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-Lie theory
∞-Lie theory (higher geometry)
Smooth structure
Higher groupoids
Lie theory
∞-Lie groupoids
∞-Lie algebroids
Formal Lie groupoids
Related topics
-Lie groupoids
-Lie groups
-Lie algebroids
-Lie algebras
Higher algebra
Rational homotopy theory
1. Idea
The notion of -algebras is meant to be the fully homotopy theoretic (i.e. -categorified) higher structure enhancing the mathematical structure of Lie algebras: For -algebras both the Jacobi identity and the skew symmetry of the Lie bracket are relaxed up to potentially infinite coherent higher homotopy.
This is in contrast to the more widely considered notion of -algebras, which relax the Jacobi identity but retain strict skew symmetry. (Whence the terminology “”: the “” is for “everything homotopy”, a whimsical but time-honored terminology, enshrined in the now classical terminology of -algebras).
The homotopy theory of -algebra is in fact equivalent to that of -algebras (and thus both are equivalent even to that of dg-Lie algebras, which are further rectified -algebras): -algebras are a special case of -algebras and every -algebra is weakly equivalent to one that is an -algebra (i.e. the homotopy-skew-symmetry may always be rectified to strict skew symmetry).
Nevertheless, in some circumstances it is practically useful to work with instances of -algebras up to isomorphism without passing to a weakly equivalent -algebra. In particular, Borsten, Kim & Saemann 2021 argue that the notion of -algebra serves to give a transparent way to understand adjusted Weil algebras for -algebras, and then to understand tensor hierarchies (in gauged supergravity-theory) in terms of the resulting -connections/higher gauge theory.
2. - and -algebras
The following notions have been introduced by (BKS21).
Definition 2.1. An -algebra is a graded vector space together with a differential and a collection of binary products,
such that
are satisfied for all s.t. < and for all , where we regard .
Definition 2.2. An -algebra is a differential graded vector space equipped with binary operations of degree which satisfy the quadratic identities
for >, and such that differential satisfies the property
which is a deformed Leibniz rule.
Proposition 2.3. -algebras are Koszul dual to -algebras.
Definition 2.4. The Chevalley–Eilenberg algebra of an -algebra whose differential and binary products are given by
for some and taking values in the underlying ground field is the -algebra with and the differential
where .
Definition 2.5. The Chevalley–Eilenberg algebra of an -algebra whose differential and binary products are given by
for some and is the -algebra with and the differential
where .
3. -algebras
-algebras are the homotopy version of -algebras, defined by (BKS21).
Analogously to an -algebra, an -algebra structure on a graded vector space is encoded by a differential on the -algebra . The differential is given by its action on , which will be encoded by structure constants as follows:
where is a basis on .
These structure constants define higher products with degree by
where is a multi-index consisting of indices and .
5. References
The general notion is discussed in:
The special case of weak Lie 2-algebras was originally considered in:
and the more general special case of weak Lie 3-algebras in: