group cohomology, nonabelian group cohomology, Lie group cohomology
cohomology with constant coefficients / with a local system of coefficients
?ech cohomology?
differential cohomology
symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
For each prime , the Morava K-theories are a tower of complex oriented cohomology theories whose coefficient ring is
where is in degree .
Hence with for is a Bott element of degree 2 and is closely related to complex K-theory, while for is then a Bott element of degree 6 and is closely related to elliptic cohomology.
There is also integral Morava K-theory which instead has coefficient ring
where is the p-adic integers.
Integral Morava K-theory can be obtained as a localization of a quotient of complex cobordism cohomology theory (Buhné 11).
We need the following standard notation throughout this entry.
For a prime number, we write
for the field with elements;
for the localization ring of the integers at ;
for the p-adic integers.
(e.g. Lurie 10, lecture 22, def. 5)
For each prime integer the Morava K-theories are the sequences
of multiplicative generalized cohomology/homology theories with the following properties:
and when is all torsion.
is one of isomorphic summands of mod- complex topological K-theory.
and for , where .
(This ring is a graded field in the sense that every graded module over it is free. is a module over , see below)
There is a Künneth isomorphism:
Let be a p-local finite CW-complex. If vanishes then so does .
If is as above, then for sufficiently large.
Due to the third point in , one may regard as a ∞-field among the A-infinity rings. See below.
For each prime number and each , the Morava K-theory is, up to equivalence, the unique spectrum underlying an homotopy associative spectrum which is
whose formal group has height exactly ;
whose homotopy groups are . (with defined as at height).
For instance (Lurie, lecture 24, prop. 11).
admits the structure of an A-∞ algebra, in fact of an -A-∞ algebra.
Due to Robinson (and Andrew Baker at ). (See e.g. Lurie 10, lecture 22, lemma 2)
With the exception of the extreme case of , the fields do not admit E-∞-ring multiplicative structures. However, when , the multiplication is homotopy commutative. For it is not even homotopy commutative. Nevertheless, for many spaces , the -generalized cohomology at the prime of forms a commutative ring.
(e.g. Lurie 10, lecture 22, warning 6)
This appears for instance as (Lurie, lecture 24, prop. 9, remark 13)
This means that the Morava -rings are essentially the only ∞-fields in the stable homotopy category.
See (Lurie, lecture 24, remark 13)
The Morava K-theories label the prime spectrum of a symmetric monoidal stable (∞,1)-category of the (∞,1)-category of spectra for p-local and finite spectra . This is the content of the thick subcategory theorem.
The layers in the chromatic tower capture periodic phenomena in stable homotopy theory, corresponding to the Morava K-theory -fields.
Specifically the Bousfield localization of spectra acts on complex oriented cohomology theories like completion along the locally closed substack
of the moduli stack of formal groups at those of height .
It is known that in the Bousfield lattice of the stable homotopy category, the Bousfield classes of the Morava K-theories are minimal. It is conjectured by Mark Hovey and John Palmieri that the Boolean algebra contained in the Bousfield lattice is atomic and generated by the Morava K-theories and the spectra which measure the failure of the telescope conjecture.
The orientation of integral Morava K-theory is discussed in (Sati-Kriz 04, Buhné 11). It is essentially given by the vanishing of the seventh integral Stiefel-Whitney class .
Notice that this is in higher analogy to how orientation in complex K-theory is given by the vanishing third integral Stiefel-Whitney class (spin^c-structure).
Write for the ∞-group of units of the (a) Morava K-theory spectrum
For and all , there is an equivalence
(Sati-Westerland 11, theorem 1)
By the discussion at (∞,1)-vector bundle this means that for each such map there is a type of twist of Morava K-theory (at ).
Morava K-theory originates in unpublished preprints by Jack Morava in the early 1970s.
A first published account appears in (see at Johnson-Wilson spectrum):
see also
Textbook account:
A discussion with an eye towards category theoretic general abstract properties of localized stable homotopy theory is in
A survey of the theory is in
Jacob Lurie, Chromatic Homotopy Theory Lecture notes, (pdf)
Lecture 22 Morava E-theory and Morava K-theory (pdf)
Lecture 23 The Bousfield Classes of and (pdf)
Lecture 24 Uniqueness of Morava K-theory (pdf)
the explicit definition via formal group laws is in lecture 22 and the abstract characterization in lecture 24.
The -algebra structure over is comment on in
based on
Discussion in relation to the Arnold conjecture in symplectic topology:
On the Morava K-theory of iterated loop spaces of n-spheres:
The orientation of integral Morava K-theory is discussed in
Igor Kriz, Hisham Sati, M-theory, type IIA superstrings, and elliptic cohomology, Adv. Theor.
Math. Phys. 8 (2004), no. 2, 345–394 (arXiv:hep-th/0404013)
Lukas Buhné, Properties of Integral Morava K-Theory and the Asserted Application to the Diaconescu-Moore-Witten Anomaly, Diploma thesis Hamburg (2011)
Some twists of Morava K-theory/maps into its ∞-group of units as well as the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for Morava and Morava are discussed in
For a review in the context of M-theory see
Last revised on September 11, 2024 at 13:47:14. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.