nLab singular submodule


Let RR be a ring and MM a left RR-module. Then its singular submodule 𝒵(M)\mathcal{Z}(M) is the subset consisting of all mMm\in M whose annihilator Ann l(m)={rR|rm=0}Ann^l(m) = \{ r\in R| r m = 0\} is a left essential ideal in RR (including possibly entire RR).

Analogously we may define singular submodules of right RR-modules.

A proof that 𝒵(M)\mathcal{Z}(M) is an RR-submodule

𝒵(M)\mathcal{Z}(M) is clearly an additive subgroup because Ann l(m)Ann l(m)Ann l(m+m)Ann^l(m)\cap Ann^l(m')\subset Ann^l(m+m') and the intersection of essential ideals is essential.

It remains to show that if Ann l(m)Ann^l(m) is essential and rRr\in R then Ann l(rm)Ann^l(r m) is also essential. In the trivial case rm=0r m = 0 its annihilator is RR. Thus we assume that also rm0r m \neq 0.

Then, take any other left ideal 0IR0\neq I\subset R. Then IrRI r\subset R is also a left ideal. If IrI r is a non-zero ideal then, because Ann l(m)Ann^l(m) is essential, there is an r=rrIrAnn l(m)0r' = r'' r \in I r \cap Ann^l(m)\neq 0 with rIr''\in I that is rIAnn l(rm)r''\in I\cap Ann^l(r m). If, on the other hand, Ir=0I r = 0 then Irm=0I r m = 0 hence IAnn l(rm)I\subset Ann^l(r m).

We have shown that in both cases IAnn l(rm)0I\cap Ann^l(r m)\neq 0. Thus, Ann l(rm)Ann^l(r m) is essential as well and 𝒵(M)\mathcal{Z}(M) is an RR-submodule of MM.


M𝒵(M)M\mapsto \mathcal{Z}(M) is a left exact (hence idempotent) additive subfunctor of the identity functor on RModR-Mod. However, it is typically not a radical functor: it is not satisfying 𝒵(M/𝒵(M))=0\mathcal{Z}(M/\mathcal{Z}(M)) = 0.


category: algebra

Created on August 20, 2024 at 14:55:16. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.