ergodic decomposition theorem
Representation theory
representation theory
geometric representation theory
representation , 2-representation , ∞-representation
group , ∞-group
group algebra , algebraic group , Lie algebra
vector space , n-vector space
affine space , symplectic vector space
action , ∞-action
module , equivariant object
bimodule , Morita equivalence
induced representation , Frobenius reciprocity
Hilbert space , Banach space , Fourier transform , functional analysis
orbit , coadjoint orbit , Killing form
unitary representation
geometric quantization , coherent state
socle , quiver
module algebra , comodule algebra , Hopf action , measuring
D-module , perverse sheaf ,
Grothendieck group , lambda-ring , symmetric function , formal group
principal bundle , torsor , vector bundle , Atiyah Lie algebroid
geometric function theory , groupoidification
Eilenberg-Moore category , algebra over an operad , actegory , crossed module
reconstruction theorems
Measure and probability theory
Limits and colimits
limits and colimits
limit and colimit
limits and colimits by example
commutativity of limits and colimits
small limit
filtered colimit
sifted colimit
connected limit , wide pullback
preserved limit , reflected limit , created limit
product , fiber product , base change , coproduct , pullback , pushout , cobase change , equalizer , coequalizer , join , meet , terminal object , initial object , direct product , direct sum
finite limit
Kan extension
weighted limit
end and coend
fibered limit
1. Idea
The ergodic decomposition theorem says that, under some conditions, every invariant measure is a mixture of ergodic ones .
In terms of category theory , the statement can be often expressed in terms of a categorical limit .
2. Statement of the theorem
3. Examples
4. Almost sure version
6. References
Terence Tao , What’s new? Lecture 9: Ergodicity , blog entry.
Sean Moss, Paolo Perrone , A category-theoretic proof of the ergodic decomposition theorem , Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 2023. (arXiv:2207.07353 )
Noé Ensarguet, Paolo Perrone , Categorical probability spaces, ergodic decompositions, and transitions to equilibrium, arXiv:2310.04267
Created on July 15, 2024 at 16:13:57.
See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.