nLab divisible module

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If RR is a commutative integral domain. An RR-module MM is divisible if rM=Mr M = M for all 0rR0\neq r \in R.

According to Levy 1963, in the case of a general ring RR, we require this only for rr which are regular elements (non-zero-divisors).

For a general torsion theory (T,F)(T,F) (torsion class, torsionfree class) on RmodR-mod for any ring RR, we say that MM in RModR-Mod is divisible if E(M)/ME(M)/M is torsionfree where E(M)E(M) is the injective hull of MM. This is equivalent to be JJ-injective module where JJ is the class of all monomorphisms whose cokernel is torsion. In other words, MM is divisible if whenever B/AB/A is torsion then any AMA\to M can be extended to BMB\to M along the inclusion ABA\hookrightarrow B.

Similarly, MM is (T,F)(T,F)-codivisible if for every epimorphism BAB\to A whose kernel is torsionfree, every map MAM\to A can be extended to BB (in other words it is KK-projective where KK is the class of all epimorphisms with torsionfree kernel).


If RR is a commutative domain, consider the sum σM\sigma M of all divisible RR-submodules of MM (that is, the maximal divisible RR-submodule of MM). The correspondence MσMM\to\sigma M is functorial, in fact σ\sigma extends to an additive subfunctor of the identity which is idempotent, satisfies σ(M/σ(M))=0\sigma(M/\sigma(M)) = 0, but σ\sigma is not left exact in general.


For general torsion theories

  • Joachim Lambek, Torsion theories, additive semantics, and rings of quotients, Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 177, 1971

  • Paul E. Bland, Divisible and codivisible modules, Mathematica Scandinavica 34:2 (1974) 153–161 jstor

  • Mark Lawrence Teply, A class of divisible modules, Pacific J. Math. 45:2 (1973) 653–668 doi

A notion of divisibility of left RR-modules with respect to some class Σ\Sigma of left ideals in a unital ring RR is introduced in

  • D. Sanderson, A generalization of divisibility and injectivity in modules, Canad. Math. Bull. 8 (1965) 505–513

In the case of commutative domains (studying “conditions, some necessary, some sufficient, for the torsion submodule of a divisible module to be a direct summand”) see

  • Eben Matlis, Divisible modules, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 11:3 (1960) 385–391 jstor

A version for noncommutative domains

  • Lawrence Levy, Torsion-free and divisible modules over non-integral-domains, Canadian J. Math. 15 (1963) 132–151 doi
category: algebra

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