nLab Taketa's theorem

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Taketa’s theorem and related statements say that a necessary condition on a finite group to have all its complex irreps be suitably induced representations is that it is a solvable group.

Terminology: “M-groups”

A finite group GG is called an MM-group if all its complex irreducible representations are induced from 1-dimensional representations, hence if for each irrep rhorho of GG there exists a subgroup HGH \subset G and a 1-dimensional rep ν\nu of HH, such that ρInd H Gρ\rho \,\simeq\, Ind^G_H \rho, where Ind H G:HRepGRepInd_H^G \,\colon\, H Rep \to G Rep is the induction functor.

More generally, for k +k \in \mathbb{N}_+ a positive natural number, a finite group is called an M kM_k-group if all its irreps are induced from irreps of dimension k\leq k. (cf. Berkovich 1996)



(Taketa’s theorem)
M-groups are solvable.

(Taketa 1930, Isaacs 1976 thm. 5.12)

In fact:


If a finite group has the property that for each of its complex irreps of dimension 2\geq 2 some multiple of it is induced from an irrep of a proper subgroup, then the group is solvable.

(LMT 2013)


Taketa’s theorem is due to

  • Kiyosi Taketa: Über die Gruppen, deren Darstellungen sich sämtlich auf monomiale Gestalt transformieren lassen, Proc. Imp. Acad. 6 2 (1930) 31-33 [euclid:pia/1195581421]

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Last revised on February 22, 2025 at 10:39:02. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.