The 6-sphere, as a smooth manifold is diffeomorphic to the coset space
of Gβ (automorphism group of the octonions) by SU(3) (Fukami-Ishihara 55).
For more see at Gβ/SU(3) is the 6-sphere.
The induced action of Gβ on induces an almost Hermitian structure which makes it a nearly Kaehler manifold?.
Review in is in Agrikola-Borowka-Friedrich 17
coset space-structures on n-spheres:
standard: | |
this Prop. | |
this Prop. | |
this Prop. | |
exceptional: | |
Spin(7)/Gβ is the 7-sphere | |
since Spin(6) SU(4) | |
since Sp(2) is Spin(5) and Sp(1) is SU(2), see Spin(5)/SU(2) is the 7-sphere | |
Gβ/SU(3) is the 6-sphere | |
Spin(9)/Spin(7) is the 15-sphere |
see also Spin(8)-subgroups and reductions
homotopy fibers of homotopy pullbacks of classifying spaces:
(from FSS 19, 3.4)
A famous open problem is the question whether the 6-sphere admits an actual complex structure. For review see Bryant 14.
T. Fukami, S. Ishihara, Almost Hermitian structure on , Tohoku Math J. 7 (1955), 151β156.
Ilka Agricola, Aleksandra BorΓ³wka, Thomas Friedrich, and the geometry of nearly KΓ€hler 6-manifolds (arXiv:1707.08591)
Robert Bryant, S.-S. Chernβs study of almost-complex structures on the six-sphere (arXiv:1405.3405)
Robert Bryant, Remarks on the geometry of almost complex 6-manifolds (arXiv:math/0508428)
Last revised on July 18, 2024 at 10:38:19. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.