nLab Spectral Mackey functor theorem



Homotopy theory

homotopy theory, (∞,1)-category theory, homotopy type theory

flavors: stable, equivariant, rational, p-adic, proper, geometric, cohesive, directed

models: topological, simplicial, localic, …

see also algebraic topology



Paths and cylinders

Homotopy groups

Basic facts


Representation theory



Let GG be a finite group. The Wirthmüller isomorphism implies that the suspension G-spectrum of a transitive G-set is 𝕊 G\mathbb{S}_G-linearly self-dual; in particular, given a map [G/K][G/H][G/K] \rightarrow [G/H], self-duality yields a transfer map Σ G,+ [G/H]Σ G,+ [G/K]\Sigma_{G,+}^\infty [G/H] \rightarrow \Sigma_{G,+}^{\infty} [G/K]. This underlies a functor from the Burnside category into Sp G\mathrm{Sp}_G; taking mapping spectra out of [G/K][G/K] then yields a functor from GG-spectra to Mackey functors valued in spectra:

F:Sp GFun ×(Span(𝔽 G),Sp). F\colon \mathrm{Sp}_G \rightarrow \mathrm{Fun}^{\times}\left(\mathrm{Span}(\mathbb{F}_G), \mathrm{Sp}\right).

The Spectral Mackey functor theorem states that FF is an equivalence.

Precise statements

The first proof of the Spectral Mackey functor appeared in Guillou-May 11. To state it, we write Sp G O\mathrm{Sp}_G^{O} for the model category of orthogonal GG-spectra, and Sp O\mathrm{Sp}^O for orthogonal spectra. Sp G O\mathrm{Sp}_G^O comes enriched over Sp O\mathrm{Sp}^O, as does the projective model structure on the spectral presheaf category Fun Sp 𝒪(Span +(𝔽 G) op,Sp O)\mathrm{Fun}_{\mathrm{Sp}^{\mathcal{O}}}(\mathrm{Span}^+(\mathbb{F}_G)^{\op}, \mathrm{Sp}^O).


There is a zigzag of Sp O\mathrm{Sp}^O-enriched quillen equivalences connecting Sp G O\mathrm{Sp}_G^O and Fun Sp 𝒪(Span +(𝔽 G) op,Sp O)\mathrm{Fun}_{\mathrm{Sp}^{\mathcal{O}}}(\mathrm{Span}^+(\mathbb{F}_G)^{\op}, \mathrm{Sp}^O).

This presents an \infty-categorical equivalence, who was later directly proved using \infty-categorical means in Nardin 16. The strategy is to recognize the G-∞-category of orthogonal G-spectra? as the GG-stabilization of G-spaces; then, one may recognize GG-stability as equivalent to naive stability and GG-semiadditivity. Since each are presented by smashing localizations of the \infty-category of presentable GG-\infty-categories, these processes preserve each other; GG-semiadditivization of a GG-category of coefficient systems is computed by (semi)-Mackey functors, and naive stabilization by stabilization of the value category, so GG-stabilization of coefficient systems in 𝒞\mathcal{C} is equivalent to Mackey functors valued in spectrum objects in 𝒞\mathcal{C}. Said altogether, Nardin proved the following.


The forgetful GG-functor Sp G O[weq 1]𝒮 G\mathrm{Sp}_G^O[\mathrm{weq}^{-1}] \rightarrow \mathcal{S}_G lifts through an equivalence

Sp G O[weq 1]Fun ×(Span(𝔽 G),Sp). \mathrm{Sp}_G^O[\mathrm{weq}^{-1}] \simeq \mathrm{Fun}^\times \left( \mathrm{Span}(\mathbb{F}_G), \mathrm{Sp} \right).


Created on January 11, 2025 at 12:59:35. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.