This entry is about regular elements in ring theory and commutative algebra. For regular elements in formal logic and topology, see regular element. For regular elements in physics/quantum field theory see at regularization (physics).
Given a commutative ring , an element is left cancellative or left regular if for all and , then .
An element is right cancellative or right regular if for all and , then .
An element is cancellative or regular if it is both left cancellative and right cancellative.
The multiplicative subset of cancellative elements in is the multiplicative subset of all cancellative elements in
The term ‘cancellative element’ could be replaced with the synonym ‘regular element’. If the synonym ‘regular element’ is used in place of ‘cancellative element’, such as in Lombardi & Quitté 2010, then this multiplicative subset is typically written as .
This is also called the filter of regular elements in , as in Lombardi & Quitté 2010. Similarly as above, ‘regular element’ could be replaced with ‘cancellative element’.
Since the multiplicative identity element is always cancellative, the multiplicative subset of all cancellative elements forms a cancellative monoid.
Proposition 3.1. For a commutative ring , given elements , if the product is cancellative, then both and are cancellative.
By this proposition, a commutative ring is a strict approximate integral domain if the following condition holds:
Theorem 3.2. For a strict approximate integral domain , the addition and multiplication operations on are strongly extensional with respect to the canonical apartness relation defined by iff is cancellative.
In this way becomes an internal commutative ring object in the category , consisting of sets with apartness relations and maps (strongly extensional functions) between them.
Proof. Recall that products in the category of sets with apartness relations is the cartesian product of the underlying sets equipped with the apartness relation defined by iff in or in . Recall also that a function between sets with apartness relations is strongly extensional if implies .
For addition, for all elements , , , , if , then is cancellative, so or is cancellative since for all elements and , if the sum is cancellative, then either is cancellative or is cancellative, whence . Thus addition is strongly extensional.
For multiplication, for all elements , , , , if , then is cancellative. Write . Since for all elements and , if the sum is cancellative, then either is cancellative or is cancellative, either is cancellative or is cancellative. Since for all elements and , if is cancellative, then is cancellative and is cancellative, either is cancellative or is, whence . So multiplication is also strongly extensional. ▮
Theorem 3.3. Given a commutative ring , if an element is a cancellative element, then it is a non-zero-divisor, where non-zero-divisor is defined as an element such that for every element , or implies that .
Proof. Suppose that is cancellative. This means that for all elements and , implies that and implies that . For the first equation, subtracting from both sides of the equation leads to , and for the second equation, subtraction from both sides of the equation leads to . Subtracting from both sides of leads to . Defining the element results in the condition that for every element , implies that and implies that , which implies that is a non-zero-divisor. ▮
Theorem 3.4. Given a commutative ring , if an element is a non-zero-divisor, then it is cancellative.
Proof. Suppose that is a non-zero-divisor. This means that for every element , or implies that . However, since is a commutative ring, if , then , so the statement or implies that implies the statement that implies that and implies that . Since is an abelian group, by definition of an abelian group, the image of the binary subtraction function is itself, and thus, one could replace with for elements and , resulting in the statement that implies that and implies that . Adding to each side of the first equation, to each side of the second equation, and to each side fo the third equation leads to the statement that implies that and implies that , which is precisely the definition of cancellative element. Thus, every non-zero-divisor is a cancellative element. ▮
Thus, we have established that cancellative elements and non-zero-divisors are the same thing in a commutative ring. However, the proof relies on the abelian group structure of commutative rings, and this property does not necessarily hold in other algebraic structures where the concepts of cancellative element and non-zero-divisor make sense, such as in rigs or absorption monoids.
Since a zero-divisor is defined in the nLab as not being a non-zero-divisor,
Theorem 3.5. In a commutative ring , an element is a zero-divisor if and only if it is non-cancellative
The theorems relating cancellative elements to zero-divisors provide alternative definition of the various (commutative) integral domains in constructive mathematics in terms of cancellative elements, in analogy with the definition of fields in terms of invertible elements:
Definition 3.6. A commutative ring is a integral domain if an element is non-cancellative (or equivalently, a zero-divisor) iff it is zero. In addition to , this condition means that every non-cancellative element (or equivalenty, zero-divisor) is zero.
Definition 3.7. A commutative ring is a Heyting integral domain if it is an integral domain and additionally, for all elements and , if the sum is cancellative, then either is cancellative or is cancellative.
Theorem 3.8. In addition to , the above condition in a Heyting integral domain then means that every element apart from is cancellative.
Definition 3.9. A commutative ring is a discrete integral domain if all elements are cancellative xor equal to zero. This condition means that every element is either or cancellative, and it also implies that .
Given the above definitions of an integral domain, a field could be defined as an integral domain where every cancellative element is a unit, or equivalently, an integral domain whose multiplicative subset of cancellative elements is the group of units.
For every commutative ring , the ring of fractions is defined in Quinn2009 to be the localization of at the multiplicative subset of cancellative elements, . This is similar to the Grothendieck group construction of a general cancellative monoid: the multiplicative subset of cancellative elements in is the group of units in .
If is an integral domain, then is the field of fractions of .
In Lombardi & Quitté 2010, a unique factorization domain is defined as a GCD domain for which the quotient monoid of the multiplicative subset of cancellative elements by the group of units admits a complete factorization.
Henri Lombardi, Claude Quitté (2010): Commutative algebra: Constructive methods (Finite projective modules) Translated by Tania K. Roblo, Springer (2015) (doi:10.1007/978-94-017-9944-7, pdf)
Frank Quinn, Proof Projects for Teachers (2009) [pdf, pdf]
Last revised on August 19, 2024 at 15:07:48. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.