This page compiles pointers to material contained in the (upcoming) book:
Richard Szabo, Martin Bojowald (eds.):
Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, 2nd edition
Elsevier (expected Oct 2024)
(in no particular order, for the time being)
On the phase space of Einstein gravity on manifolds with boundary:
On the FRS theorem classifying rational 2d conformal field theory:
On BV quantization:
On shifted symplectic structures:
On KK-compactification in string theory:
On defect QFT:
On higher topos theory in physics:
On higher geometry in physics:
On string structures seen as a kind of spin structures after transgression to loop space (cf. stringor bundle):
On twisted cohomology (with focus on twisted ordinary cohomology and twisted K-theory):
On flux quantization of higher gauge theories:
On quantum gravity via causal dynamical triangulation:
On quantum field theory in curved spacetime (AQFT on curved spacetimes):
On the infrared problem in quantum electrodynamics:
On spin foam models for quantum gravity:
On advances in the infrared structure of electrodynamics:
On constructions of integrable systems with cluster algebra structure:
On cuts in scattering amplitudes:
On 3d TQFTs and 3-manifold invariants:
On Lie algebroids:
On Calogero-Moser-Sutherland systems:
On renormalization:
On the operator product expansion in quantum field theory:
On integrable structures in general relativity:
On the thermodynamical properties of macroscopic black holes:
On resurgence theory in mathematical physics:
On Lie groupoids:
On quantum character varieties and quantum character stacks:
On hybrid classical-quantum models:
On the Bethe ansatz:
On stochastic geometric mechanics in fluid dynamics:
On response functions for interacting fermionic lattice models:
On quasi-local horizons in black holes:
On gapped quantum spin systems:
On applications of coarse geometry to topological insulators in solid state physics:
On a thermodynamic perspective of quantum fluctuations:
On solutions to and algebraic structures in set-theoretic Yang-Baxter & reflection equations:
On Poisson vertex algebras and integrability of Hamiltonian PDEs:
On algebraic quantum field theory:
On coarse geometry and coarse homology theories:
On higher algebra and higher category theory in algebraic quantum field theory (homotopical AQFT):
On (quantum) measurement in quantum field theory:
On rational homotopy theory in mathematical physics, such as in Hypothesis H:
On topological indices in solid state physics:
On matrix models, group field theories, and their combinatorics:
On using integrable systems in solving combinatorics problems:
On elliptic quantum groups:
On configuration spaces of points and their relation to Cohomotopy via scanning maps:
On topological quantum computing with anyons:
Last revised on January 31, 2025 at 07:42:32. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.