nLab fr-code


Homological algebra

homological algebra

(also nonabelian homological algebra)



Basic definitions

Stable homotopy theory notions



diagram chasing

Schanuel's lemma

Homology theories



1. Idea

In homological algebra it turns out that a host of common (co)homological constructions (such as group homology, cyclic homology, etc.) may be cast in a unified way as homotopy limits of functors on categories of presentations of the given algebraic structure (group, Lie algebra, associative algebra, etc.) [Ivanov & Mikhailov 2015], in fact all these functors may systematically be indexed by “fr-codes” [Ivanov & Mikhailov 2017].

2. Construction

Consider F:PresRing\mathbb{Z}F\colon Pres\to Ring, a functor of rings on the category of all free extensions of the form 1RFG11\to R\to F\to G\to 1, which takes a free extension (free presentations) and sends it to the group ring F\mathbb{Z}F. There are two functorial ideals f\mathbf{f} and r\mathbf{r} in the (functorial) ring F\mathbb{Z}F that are defined as follows:

fker(F), \mathbf{f} \;\coloneqq\; ker(\mathbb{Z}F \to \mathbb{Z}) \,,
rker(FG). \mathbf{r} \;\coloneqq\; ker(\mathbb{Z}F \to \mathbb{Z}G) \,.

That is, f\mathbf{f} is the augmentation ideal of the group FF, and it is generated by expressions of the form (w1)(w - 1) where wFw \in F, and r\mathbf{r} is a sub-ideal of f\mathbf{f} generated by expressions of the form (r1)(r - 1) where rRr \in R.

Since f,r\mathbf{f},\mathbf{r} are ideals of the functor of rings ZFZF, one may form sums and intersections of monomials: rffr,r+ff,r k+1+fr kf,\mathbf{rf}\cap \mathbf{fr}, \mathbf{r+ff}, \mathbf{r}^{k+1}+\mathbf{f}\mathbf{r}^k\mathbf{f}, \dots

These are functors on the category of free extensions PresPres with values in abelian groups.

Let Pres(G)PresPres(G)\subset Pres denote a fiber of a functor PresGrPres\to Gr sending a free extension 1RFG11\to R\to F\to G\to 1 to GG. Given an fr\mathbf{f\r}-expression w(f,r)w(\mathbf{f},\mathbf{r}) and a group GG, one can define

i[w(f,r)](G):=lim i(w(f,r)| Pres(G)).{}^i[w(\mathbf{f},\mathbf{r})](G) := lim^i (w(\mathbf{f},\mathbf{r})|_{Pres(G)}).

where lim i(:CAb)lim^i (\mathcal{F}: C\to Ab) denotes the i i -th right derived functor of the limit functor lim:Fun(C,Ab)Ablim: Fun(C,Ab)\to Ab.

It turns out that by exploiting some features of the category Pres(G)Pres(G) this construction can be made functorial in group GG. The first such feature is that it has all binary coproducts (in particular, its classifying space is contractible). That feature is used in by authors of [Ivanov & Mikhailov 2015], [Ivanov & Mikhailov 2017] extensively, since it ensures triviality of higher limits of constant functors.

Secondly, this category is strongly connected, in that the hom-set sfhom(c,c){\sf hom}(c,c') is not empty for any pair of objects cc and cc'. Hence, with each fr\mathbf{f\r}-expression w(f,r)w(\mathbf{f},\mathbf{r}) we associate a graded functor from the category Grp of groups to the category Ab of abelian groups, i[w(f,r)]:GrAb.{}^i[w(\mathbf{f},\mathbf{r})] \colon Gr \to Ab\,.

In [Golub 2024] author suggests a homotopy theoretic construction not using the homological algebra.

4. References

The original articles

Further discussion:

  • Nikita Golub: Functorial languages in homological algebra and the lower central series [arXiv:2410.05708]

  • Nikita Golub: Functorial Languages in Homological Algebra, talk at CQTS @ NYU Abu Dhabi (Oct 2024) [slides:pdf]

Last revised on November 23, 2024 at 17:56:13. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.