nLab conformal symplectic group


Group Theory

Symplectic geometry



Let kk denote the ground field and k ×k^\times its group of units.


Given a symplectic vector space (C,ω)(C,\omega), its conformal symplectic group CSp(V,ω)CSp(V,\omega) is the group of linear isomorphisms f:VVf \colon V \to V which preserve the symplectic form up to a scalar λ(f)k ×\lambda(f) \in k^\times:

ω(f(),f())=λ(f)ω(,). \omega\big( f(-) ,\, f(-) \big) \;=\; \lambda(f) \cdot \omega(-,-) \,.

(e.g. Guillemin & Sternberg 1977 p 115, Malle & Testerman 2012 p. 7, Taylor 2021 §1).


Remembering just this conformal scale λ\lambda evidently constitutes a group homomorphism from CSp(V,ω)CSp(V,\omega) to k ×k^\times, whose kernel is the ordinary symplectic group:

0Sp(V,ω)OSp(V,ω)λk ×0. 0 \to Sp(V,\omega) \longrightarrow OSp(V,\omega) \xrightarrow{\phantom{-} \lambda \phantom{-}} k^\times \to 0 \,.


In contrast to symmetric bilinear forms, where the conformal group is typically assumed to rescale only by positive numbers, for symplectic forms it more generally makes sense to rescale by any non-vanishing number. But beware that some authors constrain elements of a conformal symplectic group to have positive multiplier (e.g. Jensen & Kruglikov 2020 §7).


See also:

  • Jørn Olav Jensen, Boris Kruglikov: Differential Invariants of Linear Symplectic Actions [arXiv:2010.08024]

Last revised on September 22, 2024 at 10:41:14. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.