nLab residually discrete local ring

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Constructivism, Realizability, Computability



In classical mathematics, every Heyting field is a discrete field, which means that the residue field of a local ring is automatically a discrete field. However, in constructive mathematics, there are Heyting fields which are not discrete fields, which means that there are local rings whose residue fields are not discrete fields. Hence, the concept of a residually discrete local ring in constructive mathematics, where the residue field of the local ring is a discrete field.

Warning: residually discrete locally rings are not the same as discrete local rings, which are local rings which are also discrete rings. In constructive mathematics, there exist residually discrete local rings which are not discrete, such as power series rings of discrete fields, which are residually discrete local Heyting integral domains that are not provably discrete integral domains.


A local ring is a residually discrete local ring if any of the following equivalent conditions hold:



Last revised on January 2, 2025 at 07:41:36. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.