nLab Bousfield-Kan formula


Homotopy theory

homotopy theory, (∞,1)-category theory, homotopy type theory

flavors: stable, equivariant, rational, p-adic, proper, geometric, cohesive, directed

models: topological, simplicial, localic, …

see also algebraic topology



Paths and cylinders

Homotopy groups

Basic facts


Model category theory

model category, model \infty -category



Universal constructions


Producing new model structures

Presentation of (,1)(\infty,1)-categories

Model structures

for \infty-groupoids

for ∞-groupoids

for equivariant \infty-groupoids

for rational \infty-groupoids

for rational equivariant \infty-groupoids

for nn-groupoids

for \infty-groups

for \infty-algebras

general \infty-algebras

specific \infty-algebras

for stable/spectrum objects

for (,1)(\infty,1)-categories

for stable (,1)(\infty,1)-categories

for (,1)(\infty,1)-operads

for (n,r)(n,r)-categories

for (,1)(\infty,1)-sheaves / \infty-stacks

(,1)(\infty,1)-Limits and colimits



The Bousfield-Kan formula (BK72) is a presentation of colimits (or dually, limits) in ( , 1 ) (\infty,1) -categories (i.e., homotopy colimits) in terms of coproducts and colimits of simplicial objects.

In ordinary category theory, the colimit of a diagram F:ICF \colon I\to C may be computed as a coequalizer of the parallel pair

c 0c 1Fc 0 cFc. \coprod_{c_{0}\to c_{1}}F c_{0} \rightrightarrows \coprod_{c}F c \,.

When CC is an (,1)(\infty,1)-category, we need to take “higher data” into account. So we take the geometric realization (i.e., Δ op\Delta^{op}-indexed colimit) of the simplicial object

B (*,I,F)=( c 0c 1c 2Fc 0 c 0c 1Fc 0 cCFc). B_{\bullet}(\ast,I,F) \;=\; \left( \cdots \coprod_{c_{0}\to c_{1}\to c_{2}} F c_{0} \Rrightarrow \coprod_{c_{0}\to c_{1}} F c_{0} \rightrightarrows \coprod_{c\in C} F c \right) \,.

This can be formalized as follows: There is an “initial vertex” functor init:(Δ /I) opI\mathrm{init} \colon (\Delta_{/I})^{op}\to I from the opposite of the category of simplices of II, which is homotopy final. Thus,

colim IFcolim (Δ /I) op(Finit). \mathrm{colim}_{I} F \;\simeq\; \mathrm{colim}_{(\Delta_{/I})^{op}}(F\circ\mathrm{init}) \,.

The simplicial object B (*,I,F)B_{\bullet}(\ast,I,F) is just the left Kan extension of FinitF\circ\mathrm{init} along the projection (Δ /I) opΔ op(\Delta_{/I})^{op}\to\Delta^{op}, so we have

colim (Δ /I) op(Finit)colim Δ opB (*,I,F). \mathrm{colim}_{(\Delta_{/I})^{op}} (F\circ\mathrm{init}) \simeq \mathrm{colim}_{\Delta^{op}}B_{\bullet}(\ast,I,F) \,.

Particular Implementations in Model Categories

Via Geometric Realizations

In a simplicial model category CC, homotopy colimits indexed by Δ op\Delta^{op} are modeled by geometric realization (see there). Therefore, the Bousfield-Kan formula for the homotopy colimit of a (pointwise cofibrant) diagram FcolomICF \colom I\to C is computed by

hocolim IF|B (*,I,F)|. {\mathrm {hocolim}}_{I}F \simeq {\big|B_{\bullet}(\ast,I,F)\big|} \,.

Textbook account includes Rie14, Chapter 5.

Via Functor Tensor Product

Let F:ICF \colon I\to C be a (pointwise cofibrant) diagram in a simplicial model category. Some coend calculus shows Rie14, 6.6.1 that

|B (*,I,F)| iIN(I /i)F(i)N(I /) IF. \big\vert B_{\bullet}(\ast,I,F) \big\vert \;\cong\; \int^{i\in I}N(I_{/i})\otimes F(i) \;\eqqcolon\; N(I_{/-})\otimes_{I}F \,.

The right hand side is also called the Bousfield-Kan formula.

In Model Categories with Framings

A cosimplicial framing on a model category is roughly a functorial choice of cosimplicial resolutions Hir03, Chapter 16. With this data, we can formally mimic the Bousfield-Kan formula, and this is adopted as the definition of homotopy colimits in Hir03, Chapter19; that this approach is equivalent to the ordinary notion of homotopy colimits is established in AO23 (for combinatorial model categories) and Ara23, Theorem 1.16 (for general model categories).

Bousfield–Kan map

In a simplicial model category (this can be generalized, as discussed above), there are two formulas for homotopy colimits of simplicial objects: The Bousfield–Kan formula, and geometric realization. The Bousfield–Kan map(s) compare these formulas.

More precisely, let CC be an (SSet,=×\otimes = \times)-enriched category and write

Δ:ΔSet Δ op \Delta : \Delta \to Set^{\Delta^{op}}

for the canonical cosimplicial simplicial set (the adjunct of the hom-functor Δ op×ΔSet\Delta^{op} \times \Delta \to Set).

Write furthermore N(Δ/):ΔSet Δ opN(\Delta/-) : \Delta \to Set^{\Delta^{op}} for the fat simplex, the cosimplicial simplicial set which assigns to [n][n] the nerve of the overcategory Δ/[n]\Delta / [n].

The Bousfield–Kan map of cosimplicial simplicial maps is a canonical morphism

φ:N(Δ/())Δ \varphi \,\colon\, N\big(\Delta/(-)\big) \longrightarrow \Delta

of cosimplicial simplicial sets.

This can also be regarded as a morphism

φ:N(()/Δ op) opΔ. \varphi \,\colon\, N\big( (-)/\Delta^{op} \big)^{op} \longrightarrow \Delta \,.

This morphism induces the following morphisms between (co)simplicial objects in CC.

Bousfield–Kan for simplicial objects

For X:Δ opCX \,\colon\, \Delta^\op \to C any simplicial object in CC, the realization of XX is the coend

|X|X Δ opΔ [n]ΔX nΔ n, {|X|} \;\coloneqq\; X \otimes_{\Delta^{op}} \Delta \;\coloneqq\; \int^{[n] \in \Delta} X_n \otimes \Delta^n \,,

where in the integrand we have the copower (or tensoring) of CC by sSet.

Here the Bousfield–Kan map is the morphism

X Δ opN(()/Δ op) opId X Δ opϕX Δ opΔ. X \otimes_{\Delta^{op}} N\big((-)/\Delta^{op}\big)^{op} \stackrel {Id_X \otimes_{\Delta^{op}} \phi } {\longrightarrow} X \otimes_{\Delta^{op}} \Delta \,.

Bousfield–Kan for cosimplicial objects

There is also the Bousfield–Kan map for cosimplicial objects:

For X:ΔCX \,\colon\, \Delta \to C any cosimplicial object, its totalization is the Δ\Delta-weighted limit

TotXlim ΔX [nΔ]X n Δ n, Tot X \;\coloneqq\; lim^\Delta X \;\simeq\; \int_{[n \in \Delta]} X_n^{\Delta^n} \,,

where in the integrand we have the power or cotensor X n Δ n=(Δ,X n)X_n^{\Delta^n} = \pitchfork(\Delta, X_n) of CC by SSet.

Here the Bousfield–Kan morphism is the morphism

TotXhom(Δ,X)hom(ϕ,Id X)hom(N(Δ/()ig),X). Tot X \simeq hom(\Delta,X) \stackrel {hom(\phi,Id_X)} {\longrightarrow} hom\Big( N\big(\Delta/(-)\ig) ,\, X \Big) \,.

If the simplicial object XX is Reedy-cofibrant then its Bousfield–Kan map is a natural weak equivalence.

If the co-simplicial object XX is Reedy fibrant then its Bousfield–Kan map is a natural weak equivalence.


This can be proven for instance using homotopy colimits in the Reedy model structure. Details are at Reedy model structure – over the simplex category.


When the cosimplicial object XX is degreewise fibrant, then

lim N(Δ/())XholimX lim^{N(\Delta/(-))} X \simeq holim X

computes the homotopy limit of XX as a weighted limit (as explained there). Then the above theorem says that the homotopy limit is already computed by the totalization

holimXlim ΔX. holim X \simeq lim^\Delta X \,.


The Bousfield-Kan formula was introduced in:

Discussion in model categories:

Discussions in simplicial model categories:

See also:

Last revised on February 16, 2025 at 10:36:07. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.