nLab cancellative binary function




Monoid theory



A version of cancellative magmas where the binary function’s codomain need not coincide with its domain set. This allows the concept to be generalised from magmas and monoids to other binary functions such as actions and modules.


Given sets AA, BB, and CC, a binary function f:A×BCf:A \times B \to C is left cancellative if for all cBc \in B and dBd \in B, if ac=ada \cdot c = a \cdot d for all aAa \in A, then c=dc = d, and it is right cancellative if for all aAa \in A and bAb \in A, if ac=bca \cdot c = b \cdot c for all cAc \in A, then a=ba = b. It is cancellative if it is both left cancellative and right cancellative.

See also

Last revised on August 21, 2024 at 02:32:27. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.