nLab von Neumann regular ring

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Not to be confused with regular local rings in commutative algebra.


1. Idea

A von Neumann regular ring or absolutely flat ring (Lombardi & Quitté (2010)) is one where every principal left ideal or principal right ideal is generated by a single idempotent. They were introduced by John von Neumann in 1936 as part of his algebraization of quantum mechanics.

The principal left ideals in a von Neumann regular ring form a sublattice of the lattice of all left ideals which is a complemented modular lattice, and similarly with “left” replaced by “right”. This sets up a connection between von Neumann regular rings and the approach to quantum logic based on lattices: if the elements of a von Neumann regular ring are thought of as observables, the lattice of principal left (or right) ideals can be thought of as consisting of propositions.

2. Definition

A von Neumann regular ring (abbreviated as vN regular ring below) is a ring AA (not necessarily commutative) such that any of these equivalent conditions hold:

  1. For every element aAa \in A is regular. An element aa is regular if there exists xAx \in A satisfying

    a=axa. a \;=\; a \, x \, a \,.
  2. For every aAa \in A there is an idempotent eAe \in A such that Aa=AeA a = A e. In other words, every principal left ideal of AA is generated by an idempotent.

  3. For every aAa \in A there is an idempotent eAe \in A such that aA=eAa A = e A. In other words, every principal right ideal of AA is generated by an idempotent.

  4. Every principal left ideal of AA is a direct summand of the left AA-module AA.

  5. Every principal right ideal of AA is a direct summand of the right AA-module AA.

  6. Every finitely generated left AA-submodule of A nA^n is a direct summand of A nA^n.

  7. Every finitely generated right AA-submodule of A nA^n is a direct summand of A nA^n.

  8. Every finitely presented left AA-module is projective.

  9. Every finitely presented right AA-module is projective.

  10. Every left AA-module is flat.

  11. Every right AA-module is flat.

To illustrate the use of the rather curious-looking equation a=axaa = a x a, consider this result, which implies that 1 \iff 3.

Lemma 2.1. Suppose aAa \in A. If for some xAx \in A we have a=axaa = a x a, then e=axe = a x is idempotent and aA=eAa A = e A. Conversely, if aA=eAa A = e A for some idempotent eAe \in A, then a=axaa = a x a for some xAx \in A, and we can take e=axe = a x.

Proof. For the first implication, suppose for some xAx \in A we have a=axaa = a x a. Then ax=axaxa x = a x a x so e=axe = a x is idempotent, and we just need to show aA=eAa A = e A. Since e=axe = a x we have eAaAe A \subseteq a A. On the other hand, since a=axa=ea a = a x a = e a we have aAeAa A \subseteq e A.

For the converse implication, suppose aA=eAa A = e A for some idempotent ee. This is equivalent to the conjunction of three conditions: eaAe \in a A, aeAa \in e A, and e 2=ee^2 = e. The first condition says e=axe = a x for some xAx \in A. The second condition says a=eya = e y for some yAy \in A, which by the third condition implies ea=eey=ey=ae a = e e y = e y = a, which by the first implies axa=aa x a = a, as desired.  ▮

A symmetrical argument, i.e. one applied to the opposite ring, shows that 1 \iff 3. A principal left ideal is a summand of the left AA-module AA if it is generated by an idempotent ee, since then A=AeA(1e)A = Ae \oplus A(1-e), and conversely any summand of the left AA-module AA is generated by an idempotent. It follows that 2 \iff 4, and a symmetrical argument shows that 3 \iff 5. Finally, condition 1 is invariant under taking opposites of rings, and 2 is the ring opposite of 3, so also 1 \iff 2, and therefore conditions 1 through 5 are equivalent.

Again, by way of taking opposite rings, we have (1 \iff 6) if and only if we have (1 \iff 7) and similarly (1 \iff 8) iff (1 \iff 9), and (1 \iff 10) iff (1 \iff 11).

Proposition 2.2. If AA is vN regular, then so is the matrix ring M n(A)M_n(A) for n1n \geq 1.

Proof. The following proof is adapted from Kaplansky (Kaplansky), starting at page 110; see particularly his Theorem 24. It uses a result called McCoy’s lemma: If axaaa x a - a is regular, then so is aa. (Proof: if (axaa)y(axaa)=a(a x a - a)y(a x a - a) = a, then rewrite this as a=axa(axaa)y(axaa)a = a x a - (a x a - a)y(a x a - a), and notice the right side is of the form a[*]aa [\ast] a.)

First treat the case of a 2×22 \times 2 matrix

(a b c d)\left( \begin{array}{ccc} a & & b\\ c & & d \end{array}\right)

To prove this matrix is regular, suppose crc=cc r c = c for some rr, and calculate that

(a b c d)(0 r 0 0)(a b c d)(a b c d)=(* * crcc *)=(* * 0 *)\left( \begin{array}{ccc} a & & b\\ c & & d \end{array}\right)\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & & r\\ 0 & & 0 \end{array}\right)\left( \begin{array}{ccc} a & & b\\ c & & d \end{array}\right) - \left( \begin{array}{ccc} a & & b\\ c & & d \end{array}\right) = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} \ast & & \ast\\ c r c - c & & \ast \end{array}\right) = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} \ast & & \ast\\ 0 & & \ast \end{array}\right)

so by McCoy’s lemma, we are reduced to proving that upper triangular matrices are regular. So now do the case of a 2×22 \times 2 matrix

(a b 0 d)\left( \begin{array}{ccc} a & & b\\ 0 & & d \end{array}\right)

which we want to prove is regular. Write axa=aa x a = a and dyd=dd y d = d for some x,yx, y, and calculate that

(a b 0 d)(x 0 0 y)(a b 0 d)(a b 0 d)=(axaa * 0 dydd)=(0 * 0 0)\left( \begin{array}{ccc} a & & b\\ 0 & & d \end{array}\right)\left( \begin{array}{ccc} x & & 0\\ 0 & & y \end{array}\right)\left( \begin{array}{ccc} a & & b\\ 0 & & d \end{array}\right) - \left( \begin{array}{ccc} a & & b\\ 0 & & d \end{array}\right) = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} a x a - a & & \ast\\ 0 & & d y d - d \end{array}\right) = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & & \ast\\ 0 & & 0 \end{array}\right)

so by McCoy’s lemma, we are reduced to proving that strictly upper triangular matrices are regular. To show the 2×22 \times 2 matrix

(0 b 0 0)\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & & b\\ 0 & & 0 \end{array}\right)

is regular, write bzb=bb z b = b for some zz, and calculate that

(0 b 0 0)(0 0 z 0)(0 b 0 0)=(0 bzb 0 0)=(0 b 0 0)\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & & b\\ 0 & & 0 \end{array}\right)\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & & 0\\ z & & 0 \end{array}\right)\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & & b\\ 0 & & 0 \end{array}\right) = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & & b z b\\ 0 & & 0 \end{array}\right) = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & & b\\ 0 & & 0 \end{array}\right)

which completes the proof for the 2×22 \times 2 case.

For the 4×44 \times 4 case, write this in block form as

(U V W X)\left( \begin{array}{ccc} U & & V\\ W & & X \end{array}\right)

where U,V,W,XM 2(A)U, V, W, X \in M_2(A), which was just shown to be vN regular; therefore M 4(A)M 2(M 2(A))M_4(A) \cong M_2(M_2(A)) is also vN regular. By induction, M n(A)M_n(A) is vN regular for integers n=2 kn = 2^k.

Finally, for any nn, find kk such that 2 kn2^k \geq n. The ring of n×nn \times n matrices sits in the upper left corner of the ring of 2 k×2 k2^k \times 2^k matrices. Kaplansky concludes (paraphrasing), “The desired result then follows from a remark which we leave as an exercise for the reader: if AA is von Neumann regular and ee is an idempotent in AA, then eAee A e is von Neumann regular.”  ▮

Lemma 2.3. (1 \Rightarrow 7) Every finitely generated submodule BB of A nA^n is a direct summand of A nA^n (hence is projective).

Proof. There is a surjective module map A kBA^k \to B and hence BB is the image of a map PP defined to be a composite

A n+kA n×A kpA kBA niA n×A kA n+kA^{n+k} \cong A^n \times A^k \overset{p}{\to} A^k \to B \hookrightarrow A^n \overset{i}{\hookrightarrow} A^n \times A^k \cong A^{n+k}

where p,ip, i are obvious projection, inclusion maps. Since the previous proposition says the matrix ring M=M n+k(A)M = M_{n+k}(A) is vN regular assuming AA is, we have PM=EMP M = E M for some idempotent EE. It follows that

B=PA n+k=PMA n+k=EMA n+k=EA n+kB = P \cdot A^{n+k} = P M \cdot A^{n+k} = E M \cdot A^{n+k} = E \cdot A^{n+k}

which makes the module BB the result of splitting the idempotent EE acting on A n+kA^{n+k}, making the inclusion BA n+kB \hookrightarrow A^{n+k} a direct summand, say with left inverse r:A n+kBr: A^{n+k} \to B. Then also BA nB \hookrightarrow A^n is split, with left inverse

A niA n+krBA^n \overset{i}{\hookrightarrow} A^{n+k} \overset{r}{\to} B

and this completes the proof.  ▮

Lemma 2.4. (7 \Rightarrow 9) If any finitely generated right submodule of A nA^n is a direct summand, then every finitely presented right module is projective.

Proof. Suppose given a finite presentation of a module NN, i.e., an exact sequence

0BA nN00 \to B \to A^n \to N \to 0

where BB is finitely generated. By hypothesis, the exact sequence splits, and by this splitting, NN becomes a direct summand of A nA^n, and therefore is projective.  ▮

Lemma 2.5. (9 \Rightarrow 11) If every finitely presented right AA-module is projective, then every right AA-module is flat.

Proof. By general considerations of locally finite presentability (see Gabriel-Ulmer duality), every module is a filtered colimit of finitely presented modules. By hypothesis, then, every module is a filtered colimit of finitely generated projective modules; since projective modules are flat, every module is a filtered colimit of flat modules. But a filtered colimit of flat modules is again flat.  ▮

Lemma 2.6. (11 \Rightarrow 3) If every right AA-module is flat, then for every element aAa \in A there is an idempotent element ee such that aA=eAa A = e A.

Proof. As shown in flat module, a module is flat iff it is a filtered colimit of finitely generated free modules. In particular, given an element aAa \in A, the cyclic module M=A/aAM = A/a A, being flat by hypothesis, is a filtered colimit of finitely generated free modules, say Mcolim iF iM \cong \mathrm{colim}_i F_i. At the same time, MM is finitely presented by a short exact sequence

0aAAM0.0 \to a A \to A \to M \to 0.

By Gabriel-Ulmer duality, finite presentability of MM is equivalent to hom(M,)\hom(M, -) preserving filtered colimits. Hence hom(M,)\hom(M, -) preserves the colimit Mcolim iF iM \cong \mathrm{colim}_i F_i: the canonical map

colim ihom(M,F i)hom(M,M)\mathrm{colim}_i \hom(M, F_i) \to \hom(M, M)

is an isomorphism. In particular, it is surjective, and therefore there is some element [f:MF i]colim ihom(M,F i)[f: M \to F_i] \in \mathrm{colim}_i \hom(M, F_i) that maps to 1 M1_M, i.e., there is a map g:F iMg: F_i \to M appearing in the colimit cocone such that gf=1 Mg \circ f = 1_M. Therefore MM is a retract of the free module F iF_i, hence MM is projective. It follows that the exact sequence above used to present MM splits. Therefore aAa A itself is a retract of AA: there is an idempotent eAe \in A such that aA=eAa A = e A.  ▮

Commutative von Neumann rings

One can characterize commutative vN rings as certain subrings of products of fields.

The first remark to make is that such rings RR form a variety of algebras, in other words they are the algebras of a finitary monad on the category Set, equivalently, models of a Lawvere theory. This is due to the following lemma. Define a pseudo-inverse of an element aRa \in R to be an element xRx \in R such that axa=aa x a = a and xax=xx a x = x. (Compare pseudogroup, and see also inverse semigroup.)

Lemma 2.7. In a commutative vN ring, every element aa has a unique pseudo-inverse xx.

Proof. Given aa, there is xx such that axa=aa x a = a. It is an immediate calculation that y=xaxy = x a x is a pseudo-inverse of aa.

To prove uniquness, suppose x,yx, y are both pseudo-inverses of aa, i.e., we have the four equations

axa=axax=xaya=ayay=y.a x a = a \qquad x a x = x \qquad a y a = a \qquad y a y = y.

We want to prove x=yx = y. First prove ax=aya x = a y:

ax=xa=xaya=(xay)a=a(xay)=(axa)y=ay.a x = x a = x a y a = (x a y)a = a(x a y) = (a x a)y = a y.

Then prove x=yx = y:

x=x(ax)=x(ay)=y(ax)=y(ay)=y.x = x(a x) = x(a y) = y(a x) = y(a y) = y.

This completes the proof.  ▮

It follows immediately from this lemma that commutative vN rings are the same thing as commutative rings equipped with a pseudo-inversion operator aa¯a \mapsto \overline{a} (moreover, pseudo-inversion is uniquely determined, as we just saw). Now we can state the characterization:

Theorem 2.8. Every commutative vN ring RR occurs as a subring of a product of fields that is closed under pseudo-inversion.

We sketch the proof as the end result after a series of lemmas.

Lemma 2.9. Every von Neumann regular ring is a reduced ring: there are no non-zero nilpotents in a vN regular ring.

Proof. It is enough to show that a 2=0a^2 = 0 implies a=0a = 0. But a=aa¯a=a 2a¯a = a \overline{a} a = a^2 \overline{a} makes this plain.  ▮

Lemma 2.10. An integral domain that is vN regular must be a field.

Proof. It is easy to see from (1aa¯)a=aaa¯a=0(1 - a\overline{a})a = a - a\overline{a}a = 0 that either a=0a = 0 or aa is invertible.  ▮

Corollary 2.11. Every prime ideal in a commutative vN regular ring is maximal.

Corollary 2.12. For a commutative vN regular ring, the nilradical equals the Jacobson radical (the intersection of all maximal ideals).

Proof. This follows from a well-known consequence of the axiom of choice, or of the even weaker ultrafilter principle, that the nilradical equals the intersection of all prime ideals: see nilradical for the proof. The statement then follows from the previous corollary.  ▮

The lemmas and corollaries enter the proof of the Theorem:

Proof. Taking 𝔪\mathfrak{m} to range over maximal ideals of RR, the canonical quotient maps RR/𝔪R \to R/\mathfrak{m} are maps to fields, and these quotient maps “tuple” together to form a map into a product of fields

ϕ:R 𝔪R/𝔪.\phi: R \to \prod_{\mathfrak{m}} R/\mathfrak{m}.

The image is obviously closed under pseudo-inversion. The map ϕ\phi maps RR isomorphically onto its image iff it has trivial kernel, but the kernel is clearly just the intersection of all maximal ideals, which is the same as the nilradical, which is the ideal consisting precisely of nilpotent elements, but the only nilpotent is the zero element. Thus the kernel is trivial, and the proof is complete.  ▮

Theorem 2.13. Every commutative von Neumann regular ring is a commutative reduced zero-dimensional ring

Proof. See section titled Equational definition of reduced zero-dimensional rings on page 212 and theorem 2.3 on page 456 of Lombardi & Quitté (2010) for the time being.  ▮

Non-algebraicity of von Neumann regular rings

As stated in the preceding subsection, commutative vN rings form a variety of algebras: they are the same as commutative rings equipped with a pseudo-inversion operation aa¯a \mapsto \overline{a} satisfying aa¯a=aa \overline{a} a = a and a¯aa¯=a¯\overline{a} a \overline{a} = \overline{a}. Being the “same” means particularly that the morphisms are the same: a morphism of commutative rings that are vN regular automatically preserves this extra operation, thanks to the fact that pseudo-inversion is uniquely determined. Another way of expressing the matter is that the forgetful functor from commutative vN rings to sets is (finitarily) monadic.

In contrast, vN rings generally do not form a variety of algebras: they are not monadic over sets. For a functor CSetC \to Set to be monadic, it is necessary that it preserve and reflect limits (see monadicity theorem). This property fails for the forgetful functor

U:vNRingSetU: vN\; Ring \to Set

although this UU does preserve and reflect arbitrary small products, and it does reflect isomorphisms since we can factorize it as

vNRingRingSetvN\; Ring \hookrightarrow Ring \to Set

where the inclusion is fully faithful (hence reflects isomorphisms) and the forgetful functor RingSetRing \to Set also reflects isomorphisms. So the problem is that in some cases, equalizers in vNRingvN\; Ring cannot be formed in the usual way, by taking equalizers at the level of SetSet.

Example 2.14. Let R=M 2(k)R = M_2(k) for a field kk; this is vN regular by Proposition 2.2. Let LRL \in R be the matrix

L=(1 1 0 1)L = \left(\begin{array}{ccc} 1 & & 1\\0 & & 1\end{array} \right)

and let Φ L:RR\Phi_L: R \to R be conjugation by LL, i.e., Φ L(X)=LXL 1\Phi_L(X) = L X L^{-1}. Then the equalizer of the maps Φ L,1 R\Phi_L, 1_R in RingRing is not vN regular. For by a routine linear algebra calculation, the equalizer, which is the subring of elements fixed under Φ L\Phi_L, equivalently the centralizer of LL in M 2(k)M_2(k), is the subring EE consisting of matrices of the form

(a b 0 a),\left(\begin{array}{ccc} a & & b\\0 & & a\end{array} \right),

but this EE has a nonzero nilpotent two-sided ideal consisting of such matrices where a=0a = 0. Therefore EE is not von Neumann regular by the following lemma.

Lemma 2.15. In a vN regular ring, the only nilpotent two-sided ideal is the zero ideal.

Proof. It suffices to show that for II any two-sided ideal, I 2={0}I^2 = \{0\} implies I={0}I = \{0\}. But if aIa \in I and axa=aa x a = a, then aIa \in I and xaIx a \in I, so a=a(xa)I 2={0}a = a(x a) \in I^2 = \{0\}, i.e., a=0a = 0.  ▮

One way of considering Example 2.14 is that although there are many pseudo-inverses N¯\overline{N} to choose from for

N=(0 1 0 0),N = \left(\begin{array}{ccc} 0 & & 1\\0 & & 0\end{array} \right),

namely matrices of the form

(a ab 1 b),\left(\begin{array}{ccc} a & & a b\\1 & & b\end{array} \right),

there is not a single one of these that is fixed by Φ L\Phi_L, and therefore

Φ L(N)¯=N¯Φ L(N¯),\overline{\Phi_L(N)} = \overline{N} \neq \Phi_L(\overline{N}),

i.e., there is no hope of getting Φ L\Phi_L to preserve any chosen pseudo-inversion operation XX¯X \mapsto \overline{X}.

3. Examples

Remark 3.1. To check that a property is preserved by Morita equivalence, it suffices to check that (1) the property passes up from RR to matrix rings M n(R)M_n(R), and (2) the property passes from RR to “corner rings”, i.e., rings of the form eRee R e where ee is an idempotent such that R=ReRR= R e R. See Lam’s Lectures on Modules and Rings, Proposition 18.33 (p. 491). As just remarked, (1) holds for von Neumann regularity. (2) easily holds for von Neumann regularity, just by exploiting the equation (eae)x(eae)=(eae)(exe)(eae)(e a e)x(e a e) = (e a e)(e x e)(e a e) for idempotents ee.

4. References

Von Neumann regular rings were introduced in

Reference book:

  • Ken Goodearl: Von Neumann Regular Rings, Monographs and Studies in Mathematics 4 (1979)

Also see:

See also:

This discussion post from the Category Theory Zulip, titled “Semisimple commutative rings”, is mostly about von Neumann regular rings; many of the results above were extracted from that discussion:

  • Semisimple commutative rings, Category Theory Zulip (web)

Last revised on January 6, 2025 at 11:50:49. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.