nLab Author — Mark John Hopkins


Mark John Hopkins has contributed to 61 nLab pages.

Most recent contributions

restriction of scalars 19:40:06, July 09 2024
symplectic manifold 05:14:54, June 03 2024
permutation representation 04:39:43, May 31 2024
complex Lie group 04:35:13, May 21 2024
super Cartesian space 20:46:40, May 20 2024
classifying space 09:16:42, May 16 2024
universal vector bundle 08:37:25, May 15 2024
vector bundle 15:04:45, May 12 2024
one-point compactification 08:27:07, May 11 2024
basic complex line bundle on the 2-sphere 06:42:04, May 11 2024
tautological line bundle 06:04:23, May 11 2024
tautological line bundle 05:23:14, May 11 2024
dilaton 12:48:34, May 09 2024
weak homotopy equivalence 03:26:17, May 08 2024
perturbative quantum field theory 05:34:40, March 29 2024
strict 2-group 04:40:24, March 24 2024
semicartesian monoidal category 02:20:59, March 13 2024
proper map 12:12:18, February 11 2024
HowTo 05:01:06, February 06 2024
preordered object 04:57:16, February 06 2024
algebraic category 04:33:39, February 06 2024
Nelson arithmetic 12:22:23, February 05 2024
stuff, structure, property 01:08:29, February 01 2024
essential fiber 08:29:00, January 30 2024
category of elements 05:38:53, January 30 2024
Tannaka duality 03:56:16, January 25 2024
redirect 12:42:53, January 07 2024
flat functor 07:32:12, December 14 2023
Sandbox 07:30:24, December 14 2023
rig 06:11:58, December 07 2023

All pages contributed to