nLab Christian Saemann

Selected writings

On the M2-brane 3-algebra and the BLG model:

On quantum L-infinity algebras for the BV-BRST formalism:

Generalization of the Poincaré lemma to non-abelian Lie 2-algebra valued differential forms (local connections on 2-bundles):

On Higher Structures in M-theory:

Proposal for understanding D=6 N=(1,0) SCFTs as higher gauge theories for gauge-L-infinity algebras which are variants of the string Lie 2-algebra:

On the classical double copy (KLT relations, relating gravity to Yang-Mills theory) via L L_\infty -algebra:

Discussion of adjusted Weil algebras for L L_\infty -algebras and the corresponding higher gauge theory:

application to higher parallel transport:

relation to E L E L_\infty -algebras and tensor hierarchies:

survey and review:

Proposal for further enhancement of the higher differential geometry-formulation of T-folds (such as with 2-connections and further non-geometric backgrounds):

On higher gauge theory:

category: people

Last revised on August 28, 2024 at 07:08:13. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.