nLab Cauchy quotient



Constructivism, Realizability, Computability

Category theory





The Cauchy real numbers or regular real numbers are defined as the quotient set of Cauchy sequences of rational numbers by a suitable equivalence relation, and is provably an Archimedean ordered field extension of the rational numbers.

The same construction could be perform by taking any Archimedean ordered field FF and quotienting the set of Cauchy sequences of elements in FF by a similar suitable equivalence relation, and the resulting quotient set 𝒞(F)\mathcal{C}(F) is likewise an Archimedean ordered field extension of FF.

This construction is important since it yields an endofunctor F𝒞(F)F \mapsto \mathcal{C}(F) in the category of Archimedean ordered fields and ring homomorphisms, whose algebras are the sequentially Cauchy complete Archimedean ordered fields. In particular, one can define the Escardo-Simpson real numbers as the initial algebra of the endofunctor F𝒞(F)F \mapsto \mathcal{C}(F) and prove that the terminal object (Dedekind real numbers) is an algebra of the endofunctor F𝒞(F)F \mapsto \mathcal{C}(F), thus yielding predicative and constructive definitions of both notions of real numbers (i.e. without power sets, or even general function sets, since only sequence sets - function sets from the natural numbers - are needed). In addition, excluded middle or countable choice is sufficient to show that this endofunctor is idempotent up to isomorphism.

The author of this article does not know if this general construction is known in the real analysis literature by some already existing name. However, the author feels that “Cauchy quotient” is a suitable placeholder name, since it is the quotient set of Cauchy sequences in an Archimedean ordered field.


Let FF be an Archimedean ordered field. Then a sequence in FF is an element of the function set F F^\mathbb{N}. A sequence xF x \in F^\mathbb{N} is a Cauchy sequence if for all natural numbers mm and nn,

(1m+1n)<x(m)x(n)<1m+1n-\left(\frac{1}{m} + \frac{1}{n}\right) \lt x(m) - x(n) \lt \frac{1}{m} + \frac{1}{n}

In the case of the rational numbers, this is usually expressed as one inequality using the absolute value function, but here we do not assume that the Archimedean ordered field has an absolute value function or equivalently a lattice order.

We denote the set of Cauchy sequences in FF as the set

Cauchy(F){xF |(1m+1n)<x(m)x(n)<1m+1n}\mathrm{Cauchy}(F) \coloneqq \left\{x \in F^\mathbb{N} \vert -\left(\frac{1}{m} + \frac{1}{n}\right) \lt x(m) - x(n) \lt \frac{1}{m} + \frac{1}{n}\right\}

Given two Cauchy sequences xx and yy, there is an relation xyx \approx y defined by

xyn.2n<x(n)y(n)<2nx \approx y \coloneqq \forall n \in \mathbb{N}.-\frac{2}{n} \lt x(n) - y(n) \lt \frac{2}{n}


This relation is an equivalence relation.


TODO: Adapt the proof found in Proposition 3.3.2 and Lemma 3.3.3 Murray 2022 to the case where FF is any Archimedean ordered field.

Since the above relation is an equivalence relation on the set Cauchy(F)\mathrm{Cauchy}(F) of Cauchy sequences in FF, we can take the quotient set

𝒞(F)Cauchy(F)/\mathcal{C}(F) \coloneqq \mathrm{Cauchy}(F) / \approx

resulting in a set 𝒞(F)\mathcal{C}(F) called the Cauchy quotient.


Cauchy(F)\mathrm{Cauchy}(F) is an Archimedean ordered field setoid.


TODO: Adapt the proofs found in section 3.3 of Murray 2022, as well as in other sources (to be found) for multiplication and division.


𝒞(F)\mathcal{C}(F) is an Archimedean ordered field.


The quotient of any ordered field setoid by its equivalence relation is an ordered field, and quotienting preserves the Archimedean property. Since Cauchy(F)\mathrm{Cauchy}(F) is an Archimedean ordered field setoid, this implies that 𝒞(F)\mathcal{C}(F) is an Archimedean ordered field.


𝒞(F)\mathcal{C}(F) is a field extension of FF.


Since every constant sequence in FF is a Cauchy sequence, the composite of the function λx:F.λn:.x\lambda x:F.\lambda n:\mathbb{N}.x from FF to Cauchy(F)\mathrm{Cauchy}(F) with the quotient set effective surjection from Cauchy(F)\mathrm{Cauchy}(F) to 𝒞(F)\mathcal{C}(F) yields a ring homomorphism from FF to 𝒞(F)\mathcal{C}(F). Thus, 𝒞(F)\mathcal{C}(F) is a field extension of FF.

As an endofunctor


Given Archimedean ordered fields FF and KK with ring homomorphism h:FKh:F \to K, there is a ring homomorphism 𝒞(h):𝒞(F)𝒞(K)\mathcal{C}(h):\mathcal{C}(F) \to \mathcal{C}(K) which preserves identity ring homomorphisms and composition of ring homomorphisms.



The function F𝒞(F)F \mapsto \mathcal{C}(F) is an endofunctor in the category of Archimedean ordered fields and ring homomorphisms.


By definition of endofunctor.


Let FF be an algebra of the endofunctor F𝒞(F)F \mapsto \mathcal{C}(F). Then FF is isomorphic to 𝒞(F)\mathcal{C}(F).


The category of Archimedean ordered fields and ring homomorphisms is a preorder, since any ring homomorphism which exists between two Archimedean ordered fields is unique. This means that every morphism is a monomorphism and the Cantor-Schroeder-Bernstein theorem holds in the category. As a result, it suffices for there to be ring homomorphisms in both directions between FF and 𝒞(F)\mathcal{C}(F): there is always a ring homomorphism from FF to 𝒞(F)\mathcal{C}(F) via the equivalence classes of constant sequences in FF, and there is a ring homomorphism from 𝒞(F)\mathcal{C}(F) to FF by definition of algebra of an endofunctor. Thus, FF is isomorphic to 𝒞(F)\mathcal{C}(F).


Every algebra for the endofunctor F𝒞(F)F \mapsto \mathcal{C}(F) is sequentially Cauchy complete.


The terminal Archimedean ordered field \mathbb{R} is an algebra for the endofunctor F𝒞(F)F \mapsto \mathcal{C}(F).


By definition of terminal object, there is a ring homomorphism from 𝒞()\mathcal{C}(\mathbb{R}) to \mathbb{R}. Thus, \mathbb{R} is an algebra for the endofunctor F𝒞(F)F \mapsto \mathcal{C}(F).


Assuming excluded middle or countable choice, the endofunctor F𝒞(F)F \mapsto \mathcal{C}(F) is idempotent up to isomorphism.



Some of the proofs are adapted from proofs for the special case of the rational numbers to construct the Cauchy real numbers:

Last revised on July 10, 2024 at 23:48:08. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.