nLab Henning Samtleben

Selected writings

On D=3 gauged supergravity and introducing the concept of tensor hierarchies:

On D=7 supergravity:

On tensor hierarchies in gauged supergravity and possible relation to U-duality and M-theory:

Introducing a class of Lagrangian densities for D=6 N=(1,0) SCFTs with non-abelian gauge group has been proposed in

reviewed in

On E9 exceptional field theory:

On D=6 supergravity with š¯’© = ( 4 , 0 ) \mathcal{N} = (4,0) :

On KK-reduction of D=10 supergravity and D=11 supergravity on squashed 7-spheres via exceptional field theory:

On integrable systems in gravity:

On singleton representations in supergravity:

category: people

Last revised on September 6, 2024 at 06:54:36. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.