nLab Serre functor

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Serre functor


Homological algebra

homological algebra

(also nonabelian homological algebra)



Basic definitions

Stable homotopy theory notions



diagram chasing

Schanuel's lemma

Homology theories


Stable Homotopy theory

Serre functor


A Serre functor on a triangulated category 𝒜\mathcal{A} is an exact functor such that for any pair of objects there is a natural isomorphism Hom(A,B)Hom(B,S(A)) *\Hom(A,B) \simeq \Hom(B,S(A))^{\ast} from their hom-object to the linear dual of their reverse hom-object, “twisted” by the Serre functor.

A Serre functor does not always exist, but when it does then it is unique up to graded natural isomorphism.

The notion of Serre functors was introduced by Bondal & Kapranov 1989 to study admissible subcategories? of triangulated categories.

Serre functors have become a powerful tool for working with the derived category of coherent sheaves on a variety.


In the original paper, the following definition was given.


Let 𝒜\mathcal{A} be a kk-linear triangulated category with finite-dimensional Hom‘s and kk algebraically closed. A Serre functor S:𝒜𝒜S : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{A} is an additive equivalence that commutes with the translation functor, with natural (in both variables) isomorphisms ϕ A,B:Hom 𝒜(A,B)Hom 𝒜(B,S(A)) *\phi_{A,B} \colon \Hom_\mathcal{A}(A,B) \stackrel{\sim}{\to} \Hom_{\mathcal{A}}(B,S(A))^* for any objects AA and BB, such that the composite

(ϕ B,S(A) 1) *ϕ A,B:Hom(A,B)Hom(B,S(A)) *Hom(S(A),S(B)) (\phi^{-1}_{B, S(A)})^* \circ \phi_{A,B} : \Hom(A,B) \to \Hom(B,S(A))^* \to \Hom(S(A), S(B))

coincides with the isomorphism induced by SS.

In fact, the last commutativity condition can be deduced from just the naturality of ϕ A,B\phi_{A,B}, and commutativity with the translation functor also follows from a proposition below. Hence, the following definition is seen in later papers.


Let 𝒜\mathcal{A} be a kk-linear category with finite-dimensional Hom‘s and kk an arbitrary field. A Serre functor S:𝒜𝒜S : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{A} is an additive equivalence with bi-functorial isomorphisms ϕ A,B:Hom 𝒜(A,B)Hom 𝒜(B,S(A)) *\phi_{A,B} : \Hom_\mathcal{A}(A,B) \stackrel{\sim}{\to} \Hom_{\mathcal{A}}(B,S(A))^* for any objects AA and BB.

Of course, formally the definition could be used in categories enriched over a symmetric monoidal category with a sufficiently nice involution.



In the derived category of finite-dimensional vector spaces over kk, the identity functor is a Serre functor.


In the derived category of coherent sheaves on a smooth projective variety XX, the functor (ω X)[n](\cdot \otimes \omega_X)[n] is a Serre functor, in view of Serre-Grothendieck duality?, where ω X\omega_X is the canonical sheaf and nn is the dimension of XX.



Any autoequivalence F:𝒜𝒜F : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{A} commutes with a Serre functor: there is a natural graded isomorphism of functors FSSFF \circ S \stackrel{\sim}{\to} S \circ F.


Any Serre functor in a graded category? is graded?.


Any Serre functor in a triangulated category is exact? (i.e. distinguished triangles are mapped to distinguished triangles).


Any two Serre functors are connected by a canonical graded functorial isomorphism that commutes with the isomorphisms ϕ A,B\phi_{A,B} in the definition of the Serre functor.


The original paper and English translation:

  • А. И. Бондал, М. М. Капранов, Представимые функторы, функторы Серра и пе­рестройки, Изв. АН СССР. Сер. матем., 53:6 (1989), 1183–1205 pdf

  • Alexei I. Bondal, Mikhail M. Kapranov, Representable functors, Serre functors, and mutations, Mathematics of the USSR-Izvestiya 35 3 (1990) 519-541 [doi:10.1070/IM1990v035n03ABEH000716 pdf]

The following paper gives the corrected definition and also demonstrates the utility of the Serre functor as a tool for working with the derived category of coherent sheaves on a variety (c.f. Bondal-Orlov reconstruction theorem):

See also:

  • Oleksandr Manzyk, A-infinity-bimodules and Serre A-infinity-functors, dissertation pdf, djvu; Serre A A_\infty functors, talk at Categories in geometry and math. physics, Split 2007, slides, pdf, work with Volodymyr Lyubashenko
  • Volodymyr Mazorchuk, Vanessa Miemietz, Serre functors for Lie algebras and superalgebras
  • Sefi Ladkani, Categorification of a linear algebra identity and factorization of Serre functors, Mathematische Zeitschrift 285 (2017) 879–896 doi

Last revised on February 16, 2025 at 02:14:34. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.