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An action
of a group on an inhabited set is called regular if it is both transitive and free.
In terms of elements this means that if for any pair of elements , there is exactly one group element such that .
More abstractly this means that the shear map
is an isomorphism.
In this case is also called a -torsor. If the condition is dropped that be inhabited it is still called a pseudo-torsor.
Suppose acts transitively on by , and suppose moreover that this action is faithful. Then acts freely (and hence regularly) on if and only if the group of -equivariant automorphisms (i.e., bijections commuting with the action of ) acts transitively (and hence regularly) on .
First we show that acts freely on . Suppose is such that for some , and let be arbitrary. By the assumption that acts transitively, there is a such that . But then -equivariance implies that
Since this holds for all , must be equal to the identity , and therefore acts freely on .
Next, suppose that also acts freely on , and let be arbitrary. Then we can define a -equivariant automorphism such that by
where for each , is the unique group element such that . Conversely, suppose that acts transitively on , and let , such that . By the assumption, for any , there exists such that , from which it follows that
Since for all , therefore by the assumption that acts faithfully on .
The action of on itself by multiplication (on the left or on the right) is a regular action, called the (left or right) regular representation of .
If one views a combinatorial map as the transitive action of a certain group of permutations, then represents a regular map (Siran 2006) just in case this action is regular. For example, the five Platonic solids may be represented as regular combinatorial maps.
We discuss regular actions via homotopy type theory.
Since doing group representation theory in homotopy type theory corresponds to working in the context of a delooped group in homotopy type theory, the regularity of an action is naturally expressed there. Transitivity ensures that all the points in the homotopy quotient are connected by equivalences, while freeness means that the space of equivalences between two points is itself contractible. Hence if corresponds to a regular action, then the quotient is contractible.
Restriction to 1-groups is unnecessary here, and we say
An ∞-action of an ∞-group is a regular -action if its homotopy quotient is contractible.
For any -action (∞-action) , its automorphism group is (see at automorphism ∞-group in HoTT)
by .
If is regular, then is regular.
First, we need to argue that is merely inhabited. Since is regular, we have contractible. This gives a center of contraction . Now, since is connected, it follows that . Since we are proving the mere proposition , we get to use . Now we obtain .
Next, to show that is regular we need to show that has a contractible total space. The dependent sum type is equivalent to . Contractibility is a mere proposition, and we have , so we get to use a point . This gives us a center of contraction of the total space of .
Now let , let , let . To show regularity, it suffices to find a term of type
This type is equivalent to showing that there are
Now we use that is equivalent to (we get this fact from regularity, together with a point ). Since we need this particular fiberwise equivalence, it suffices to show that
is contractible. Now this is a mere proposition, so we can eliminate to obtain the proof.
If is a principal homogeneous space on , in the sense that the type is contractible for all , and is regular, then is regular.
Again, we first show that is merely inhabited. The total space of has center of contraction . Since and since we are proving a mere proposition, we get to use . Now follows from . The regularity of is a mere proposition, so we get to use . This gives us the center of contraction . It remains to show that
Of course, it would suffice to prove the stronger statement
However, now we get to use that is connected. Therefore it suffices to show that
This holds by assumption.
Jozef Siran, “Regular Maps on a Given Surface: A Survey”, Topics in Discrete Mathematics, 2006. (pdf)
Group Properties Wiki: Regular group action.
Last revised on April 16, 2021 at 12:00:56. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.