Redirected from "collapse of the wave-function".
under construction, for a more coherent account see (hpqg).
Geometric quantization
Higher geometry
Higher geometric quantization is meant to complete this table:
Being a concept in higher geometry, higher geometric quantization is formulated naturally in (∞,1)-topos theory. More precisely, since it involves not just cohomology but differential cohomology, it is formulated in cohesive (∞,1)-topos theory (cohesive homotopy type theory).
In this context, write for the cohesive moduli ∞-stack of circle n-bundles with connection, in the ambient cohesive (∞,1)-topos . Then for any object to be thought of as the moduli ∞-stack of fields or as the target space for a sigma-model, a morphism
modulates a circle n-bundle with connection on . We regard this as a extended action functional in that for of cohomological dimension and sufficiently compact so that fiber integration in ordinary differential cohomology applies, the transgression of to low codimension reproduces the traditional ingredients
| transgression of to | meaning in geometric quantization |
| | action functional |
| | ordinary (off-shell) prequantum circle bundle |
The idea is to consider the higher geometric quantization not just of the low codimension transgressions, but of all transgressions of . The basic constructions that higher geometric quantization is concerned with are indicated in the following table. All of them have also a fundamental interpretation in twisted cohomology (independent of any interpretation in the context of quantization) this is indicated in the right column of the table:
higher geometric quantization | cohesive homotopy type theory | twisted cohomology |
n-plectic ∞-groupoid | | twisting cocycle in de Rham cohomology |
symplectomorphism group | | |
prequantum circle n-bundle | | twisting cocycle in differential cohomology |
Planck's constant | | divisibility of twisting class |
quantomorphism group Heisenberg group | | twist automorphism ∞-group |
Hamiltonian quantum observables with Poisson bracket | | infinitesimal twist automorphisms |
Hamiltonian actions of a smooth ∞-group / dual moment maps | | -∞-action on the twisting |
gauge reduction | | -∞-quotient of the twisting |
Hamiltonian symplectomorphisms | ∞-image of | twists in de Rham cohomology that lift to differential cohomology |
∞-representation of n-group on | | local coefficient bundle |
prequantum space of states | | cocycles in -twisted V-cohomology |
prequantum operator | | ∞-action of twist automorphisms on twisted cocycles |
trace to higher dimension | | fiber integration in ordinary differential cohomology adjoined with one in nonabelian differential cohomology |
Ordinary symplectic manifolds
While only integral presymplectic forms have a prequantization to a prequantum circle bundle with connection, hence to a -principal 2-bundle, a general 2-form has a higher prequantization given by a connection on a 2-bundle on a principal 2-bundle with structure-2-group that coming from the crossed module , where is the discrete group of periods of the 2-form.
This is discussed further at prequantization of non-integral 2-forms.
Of 2-plectic -groupoids
In codimension 2
In codimension 1
Proposition There is a lift of coefficient bundles to loop space
where on the left we have loop space objects formed in and on the bottom we have fiber integration in ordinary differential cohomology.
Forming the pasting composite with this sends 2-states and 2-operators in codimension 2 to ordinary states and operators in codimension 1.
In particular it sends twisted bundles to sections of a line bundle.
For a D-brane and the B-field, this reproduces Freed-Witten anomaly cancellation mechanism.
-Chern-Simons theory
∞-Chern-Simons theory
a smooth ∞-group,
a universal differential characteristic map.
The following examples are of this form.
Extended abelian Chern-Simons theory
higher dimensional Chern-Simons theory
prequantum circle (4k+3)-bundle
from Beilinson-Deligne cup product
The quantomorphism -group of this should be
For there is, up to equivalence, a unique autoequivalence
the one induced by the nontrivial automorphism of . Since the cup-product is strictly invariant under this, this extends to
But for any further nontrivial such autoequivalence in the slice we would need in particular a gauge transformation parameterized by -forms over test manifolds from to itself. But the only closed -forms that we can produce naturally from are multiples of . But these all vanish since is of odd degree .
For the total space of the prequantum circle 3-bundle of -Chern-Simons theory over the point is the smooth moduli 2-stack of differential T-duality structures.
Extended 3d -Chern-Simons theory
So Planck's constant here is (relative to the naive multiple).
The total space of the prequantum 3-bundle is
as it appears in The moduli 3-stack of the C-field.
But the quantomorphism group of this will be small, as the Chern-Simons form is far from being gauge invariant.
See the discussion at Chern-Simons theory – Geometric quantization – In higher codimension.
Extended 3d -Chern-Simons theory
However, when we consider CS theory given by
then diagonal gauge transformations have interesting extensions to quantomorphisms, because for the given gauge transformation at stage of definition , the Chern-Simons form transforms by an exact term
Extended 7d -Chern-Simons theory
So Planck's constant here is (relative to the naive multiple).
The total space of the prequantum 7-bundle is
Wess-Zumino-Witten theory
Differentially twisted looping of -Chern-Simons theory
Ordinary -WZW model
studied in (Rogers PhD, section 4.2).
-WZW model
-WZW model
duality between algebra and geometry
geometry | category | dual category | algebra |
topology | | | commutative algebra |
topology | | | comm. C-star-algebra |
noncomm. topology | | | general C-star-algebra |
algebraic geometry | | | commutative ring |
noncomm. algebraic geometry | | | fin. gen. associative algebra |
differential geometry | | | commutative algebra |
supergeometry | | | supercommutative superalgebra |
formal higher supergeometry (super Lie theory) | | | differential graded-commutative superalgebra (“FDAs”) |
in physics:
2-geometric quantization over smooth manifolds is discussed in section 6 and section 7 of
with further indications in
- Chris Rogers, Higher geometric quantization, at Higher Structures 2011 (pdf)
The special case of geometric quantization over infinitesimal action groupoids can be described in terms of BRST complexes. For references on this see Geometric quantization – References – Geometric BRST quantization.
Higher geometric quantization in a cohesive (∞,1)-topos over smooth ∞-groupoids is discussed in
and the examples of higher Chern-Simons theories in