manifolds and cobordisms
cobordism theory, Introduction
Genera and invariants
The Wu manifold is the coset space
namely the quotient space of the Lie group SU(3) by the right multiplication action of its subgroup SO(3).
(Crowley 11, Debray)
Proposition 2.1. is a simply connected rational -homology sphere (with non-trivial homology groups , and ); but it is not homotopy 5-sphere.
Proposition 2.2. has the cohomology groups:
Proposition 2.3. is a generator of the oriented bordism ring .
(Crowley 11, Debray)
Proposition 2.4. The Wu manifold is a spinʰ manifold, which does not allow a spinᶜ structure.
The Wu manifold:
See also:
Last revised on July 19, 2024 at 13:36:59. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.