geometric representation theory
representation, 2-representation, ∞-representation
Grothendieck group, lambda-ring, symmetric function, formal group
principal bundle, torsor, vector bundle, Atiyah Lie algebroid
Eilenberg-Moore category, algebra over an operad, actegory, crossed module
An irreducible representation – often abbreviated irrep – is a representation that has no smaller non-trivial representations “sitting inside it”.
Similarly for irreducible modules.
Given some algebraic structure, such as a group, equipped with a notion of (linear) representation, an irreducible representation is a representation that has no nontrivial proper subobject in the category of all representations in question and yet which is not itself trivial either. In other words, an irrep is a simple object in the category of representations.
Notice that there is also the closely related but in general different notion of an indecomposable representation. Every irrep is indecomposable, but the converse may fail.
A representation that has proper nontrivial subrepresentations but can not be decomposed into a direct sum of such representations is an indecomposable representation but still reducible.
In good cases for finite dimensional representations, the two notions (irreducible, indecomposable) coincide.
(irreducible real linear representations of cyclic groups)
For , , the isomorphism classes of irreducible real linear representations of the cyclic group are given by precisely the following:
the 1-dimensional trivial representation ;
the 1-dimensional sign representation ;
the 2-dimensional standard representations of rotations in the Euclidean plane by angles that are integer multiples of , for , ;
hence the restricted representations of the defining real rep of SO(2) under the subgroup inclusions , hence the representations generated by real trigonometric matrices of the form
(For the corresponding 2d representation is the direct sum of two copies of the sign representation: , and hence not irreducible. Moreover, for we have that is irreducible, but isomorphic to ).
In summary:
(e.g. tom Dieck 09 (1.1.6), (1.1.8))
In quantum physics an irreducible representation of an algebra of observables is called a superselection sector.
In Wigner classification the irreps of the spacetime symmetry groups are identified with elementary particle species.
See any text on representation theory, for instance
See also
Last revised on April 28, 2021 at 13:05:40. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.