walters in their studies of cartesian bicategories and bicategories of relations. Namely, if denotes the diagonal transformation on a cartesian bicategory (e.g., ), with right adjoint , then there is a canonical map
mated to the coassociativity isomorphism
and the Frobenius law here is the assumption that the 2-cell is an isomorphism. (There are two Frobenius laws actually; the other is that a similar canonical map
mated to the inverse coassociativity, is also an isomorphism. However, it may be shown that if one of the Frobenius laws holds, then so does the other; see the article bicategory of relations.)
It is very easy to make a slip and call the Frobenius law “Frobenius reciprocity”, perhaps all the more because there are close connections between the two. One example occurs in the context of bicategories of relations, as follows.
Given a locally posetal cartesian bicategory and any object of , one may construct a hyperdoctrine of the form
where is the inclusion, and is the 2-category of meet-semilattices. Here is thought of as a relation from to , and for a map , the relation is the pulling back
along , and one may show that preserves finite local meets. Indeed, the pushforward or quantification along takes to
and because is right adjoint to the map . Because is a right adjoint, it preserves local meets.
Frobenius reciprocity in this context, ordinarily written as
can then be restated for the hyperdoctrine ; it takes the form
for any map and predicates , .
Meanwhile, recall that a bicategory of relations is a (locally posetal) cartesian bicategory in which the Frobenius laws hold.
Frobenius reciprocity holds in each hyperdoctrine associated with a bicategory of relations.
One first proves that a bicategory of relations is a compact closed bicategory in which each object is self-dual. The unit here is given by
and the counit by
Using this duality, each relation has an opposite relation given by
It may further be shown that in a bicategory of relations, if is a map, then its right adjoint equals the opposite . Therefore Frobenius reciprocity becomes the equation
but in fact this is just a special case of the more general modular law, which holds in a bicategory of relations as shown here in a blog post by Walters. The modular law in turn depends crucially upon the Frobenius laws.
Thus, in this instance, Frobenius reciprocity follows from the Frobenius laws.
In a locally posetal cartesian bicategory, the Frobenius laws follow from Frobenius reciprocity.
Again, Frobenius reciprocity in a (locally posetal) cartesian bicategory means that for any map and any two relations , , the canonical inclusion
is an equality. One (and therefore both) of the Frobenius laws will follow by taking the following choices for , , and :
where is the diagonal map and is the projection. The remainder of the proof is best exhibited by a string diagram calculation, which is given here: Frobenius reciprocity implies the Frobenius law in a cartesian bicategory.
Generally, for a topos and any morphism, then the induced base change etale geometric morphism
has inverse image a cartesian closed functor and hence (see there) exhibits Frobenius reciprocity.
Discussion in representation theory:
The term ‘Frobenius reciprocity’, in the context of hyperdoctrines, was introduced in
Lawvere defines Frobenius reciprocity by either of the two equivalent conditions (see “Definition-Theorem” on p.6), and notes that “one of these kinds of identities is formally similar to, and reduces in particular to, the Frobenius reciprocity formula for permutation representations of groups” (p.1).
Related discussion is in:
Robert A. G. Seely, p. 511 of: Hyperdoctrines, Natural Deduction and the Beck Condition, Zeitschr. f. math. Logik und Grundlagen d. Math. 29 (1983) 505-542 [doi:10.1002/malq.19830291005, pdf]
Duško Pavlović, p. 164 in: Maps II: Chasing Diagrams in Categorical Proof Theory, Logic Journal of the IGPL, 4 2 (1996) 159–194 [doi:10.1093/jigpal/4.2.159, pdf]
A textbook source is around lemma 1.5.8 in
General discussion in the context of projection formulas in monoidal categories (not necessarily cartesian) is in
Manifestations of the Frobenius reciprocity formula, in the sense of category theory, recur throughout mathematics in various forms (push-pull formula, projection formula); see for example this Math Overflow post:
Further MO discussion includes
Relating to the Frobenius condition for weak factorization systems:
Maria Manuel Clementino, Eraldo Giuli, Walter Tholen, Topology in a category: compactness, Portugaliae Mathematica 53(4) 397–433 (1996) [url]
Benno van den Berg, Richard Garner, Topological and Simplicial Models of Identity Types, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 13(1) 1–44 (2012) [doi:10.1145/2071368.207137,arXiv:1007.4638]
Nicola Gambino and Christian Sattler, The Frobenius condition, right properness, and uniform fibrations, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 221 (2017). [doi:10.1016/j.jpaa.2017.02.013,arXiv:1510.00669] – beware of section numbering discrepancy between the published and arXiv versions.
Chris Kapulkin, Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine, The Simplicial Model of Univalent Foundations (after Voevodsky), Journal of the European Mathematical Society 23 (2021) 2071–2126 arXiv:1211.2851, doi:10.4171/jems/1050
Last revised on February 19, 2025 at 08:08:28. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.