nLab classical set

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(0,1)(0,1)-Category theory




The basis of it all

 Set theory

set theory

Foundational axioms

foundational axioms

Removing axioms

Constructivism, Realizability, Computability



In constructive mathematics, equality and denial inequality of sets do not have all the properties that they do in classical mathematics. Hence, a classical set is a set in which equality and denial inequality do behave as they do in classical mathematics.

“Classical sets” is a placeholder name for a concept which may or may not have another name in the mathematics literature. The idea however is that classical sets in constructive mathematics are those whose equality and denial inequality behave as they do in classical mathematics.


A classical set is

The two conditions are equivalent:

  • Decidable equality implies stable equality, which implies that if denial inequality is an apartness relation, it is a tight apartness relation, meaning that the tight apartness relation is decidable.

  • Conversely, every decidable tight apartness relation implies that the tight apartness relation is a stable relation and thus equivalent to denial inequality; hence denial inequality is decidable and an apartness relation and equality is also decidable.

Note that classical sets are not the same as sets with decidable equality, there are possibly sets with decidable equality and with a tight apartness relation which cannot be proved decidable, such as the real numbers with analytic WLPO but no analytic LPO.

The category of classical sets

The category of classical sets is the category whose objects are classical sets and whose morphisms are functions. Since tight apartness coincides with denial inequality in classical sets, every function between classical sets is a strongly extensional function.

In constructive mathematics, the category of classical sets is a Heyting category. In particular,

  • finite sets are classical sets

  • The natural numbers are a classical set

  • the disjoint union of two classical sets is itself a classical set

  • the indexed disjoint union of a family of classical sets indexed by a classical set is a classical set

  • The preimage of a function f:ABf:A \to B between two classical sets AA and BB at an element bb of BB is a classical set.

  • the product of two classical sets is itself a classical set

  • any subsingleton is a classical set, and in particular

  • more generally, any subset of a classical set is a classical set, and in particular

    • subfinite sets are classical sets

    • subcountable sets are classical sets

    • the disjoint union of any family of subsingletons is a classical set

    • Given a classical set AA with a equivalence relation \sim, one can construct the quotient set A/A / \sim. If one can construct a section of the unique surjection which takes elements of AA to its equivalence class in A/A / \sim, then A/A / \sim is a classical set.

Further axioms can be assumed of the category of classical sets which are not neutrally constructive:

((x.¬R(x,x))(x,y.R(x,y)R(y,x))(x,y,z.R(x,y)R(y,z)R(x,z)))(x,y.R(x,y)¬R(x,y))((\forall x.\neg R(x, x)) \wedge (\forall x, y.R(x, y) \Rightarrow R(y, x)) \wedge (\forall x, y, z.R(x, y) \wedge R(y, z) \Rightarrow R(x, z))) \Rightarrow (\forall x, y.R(x, y) \vee \neg R(x, y))

The category of classical sets being cartesian closed implies that the boolean domain is the initial Boolean algebra with all joins and meets indexed by classical sets. If every set is a classical set, this implies that the boolean domain is a complete Boolean algebra.

If classical sets are cartesian closed, there is a cartesian closed subcategory of the category of classical sets, which is the initial cartesian closed category with pullbacks and closed under finite sets and the natural numbers. This cartesian closed subcategory is a Boolean topos since if classical sets are cartesian closed, the only subsingletons that can be generated by finite sets and natural numbers in a cartesian closed category with pullbacks are the decidable subsingletons. This means that cartesian closure of classical sets is sufficient to replicate the entirety of (neutral, impredicative) classical mathematics in constructive mathematics, so long as one only works inside the Boolean subtopos.


Working with decidable subsets of sets with a decidable tight apartness makes constructive mathematics very much like classical mathematics. This is why constructivism has few consequences for basic combinatorics and algebra (although it does have important consequences for more advanced topics in those fields). In analysis, in contrast, constructivism matters right away, because constructively the set of real numbers may not have decidable tight apartness.

Last revised on August 31, 2024 at 14:55:21. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.