A zero-dimensional ring is a commutative ring such that for all elements there exists an element and a natural number such that
Every zero-dimensional ring is a “prefield ring” in that every cancellative element is invertible.
Every Boolean ring is a zero-dimensional ring.
Every discrete field is a zero-dimensional ring which is a local ring and a reduced ring.
Every commutative von Neumann regular ring is a zero-dimensional ring which is a reduced ring.
Every local Artinian ring is a zero-dimensional ring which is also a local ring. In constructive mathematics, only the residually discrete local Artinian rings are zero-dimensional local rings.
Every Artinian ring is a zero-dimensional ring which is also a Noetherian ring and a coherent ring.
The BHK interpretation of a zero-dimensional ring states that for all elements one can construct an element and a natural number such that . This is equivalent to adding to the ring the structure of an endofunction and a function to the natural numbers , where the equational axiom is then for all elements , .
It is unknown if it is possible to construct the above structure from the usual notion of a zero-dimensional ring. However, given a ring with an endofunction , if for all elements and natural numbers , the equality is decidable (such as the case in classical mathematics), then the existential quantifier
has a choice operator, from which one can construct the function such that for all elements , .
Last revised on January 3, 2025 at 01:19:36. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.