group cohomology, nonabelian group cohomology, Lie group cohomology
cohomology with constant coefficients / with a local system of coefficients
differential cohomology
symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
We use the word ‘chromatic’ here for the following reason. The -th subquotients in the chromatic filtration consists of -periodic elements. As illustrated in 2.4.2, these elements fall into periodic families. The chromatic filtration is thus like a spectrum in the astronomical sense in that it resolves the stable homotopy groups of a finite complex into periodic families of various periods. Comparing these to the colors of the rainbow led us to the word ‘chromatic’.
By the construction of complex oriented cohomology theories from formal groups (via the Landweber exact functor theorem), the height filtration of formal groups induces a “chromatic” filtration on complex oriented cohomology theories. Chromatic homotopy theory is the study of stable homotopy theory and specifically of complex oriented cohomology theories by means of and along this chromatic filtration.
More abstractly, this filtering is induced by the prime spectrum of a symmetric monoidal stable (∞,1)-category of the (∞,1)-category of spectra for p-local finite spectra, which is labeled by the Morava K-theories.
More in detail, for each prime and for each there is a Bousfield localization of spectra
where is the th Morava K-theory (for the given prime ). These arrange into the chromatic tower which for each spectrum is of the form
The chromatic convergence theorem states mild conditions under which the homotopy limit over this tower is the -localization
of .
Since moreover is the homotopy fiber product (see at smash product theorem and see this remark at fracture square )
it follows that in principle one may study a spectrum by understanding all its “chromatic pieces” .
motivation: J-homomorphism and chromatic homotopy
telescopic complexity?, telescopic localization
Original articles:
Douglas Ravenel, Localization with Respect to Certain Periodic Homology Theories, American Journal of Mathematics Vol. 106, No. 2 (Apr., 1984), pp. 351-414 (doi:10.2307/2374308, jstor:2374308)
Doug Ravenel, Nilpotence and Periodicity in Stable Homotopy Theory, Annals of Mathematics Studies 128, Princeton University Press (1992) [ISBN:9780691025728, pdf, webpage]
A quick idea:
Historical introduction:
Comprehensive lecture notes:
Jacob Lurie, Chromatic Homotopy Theory, Lecture series 2010 (lecture notes)
Doug Ravenel, Complex cobordism and stable homotopy groups of spheres
Haynes Miller, “Chromatic” homotopy theory May 2011 (pdf)
Tobias Barthel, Agnès Beaudry, Chromatic structures in stable homotopy theory, in Handbook of Homotopy Theory, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press (2019) [arXiv:1901.09004, doi:10.1201/9781351251624]
A lightning review of results by Henn with Goerss, Mahowald, Rezk, and Karamanov:
A collection of various lecture notes and other material is kept at
See also:
Glossary for stable and chromatic honotopy theory (pdf)
David Mehrle, Chromatic homotopy theory: Journey to the frontier, Graduate workshop notes, Boulder 16-17 May 2018, (pdf, pdf)
Discussion of generalization of elliptic cohomology to higher chromatic homotopy theory is discussed in
Doug Ravenel, Toward higher chromatic analogs of elliptic cohomology pdf
Doug Ravenel, Toward higher chromatic analogs of elliptic cohomology II, Homology, Homotopy and Applications, vol. 10(1), 2008, pp.1-36 (pdf, pdf slides)
Relation of chromatic homotopy theory to Goodwillie calculus is discussed in
Greg Arone, Mark Mahowald, The Goodwillie tower of the identity functor and the unstable periodic homotopy of spheres, Inventiones mathematicae, February 1999, Volume 135, Issue 3, pp 743-788 (pdf, doi:10.1007/s002220050300)
Nicholas Kuhn, Goodwillie towers and chromatic homotopy: an overview, Proceedings of the Nishida Fest (Kinosaki 2003), 245–279, Geom. Topol. Monogr., 10, Geom. Topol. Publ., Coventry, 2007 (arXiv:math/0410342, doi:10.2140/gtm.2007.10.245)
Categorical ultraproducts are used to provide asymptotic approximations in
A form of Langlands program for chromatic homotopy theory is sketched in
There are also chromatic approximations in ordinary (not stabilized) homotopy theory:
Aldridge Bousfield, Localization and periodicity in unstable homotopy theory, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 7 (1994), 831-873 (doi:10.1090/S0894-0347-1994-1257059-7, jstor:2152734)
Gijs Heuts, Lie algebras and -periodic spaces (arXiv:1803.06325)
Jacob Lurie, Michael Hopkins, Unstable Chromatic Homotopy Theory, lecture notes 2018 (web)
Last revised on March 11, 2025 at 16:48:56. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.