nLab wreath product of groups

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Given (discrete) groups H,GGrp(Set)H, G \in Grp(Set) and a G-set SS, the wreath product group

H SGH SG H \wr_S G \;\; \coloneqq \;\; H^S \rtimes G

is the semidirect product group of

  1. the direct product group H SH^S of |S|{\vert S \vert} copies of HH

  2. with GG, acting on H SH^S by permutation of factors:

    g((h s) sS)(h g 1(s)) sS. g \big((h_s)_{s \in S}\big) \;\coloneqq\; \big(h_{g^{-1}(s)}\big)_{s \in S} \,.

(cf. BMMN 2006, Def. 8.1, see also James & Kerber 1984 §4.1)


(Notation) Other notation for “H SGH \wr_S G” is “HWr SGH Wr_S G” or “Hwr SGH wr_S G”.

Often the choice of GG-set SS is notationally suppressed, writing instead “HGH \wr G”, etc.

But beware that conventions differ:

Some authors understand by default the regular action of GG on its underlying set.

But when G=Sym(n)G = Sym(n) is a symmetric group, then often its defining action on {1,,n}\{1, \cdots, n\} is understood (cf. Ex. below). In this case James & Kerber 1984 §4.2 speak of complete monomial groups over HH.



(as a permutation group)
If both HSym(X)H \subset Sym(X) and GSym(Y)G \subset Sym(Y) are presented as permutation groups, then the wreath product is itself a permutation group, acting on the Cartesian product set X×YX \times Y by letting GG act trivially on the first and naturally on the second factor and letting H YH^Y act on X×YX\times Y such that the yy-th component of H YH^Y permutes X×{y}X\times\{y\} naturally and fixes everything else pointwise.

(e.g. Holland 1989)



The dihedral group Dih(4)Dih(4) of order 24=82\cdot 4=8 is the wreath product C 2C 2C_2 \wr C_2 of C 2 C_2 with itself (in this sense of regular representations).

More generally:


The symmetry group of the nn-dimensional hypercube is C 2Sym(n)C_2 \wr Sym(n).


The Sylow- p p -subgroups P nP_n of the symmetric groups Sym(n)Sym(n) can be recursively described as the wreath product C pP aC_p \wr P_a where C pC_p is the cyclic group of order pp and n=ap+rn = a p+r with 0rp0\leq r \lneq p.


The Sylow- \ell -subgroups of GL n ( q ) GL_n(q) for gcd ( q , ) = 1 gcd(q,\ell)=1 can recursively be described as a wreath product of the Sylow-\ell-subgroup of a strictly smaller GL m(q)GL_{m}(q) and a Sylow-\ell-subgroups of a suitable symmetric group.


For a connected topological space XX, the homotopy quotient of its nn-fold product topological space by the symmetric group Sym(n)Sym(n) acting by permutation of factors, hence the Borel construction

X nSym(n)(X n×ESym(n))/Sym(n), X^n \sslash Sym(n) \;\; \simeq \;\; \big( X^n \times E Sym(n) \big) / Sym(n) \,,

has as fundamental group the wreath product with the fundamental group of XX:

π 1(X nSym(n))π 1(X)Sym(n). \pi_1\big( X^n \sslash Sym(n) \big) \;\simeq\; \pi_1(X) \wr Sym(n) \,.

(cf. MO:a/867292)


A framed braid group is the wreath product with the integers \mathbb{Z} of a plain braid group.



  • Meenaxi Bhattacharjee, Dugald Macpherson, Rögnvaldur G. Möller, Peter M. Neumann: Wreath products, Chapter 8 of: Notes on Infinite Permutation Groups, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1698, Springer (2006) 67-76 [doi:10.1007/BFb0092558]

See also:

In the generality of semigroups:

Special cases and applications:

On the representation theory of wreath products with symmetric groups:

  • Gordon D. James, Adalbert Kerber: Representations of Wreath Products, Chapter 4 of: The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group, Cambridge University Press (1984) [doi:10.1017/CBO9781107340732]

  • I. A. Pushkarev: On the representation theory of wreath products of finite groups and symmetric groups, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 96 (1999) 3590–3599 [doi:10.1007/BF02175835]

    originally in: Representation theory, dynamical systems, combinatorial and algorithmic methods. Part II, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI 240, POMI, St. Petersburg (1997) 229–244 [mathnet:znsl475]

On wreath products of a cyclic with a symmetric group as analogs of (anyon) braid groups in dimension >2\gt 2:

On wreath products with braid groups (cf. also framed braid group):

  • Semidirect products with braid groups and type F F_\infty [MO:q/179104]
category: algebra

Last revised on March 17, 2025 at 10:17:49. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.