symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
Just as a groupoid is the oidification of a group and a ringoid is the oidification of a ring, a magmoid should be the oidification of a magma.
Let be a quiver with a collection of objects , a set of morphisms , a function called the source or domain and a function called the target or codomain. A magmoid is a quiver with a partial binary operation
with coproduct injections and , such that for , there is a function in the inverse image of if , and otherwise.
Let be a quiver with a collection of objects and a Set-valued functor for all objects . A magmoid is a quiver with a binary operation
for all .
A weak magmoid is a magmoid whose collection of objects form a groupoid, while a strict magmoid is a magmoid whose collection of objects form a set.
Let be a monoidal category (or a monoidal (infinity,1)-category) and let be a -enriched quiver, with a collection of objects and a -valued functor for all objects . A -enriched magmoid is a -enriched quiver with a binary operation
for all .
A transitive relation is a magmoid enriched in truth values, or a magmoid where there is at most one morphism from every object to another object in .
The terminology seems to have been introduced in:
A. Arnold, M. Dauchet, Théorie des magmoïdes (I), RAIRO – Informatique Théorique 12 3 (1978) 235-257 [numdam:ITA_1978__12_3_235_0, eudml:92079]
A. Arnold, M. Dauchet, Théorie des magmoïdes (II), RAIRO – Informatique Théorique 13 2 (1979) 135-154 [numdam:ITA_1979__13_2_135_0]
Further discussion:
Miklos Bartha, p. 101 in: An algebraic model of synchronous systems, Information and Computation 97 1 (1992) 97-131
Dan Jonsson, Def. 2.2 in: On Group-Like Magmoids [arXiv:1902.06109]
Fiona Torzewska, §2.1 of: Topological quantum field theories and homotopy cobordisms [arXiv:2208.14504]
Last revised on December 9, 2023 at 17:00:53. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.