model category, model -category
Universal constructions
Producing new model structures
Presentation of -categories
Model structures
for -groupoids
on chain complexes/model structure on cosimplicial abelian groups
related by the Dold-Kan correspondence
for equivariant -groupoids
for rational -groupoids
for rational equivariant -groupoids
for -groupoids
for -groups
for -algebras
general -algebras
specific -algebras
for stable/spectrum objects
for -categories
for stable -categories
for -operads
for -categories
for -sheaves / -stacks
A model structure on spectra for orthogonal spectra.
The category of orthogonal spectra is a presentation of the symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra, with the special property that it implements the smash product of spectra such as to yield itself a symmetric monoidal model category of spectra: the model structure on orthogonal spectra. This implies in particular that with respect to this symmetric smash product of spectra an E-∞ ring is presented simply as a plain commutative monoid in orthogonal spectra.
When defining a commutative ring as an abelian group equipped with an associative, commutative and untial bilinear pairing
one evidently makes crucial use of the tensor product of abelian groups . That tensor product itself gives the category Ab of all abelian groups a structure similar to that of a ring, namely it equips it with a pairing
that is a functor out of the product category of Ab with itself, satisfying category-theoretic analogs of the properties of associativity, commutativity and unitality.
One says that a ring is a commutative monoid in the category Ab of abelian groups, and that this concept makes sense since itself is a symmetric monoidal category.
Now in stable homotopy theory, as we have seen above, the category Ab is improved to the stable homotopy category (def. ), or rather to any stable model structure on spectra presenting it. Hence in order to correspondingly refine commutative monoids in Ab (namely commutative rings) to commutative monoids in Ho(Spectra) (namely commutative ring spectra), there needs to be a suitable symmetric monoidal category structure on the category of spectra. Its analog of the tensor product of abelian groups is to be called the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra. The problem is how to construct it.
The theory for handling such a problem is categorical algebra. Here we discuss the minimum of categorical algebra that will allow us to elegantly construct the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra.
We want to lift the concepts of ring and module from abelian groups to spectra. This requires a general idea of what it means to generalize these concepts at all. The abstract theory of such generalizations is that of monoid in a monoidal category.
We recall the basic definitions of monoidal categories and of monoids and modules internal to monoidal categories. We list archetypical examples at the end of this section, starting with example 2.8 below. These examples are all fairly immediate. The point of the present discussion is to construct the non-trivial example of Day convolution monoidal stuctures below.
Definition 2.1. A (pointed) topologically enriched monoidal category is a (pointed) topologically enriched category (def.) equipped with
a (pointed) topologically enriched functor (def.)
out of the (pointed) topologival product category of with itself (def. 2.25), called the tensor product,
an object
called the unit object or tensor unit,
called the associator,
called the left unitor, and a natural isomorphism
called the right unitor,
such that the following two kinds of diagrams commute, for all objects involved:
triangle identity:
the pentagon identity:
Lemma 2.2. (Kelly 64)
Let be a monoidal category, def. 2.1. Then the left and right unitors and satisfy the following conditions:
for all objects the following diagrams commutes:
For proof see at monoidal category this lemma and this lemma.
Remark 2.3. Just as for an associative algebra it is sufficient to demand and and in order to have that expressions of arbitrary length may be re-bracketed at will, so there is a coherence theorem for monoidal categories which states that all ways of composing the unitors and associators in a monoidal category (def. 2.1) to go from one expression to another will coincide. Accordingly, much as one may drop the notation for the bracketing in an associative algebra altogether, so one may, with due care, reason about monoidal categories without always making all unitors and associators explicit.
Definition 2.4. A (pointed) topological braided monoidal category, is a (pointed) topological monoidal category (def. 2.1) equipped with a natural isomorphism
called the braiding, such that the following two kinds of diagrams commute for all objects involved (“hexagon identities”):
where denotes the components of the associator of .
Definition 2.5. A (pointed) topological symmetric monoidal category is a (pointed) topological braided monoidal category (def. 2.4) for which the braiding
satisfies the condition:
for all objects
Definition 2.6. Given a (pointed) topological symmetric monoidal category with tensor product (def. 2.5) it is called a closed monoidal category if for each the functor has a right adjoint, denoted
hence if there are natural bijections
for all objects .
Since for the case that is the tensor unit of this means that
the object is an enhancement of the ordinary hom-set to an object in . Accordingly, it is also called the internal hom between and .
In a closed monoidal category, the adjunction isomorphism between tensor product and internal hom even holds internally:
Proposition 2.7. In a symmetric closed monoidal category (def. 2.6) there are natural isomorphisms
whose image under are the defining natural bijections of def. 2.6.
Proof. Let be any object. By applying the defining natural bijections twice, there are composite natural bijections
Since this holds for all , the Yoneda lemma (the fully faithfulness of the Yoneda embedding) says that there is an isomorphism . Moreover, by taking in the above and using the left unitor isomorphisms and we get a commuting diagram
Example 2.8. The category Set of sets and functions between them, regarded as enriched in discrete topological spaces, becomes a symmetric monoidal category according to def. 2.5 with tensor product the Cartesian product of sets. The associator, unitor and braiding isomorphism are the evident (almost unnoticable but nevertheless nontrivial) canonical identifications.
Similarly the category of compactly generated topological spaces (def.) becomes a symmetric monoidal category with tensor product the corresponding Cartesian products, hence the operation of forming k-ified (cor.) product topological spaces (exmpl.). The underlying functions of the associator, unitor and braiding isomorphisms are just those of the underlying sets, as above.
Symmetric monoidal categories, such as these, for which the tensor product is the Cartesian product are called Cartesian monoidal categories.
Both examples are closed monoidal categories (def. 2.6), with internal hom the mapping spaces (prop.).
Example 2.9. The category of pointed compactly generated topological spaces with tensor product the smash product (def.)
is a symmetric monoidal category (def. 2.5) with unit object the pointed 0-sphere .
The components of the associator, the unitors and the braiding are those of Top as in example 2.8, descended to the quotient topological spaces which appear in the definition of the smash product. This works for pointed compactly generated spaces (but not for general pointed topological spaces) by this prop..
The category is also a closed monoidal category (def. 2.6), with internal hom the pointed mapping space (exmpl.)
Example 2.10. The category Ab of abelian groups, regarded as enriched in discrete topological spaces, becomes a symmetric monoidal category with tensor product the actual tensor product of abelian groups and with tensor unit the additive group of integers. Again the associator, unitor and braiding isomorphism are the evident ones coming from the underlying sets, as in example 2.8.
This is a closd monoidal cagory? with internal hom being the set of homomorphisms equipped with the pointwise group structure for then .
This is the archetypical case that motivates the notation “” for the pairing operation in a monoidal category:
Example 2.11. The category category of chain complexes , equipped with the tensor product of chain complexes is a symmetric monoidal category (def. 2.5).
In this case the braiding has a genuinely non-trivial aspect to it, beyond just the swapping of coordinates as in examples 2.8, 2.9 and def. 2.10, namely for then
and in these components the braiding isomorphism is that of Ab, but with a minus sign thrown in whener two odd-graded components are commuted.
This is a first shadow of the graded-commutativity that also exhibited by spectra.
(e.g. Hovey 99, prop. 4.2.13)
Definition 2.12. Given a (pointed) topological monoidal category , then a monoid internal to is
such that
(associativity) the following diagram commutes
where is the associator isomorphism of ;
(unitality) the following diagram commutes:
where and are the left and right unitor isomorphisms of .
Moreover, if has the structure of a symmetric monoidal category (def. 2.5) with symmetric braiding , then a monoid as above is called a commutative monoid in if in addition
(commutativity) the following diagram commutes
A homomorphism of monoids is a morphism
in , such that the following two diagrams commute
Write for the category of monoids in , and for its subcategory of commutative monoids.
Example 2.13. Given a (pointed) topological monoidal category , then the tensor unit is a monoid in (def. 2.12) with product given by either the left or right unitor
By lemma 2.2, these two morphisms coincide and define an associative product with unit the identity .
If is a symmetric monoidal category (def. 2.5), then this monoid is a commutative monoid.
Example 2.14. Given a symmetric monoidal category (def. 2.5), and given two commutative monoids (def. {MonoidsInMonoidalCategory}), then the tensor product becomes itself a commutative monoid with unit morphism
(where the first isomorphism is, (lemma 2.2)) and with product morphism given by
(where we are notationally suppressing the associators and where denotes the braiding of ).
That this definition indeed satisfies associativity and commutativity follows from the corresponding properties of , and from the hexagon identities for the braiding (def. 2.4) and from symmetry of the braiding.
Definition 2.15. Given a (pointed) topological monoidal category (def. 2.1), and given a monoid in (def. 2.12), then a left module object in over is
such that
(unitality) the following diagram commutes:
where is the left unitor isomorphism of .
(action property) the following diagram commutes
A homomorphism of left -module objects
is a morphism
in , such that the following diagram commutes:
For the resulting category of modules of left -modules in with -module homomorphisms between them, we write
This is naturally a (pointed) topologically enriched category itself.
Example 2.16. Given a monoidal category (def. 2.1) with the tensor unit regarded as a monoid in a monoidal category via example 2.13, then the left unitor
makes every object into a left module, according to def. 2.15, over . The action property holds due to lemma 2.2. This gives an equivalence of categories
of with the category of modules over its tensor unit.
Example 2.17. The archetypical case in which all these abstract concepts reduce to the basic familiar ones is the symmetric monoidal category Ab of abelian groups from example 2.10.
A commutative monoid in in (def. 2.12) is equivalently a commutative ring .
An -module object in (def. 2.15) is equivalently an -module;
The tensor product of -module objects (def. 2.20) is the standard tensor product of modules.
The category of module objects (def. 2.20) is the standard category of modules .
Example 2.18. Closely related to the example 2.17, but closer to the structure we will see below for spectra, are monoids in the category of chain complexes from example 2.11. These monoids are equivalently differential graded algebras.
Proposition 2.19. In the situation of def. 2.15, the monoid canonically becomes a left module over itself by setting . More generally, for any object, then naturally becomes a left -module by setting:
The -modules of this form are called free modules.
The free functor constructing free -modules is left adjoint to the forgetful functor which sends a module to the underlying object .
Proof. A homomorphism out of a free -module is a morphism in of the form
fitting into the diagram (where we are notationally suppressing the associator)
Consider the composite
i.e. the restriction of to the unit “in” . By definition, this fits into a commuting square of the form (where we are now notationally suppressing the associator and the unitor)
Pasting this square onto the top of the previous one yields
where now the left vertical composite is the identity, by the unit law in . This shows that is uniquely determined by via the relation
This natural bijection between and establishes the adjunction. ▮
Definition 2.20. Given a (pointed) topological closed symmetric monoidal category (def. 2.5, def. 2.6), given a commutative monoid in (def. 2.12), and given and two left -module objects (def.2.12), then
the tensor product of modules is, if it exists, the coequalizer
and if preserves these coequalizers, then this is equipped with the left -action induced from the left -action on
the function module is, if it exists, the equalizer
equipped with the left -action that is induced by the left -action on via
(e.g. Hovey-Shipley-Smith 00, lemma 2.2.2 and lemma 2.2.8)
Proposition 2.21. Given a (pointed) topological closed symmetric monoidal category (def. 2.5, def. 2.6), and given a commutative monoid in (def. 2.12). If all coequalizers exist in , then the tensor product of modules from def. 2.20 makes the category of modules into a symmetric monoidal category, with tensor unit the object itself, regarded as an -module via prop. 2.19.
If moreover all equalizers exist, then this is a closed monoidal category (def. 2.6) with internal hom given by the function modules of def. 2.20.
(e.g. Hovey-Shipley-Smith 00, lemma 2.2.2, lemma 2.2.8)
Proof sketch. The associators and braiding for are induced directly from those of and the universal property of coequalizers. That is the tensor unit for follows with the same kind of argument that we give in the proof of example 2.22 below. ▮
Example 2.22. For a monoid (def. 2.12) in a symmetric monoidal category (def. 2.1), the tensor product of modules (def. 2.20) of two free modules (def. 2.19) and always exists and is the free module over the tensor product in of the two generators:
Hence if has all coequalizers, so that the category of modules is a monoidal category (prop. 2.21) then the free module functor (def. 2.19) is a strong monoidal functor (def. 2.46)
Proof. It is sufficient to show that the diagram
is a coequalizer diagram (we are notationally suppressing the associators), hence that , hence that the claim holds for and .
To that end, we check the universal property of the coequalizer:
First observe that indeed coequalizes with , since this is just the associativity clause in def. 2.12. So for any other morphism with this property, we need to show that there is a unique morphism which makes this diagram commute:
We claim that
where the first morphism is the inverse of the right unitor of .
First to see that this does make the required triangle commute, consider the following pasting composite of commuting diagrams
Here the the top square is the naturality of the right unitor, the middle square commutes by the functoriality of the tensor product and the definition of the product category (def. 2.25), while the commutativity of the bottom square is the assumption that coequalizes with .
Here the right vertical composite is , while, by unitality of , the left vertical composite is the identity on , Hence the diagram says that , which we needed to show.
It remains to see that is the unique morphism with this property for given . For that let be any other morphism with . Then consider the commuting diagram
where the top left triangle is the unitality condition and the two isomorphisms are the right unitor and its inverse. The commutativity of this diagram says that . ▮
Definition 2.23. Given a monoidal category of modules as in prop. 2.21, then a monoid in (def. 2.12) is called an -algebra.
Propposition 2.24. Given a monoidal category of modules in a monoidal category as in prop. 2.21, and an -algebra (def. 2.23), then there is an equivalence of categories
between the category of commutative monoids in and the coslice category of commutative monoids in under , hence between commutative -algebras in and commutative monoids in that are equipped with a homomorphism of monoids .
(e.g. EKMM 97, VII lemma 1.3)
Proof. In one direction, consider a -algebra with unit and product . There is the underlying product
By considering a diagram of such coequalizer diagrams with middle vertical morphism , one find that this is a unit for and that is a commutative monoid in .
Then consider the two conditions on the unit . First of all this is an -module homomorphism, which means that
commutes. Moreover it satisfies the unit property
By forgetting the tensor product over , the latter gives
where the top vertical morphisms on the left the canonical coequalizers, which identifies the vertical composites on the right as shown. Hence this may be pasted to the square above, to yield a commuting square
This shows that the unit is a homomorphism of monoids .
Now for the converse direction, assume that and are two commutative monoids in with a monoid homomorphism. Then inherits a left -module structure by
By commutativity and associativity it follows that coequalizes the two induced morphisms . Hence the universal property of the coequalizer gives a factorization through some . This shows that is a commutative -algebra.
Finally one checks that these two constructions are inverses to each other, up to isomorphism. ▮
For working with pointed topologically enriched functors, a certain shape of limits/colimits is particularly relevant: these are called (pointed topological enriched) ends and coends. We here introduce these and then derive some of their basic properties, such as notably the expression for topological left Kan extension in terms of coends (prop. 2.37 below). Further below it is via left Kan extension along the ordinary smash product of pointed topological spaces (“Day convolution”) that the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra is induced.
Definition 2.25. Let be pointed topologically enriched categories (def.), i.e. enriched categories over from example 2.9.
The pointed topologically enriched opposite category is the topologically enriched category with the same objects as , with hom-spaces
and with composition given by braiding followed by the composition in :
the pointed topological product category is the topologically enriched category whose objects are pairs of objects with and , whose hom-spaces are the smash product of the separate hom-spaces
and whose composition operation is the braiding followed by the smash product of the separate composition operations:
Example 2.26. A pointed topologically enriched functor (def.) into (exmpl.) out of a pointed topological product category as in def. 2.25
(a “pointed topological bifunctor”) has component maps of the form
By functoriality and under passing to adjuncts (cor.) this is equivalent to two commuting actions
In the special case of a functor out of the product category of some with its opposite category (def. 2.25)
then this takes the form of a “pullback action” in the first variable
and a “pushforward action” in the second variable
Definition 2.27. Let be a small pointed topologically enriched category (def.), i.e. an enriched category over from example 2.9. Let
be a pointed topologically enriched functor (def.) out of the pointed topological product category of with its opposite category, according to def. 2.25.
Example 2.28. Let be a topological group. Write for the pointed topologically enriched category that has a single object , whose single hom-space is ( with a basepoint freely adjoined (def.))
and whose composition operation is the product operation in under adjoining basepoints (exmpl.)
Then a topologically enriched functor
is a pointed topological space equipped with a continuous function
satisfying the action property. Hence this is equivalently a continuous and basepoint-preserving left action (non-linear representation) of on .
The opposite category (def. 2.25) comes from the opposite group
(The canonical continuous isomorphism induces a canonical euqivalence of topologically enriched categories .)
So a topologically enriched functor
is equivalently a basepoint preserving continuous right action of .
Therefore the coend of two such functors (def. 2.27) coequalizes the relation
(where juxtaposition denotes left/right action) and hence is equivalently the canonical smash product of a right -action with a left -action, hence the quotient of the plain smash product by the diagonal action of the group :
Example 2.29. Let be a small pointed topologically enriched category (def.). For two pointed topologically enriched functors, then the end (def. 2.27) of is a topological space whose underlying pointed set is the pointed set of natural transformations (def.):
Proof. The underlying pointed set functor preserves all limits (prop., prop., prop.). Therefore there is an equalizer diagram in of the form
Here the object in the middle is just the set of collections of component morphisms . The two parallel maps in the equalizer diagram take such a collection to the functions which send any to the result of precomposing
and of postcomposing
each component in such a collection, respectively. These two functions being equal, hence the collection being in the equalizer, means precisley that for all and all the square
is a commuting square. This is precisley the condition that the collection be a natural transformation. ▮
Conversely, example 2.29 says that ends over bifunctors of the form constitute hom-spaces between pointed topologically enriched functors:
Definition 2.30. Let be a small pointed topologically enriched category (def.). Define the structure of a pointed topologically enriched category on the category of pointed topologically enriched functors to (exmpl.) by taking the hom-spaces to be given by the ends (def. 2.27) of example 2.29:
The composition operation on these is defined to be the one induced by the composite maps
where the first, morphism is degreewise given by projection out of the limits that defined the ends. This composite evidently equalizes the two relevant adjunct actions (as in the proof of example 2.29) and hence defines a map into the end
The resulting pointed topologically enriched category is also called the -enriched functor category over with coefficients in .
This yields an equivalent formulation in terms of ends of the pointed topologically enriched Yoneda lemma (prop.):
Proposition 2.31. (topologically enriched Yoneda lemma)
Let be a small pointed topologically enriched categories (def.). For a pointed topologically enriched functor (def.) and for an object, there is a natural isomorphism
between the hom-space of the pointed topological functor category, according to def. 2.30, from the functor represented by to , and the value of on .
In terms of the ends (def. 2.27) defining these hom-spaces, this means that
In this form the statement is also known as Yoneda reduction.
The proof of prop. 2.31 is formally dual to the proof of the next prop. 2.32.
Now that natural transformations are expressed in terms of ends (example 2.29), as is the Yoneda lemma (prop. 2.31), it is natural to consider the dual statement involving coends:
Proposition 2.32. (co-Yoneda lemma)
Let be a small pointed topologically enriched category (def.). For a pointed topologically enriched functor (def.) and for an object, there is a natural isomorphism
Moreover, the morphism that hence exhibits as the coequalizer of the two morphisms in def. 2.27 is componentwise the canonical action
which is adjunct to the component map of the topologically enriched functor .
(e.g. MMSS 00, lemma 1.6)
Proof. The coequalizer of pointed topological spaces that we need to consider has underlying it a coequalizer of underlying pointed sets (prop., prop., prop.). That in turn is the colimit over the diagram of underlying sets with the basepointe adjoined to the diagram (prop.). For a coequalizer diagram adding that extra point to the diagram clearly does not change the colimit, and so we need to consider the plain coequalizer of sets.
That is just the set of equivalence classes of pairs
where two such pairs
are regarded as equivalent if there exists
such that
(Because then the two pairs are the two images of the pair under the two morphisms being coequalized.)
But now considering the case that and , so that shows that any pair
is identified, in the coequalizer, with the pair
hence with .
This shows the claim at the level of the underlying sets. To conclude it is now sufficient (prop.) to show that the topology on is the final topology (def.) of the system of component morphisms
which we just found. But that system includes
which is a retraction
and so if all the preimages of a given subset of the coequalizer under these component maps is open, it must have already been open in . ▮
Remark 2.33. The statement of the co-Yoneda lemma in prop. 2.32 is a kind of categorification of the following statement in analysis (whence the notation with the integral signs):
For a topological space, a continuous function and denoting the Dirac distribution, then
It is this analogy that gives the name to the following statement:
Proposition 2.34. (Fubini theorem for (co)-ends)
For a pointed topologically enriched bifunctor on a small pointed topological product category (def. 2.25), i.e.
then its end and coend (def. 2.27) is equivalently formed consecutively over each variable, in either order:
Remark 2.35. Since the pointed compactly generated mapping space functor (exmpl.)
takes colimits in the first argument and limits in the second argument to limits (cor.), it in particular takes coends in the first argument and ends in the second argument, to ends (def. 2.27):
With this coend calculus in hand, there is an elegant proof of the defining universal property of the smash tensoring of topologically enriched functors (def.)
Proposition 2.36. For a pointed topologically enriched category, there are natural isomorphisms
for all and all .
In particular there is the combined natural isomorphism
exhibiting a pair of adjoint functors
Proof. Via the end-expression for from def. 2.30 and the fact (remark 2.35) that the pointed mapping space construction preserves ends in the second variable, this reduces to the fact that is the internal hom in the closed monoidal category (example 2.9) and hence satisfies the internal tensor/hom-adjunction isomorphism (prop. 2.7):
Proposition 2.37. (left Kan extension via coends)
Let be small pointed topologically enriched categories (def.) and let
be a pointed topologically enriched functor (def.). Then precomposition with constitutes a functor
. This functor has a left adjoint , called left Kan extension along
Proof. Use the expression of natural transformations in terms of ends (example 2.29 and def. 2.30), then use the respect of for ends/coends (remark 2.35), use the smash/mapping space adjunction (cor.), use the Fubini theorem (prop. 2.34) and finally use Yoneda reduction (prop. 2.31) to obtain a sequence of natural isomorphisms as follows:
Given two functions on a group (or just a monoid) , then their convolution product is, whenever well defined, given by the sum
The operation of Day convolution is the categorification of this situation where functions are replaced by functors and monoids by monoidal categories. Further below we find the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra as the Day convolution of topologically enriched functors over the monoidal category of finite pointed CW-complexes, or over sufficiently rich subcategories thereof.
Definition 2.38. Let be a small pointed topological monoidal category (def. 2.1).
Then the Day convolution tensor product on the pointed topological enriched functor category (def. 2.30) is the functor
out of the pointed topological product category (def. 2.25) given by the following coend (def. 2.27)
Example 2.39. Let denote the category with objects the natural numbers, and only the zero morphisms and identity morphisms on these objects (we consider this in a braoder context below in def. 2.56):
Regard this as a pointed topologically enriched category in the unique way. The operation of addition of natural numbers makes this a monoidal category.
An object is an -sequence of pointed topological spaces. Given two such, then their Day convolution according to def. 2.38 is
We observe now that Day convolution is equivalently a left Kan extension (def. 2.37). This will be key for understanding monoids and modules with respect to Day convolution.
Definition 2.40. Let be a small pointed topologically enriched category (def.). Its external tensor product is the pointed topologically enriched functor
from pairs of topologically enriched functors over to topologically enriched functors over the product category (def. 2.25) given by
Proposition 2.41. For a pointed topologically enriched monoidal category (def. 2.1) the Day convolution product (def. 2.38) of two functors is equivalently the left Kan extension (def. 2.37) of their external tensor product (def. 2.40) along the tensor product : there is a natural isomorphism
Hence the adjunction unit is a natural transformation of the form
This perspective is highlighted in (MMSS 00, p. 60).
Proposition 2.41 implies the following fact, which is the key for the identification of “functors with smash product” below and then for the description of ring spectra further below.
Corollary 2.42. The operation of Day convolution (def. 2.38) is universally characterized by the property that there are natural isomorphisms
where is the external product of def. 2.40, hence that natural transformations of functors on of the form
are in natural bijection with natural transformations of functors on the product category (def. 2.25) of the form
for the -Yoneda embedding, so that for any object, is the corepresented functor .
Proposition 2.43. For a small pointed topological monoidal category (def. 2.1), the Day convolution tensor product of def. 2.38 makes the pointed topologically enriched functor category
into a pointed topological monoidal category (def. 2.1) with tensor unit co-represented by the tensor unit of .
Moreover, if is equipped with a (symmetric) braiding (def. 2.4), then so is .
Proof. Regarding associativity, observe that
where we used the Fubini theorem for coends (prop. 2.34) and then twice the co-Yoneda lemma (prop. 2.32). Similarly
So we obtain an associator by combining, in the integrand, the associator of and of (example 2.9):
It is clear that this satisfies the pentagon identity, since and do.
To see that is the tensor unit for , use the Fubini theorem for coends (prop. 2.34) and then twice the co-Yoneda lemma (prop. 2.32) to get for any that
Hence the right unitor of Day convolution comes from the unitor of under the integral sign:
Analogously for the left unitor. Hence the triangle identity for follows from the triangle identity in under the integral sign.
Similarly, if has a braiding , it induces a braiding under the integral sign:
and the hexagon identity for follows from that for and ▮
Proposition 2.44. For a small pointed topological symmetric monoidal category (def. 2.5), the monoidal category with Day convolution from def. 2.43 is a closed monoidal category (def. 2.6). Its internal hom is given by the end (def. 2.27)
Proof. Using the Fubini theorem (def. 2.34) and the co-Yoneda lemma (def. 2.32) and in view of definition 2.30 of the enriched functor category, there is the following sequence of natural isomorphisms:
Proposition 2.45. In the situation of def. 2.43, the Yoneda embedding constitutes a strong monoidal functor (def. 2.46)
Proof. That the tensor unit is respected is part of prop. 2.43. To see that the tensor product is respected, apply the co-Yoneda lemma (prop. 2.32) twice to get the following natural isomorphism
Since the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra discussed below is an instance of Day convolution (def. 2.38), and since ring spectra are going to be the monoids (def. 2.12) with respect to this tensor product, we are interested in characterizing the monoids with respect to Day convolution. These turn out to have a particularly transparent expression as what is called functors with smash product, namely lax monoidal functors from the base monoidal category to . Their components are pairing maps of the form
satisfying suitable conditions. This is the form in which the structure of ring spectra usually appears in examples. It is directly analogous to how a dg-algebra, which is equivalently a monoid with respect to the tensor product of chain complexes (example 2.18), is given in components .
Here we introduce the concepts of monoidal functors and of functors with smash product and prove that they are equivalently the monoids with respect to Day convolution.
Definition 2.46. Let and be two (pointed) topologically enriched monoidal categories (def. 2.1). A topologically enriched lax monoidal functor between them is
a morphism
for all
satisfying the following conditions:
(associativity) For all objects the following diagram commutes
where and denote the associators of the monoidal categories;
(unitality) For all the following diagrams commutes
where , , , denote the left and right unitors of the two monoidal categories, respectively.
If and alll are isomorphisms, then is called a strong monoidal functor.
If moreover and are equipped with the structure of braided monoidal categories (def. 2.4) with braidings and , respectively, then the lax monoidal functor is called a braided monoidal functor if in addition the following diagram commutes for all objects
A homomorphism between two (braided) lax monoidal functors is a monoidal natural transformation, in that it is a natural transformation of the underlying functors
compatible with the product and the unit in that the following diagrams commute for all objects :
We write for the resulting category of lax monoidal functors between monoidal categories and , similarly for the category of braided monoidal functors between braided monoidal categories, and for the category of braided monoidal functors between symmetric monoidal categories.
Remark 2.47. In the literature the term “monoidal functor” often refers by default to what in def. 2.46 is called a strong monoidal functor. But for the purpose of the discussion of functors with smash product below, it is crucial to admit the generality of lax monoidal functors.
If and are symmetric monoidal categories (def. 2.5) then a braided monoidal functor (def. 2.46) between them is often called a symmetric monoidal functor.
Proposition 2.48. For two composable lax monoidal functors (def. 2.46) between monoidal categories, then their composite becomes a lax monoidal functor with structure morphisms
Proposition 2.49. Let and be two monoidal categories (def. 2.1) and let be a lax monoidal functor (def. 2.46) between them.
Then for a monoid in (def. 2.12), its image becomes a monoid by setting
(where the first morphism is the structure morphism of ) and setting
(where again the first morphism is the corresponding structure morphism of ).
This construction extends to a functor
from the category of monoids of (def. 2.12) to that of .
Moreover, if and are symmetric monoidal categories (def. 2.5) and is a braided monoidal functor (def. 2.46) and is a commutative monoid (def. 2.12) then so is , and this construction extends to a functor
Proof. This follows immediately from combining the associativity and unitality (and symmetry) constraints of with those of . ▮
Definition 2.50. Let and be two (pointed) topologically enriched monoidal categories (def. 2.1), and let be a topologically enriched lax monoidal functor between them, with product operation .
Then a left module over the lax monoidal functor is
such that
(action property) For all objects the following diagram commutes
A homomorphism between two modules over a monoidal functor is
compatible with the action in that the following diagram commutes for all objects :
We write for the resulting category of modules over the monoidal functor .
Now we may finally state the main proposition on functors with smash product:
Proposition 2.51. Let be a pointed topologically enriched (symmetric) monoidal category (def. 2.1). Regard as a topological symmetric monoidal category as in example 2.9.
Then (commutative) monoids in (def. 2.12) the Day convolution monoidal category of prop. 2.43 are equivalent to (braided) lax monoidal functors (def. 2.46) of the form
called functors with smash products on , i.e. there are equivalences of categories of the form
Moreover, module objects over these monoid objects are equivalent to the corresponding modules over monoidal functors (def. 2.50).
This is stated in some form in (Day 70, example 3.2.2). It is highlighted again in (MMSS 00, prop. 22.1).
Proof. By definition 2.46, a lax monoidal functor is a topologically enriched functor equipped with a morphism of pointed topological spaces of the form
and equipped with a natural system of maps of pointed topological spaces of the form
for all .
Under the Yoneda lemma (prop. 2.31) the first of these is equivalently a morphism in of the form
Moreover, under the natural isomorphism of corollary 2.42 the second of these is equivalently a morphism in of the form
Translating the conditions of def. 2.46 satisfied by a lax monoidal functor through these identifications gives precisely the conditions of def. 2.12 on a (commutative) monoid in object under .
Similarly for module objects and modules over monoidal functors. ▮
Proposition 2.52. Let be a lax monoidal functor (def. 2.46) between pointed topologically enriched monoidal categories (def. 2.1). Then the induced functor
given by preserves monoids under Day convolution
Moreover, if and are symmetric monoidal categories (def. 2.5) and is a braided monoidal functor (def. 2.46), then also preserves commutative monoids
Similarly, for
any fixed monoid, then sends -modules to -modules
Proof. This is an immediate corollary of prop. 2.51, since the composite of two (braided) lax monoidal functors is itself canonically a (braided) lax monoidal functor by prop. 2.48. ▮
We give a unified discussion of the categories of
(all in topological spaces) as categories of modules with respect to Day convolution monoidal structures on Top-enriched functor categories over restrictions to faithful sub-sites of the canonical representative of the sphere spectrum as a pre-excisive functor on .
This approach is due to (Mandell-May-Schwede-Shipley 00) following (Hovey-Shipley-Smith 00).
We consider an almost tautological construction of a pointed topologically enriched category equipped with a closed symmetric monoidal product: the category of pre-excisive functors. Then we show that this tautological category restricts, in a certain sense, to the category of sequential spectra. However, under this restriction the symmetric monoidal product breaks, witnessing the lack of a functorial smash product of spectra on sequential spectra. However from inspection of this failure we see that there are categories of structured spectra “in between” those of all pre-excisive functors and plain sequential spectra, notably the categories of orthogonal spectra and of symmetric spectra. These intermediate categories retain the concrete tractable nature of sequential spectra, but are rich enough to also retain the symmetric monoidal product inherited from pre-excisive functors: this is the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra that we are after.
Literature (MMSS 00, Part I and Part III)
Definition 2.53. Write
for the full subcategory of pointed compactly generated topological spaces (def.) on those that admit the structure of a finite CW-complex (a CW-complex (def.) with a finite number of cells).
We say that the pointed topological enriched functor category (def. 2.30)
is the category of pre-excisive functors. (We had previewed this in Part P, this example).
for the functor co-represented by 0-sphere. This is equivalently the inclusion itself:
We call this the standard incarnation of the sphere spectrum as a pre-excisive functor.
By prop. 2.43 the smash product of pointed compactly generated topological spaces induces the structure of a closed (def. 2.6) symmetric monoidal category (def. 2.5)
tensor unit the sphere spectrum ;
tensor product the Day convolution product from def. 2.38,
called the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra for the model of pre-excisive functors;
internal hom the dual operation from prop. 2.44,
called the mapping spectrum construction for pre-excisive functors.
Remark 2.54. By example 2.13 the sphere spectrum incarnated as a pre-excisive functor (according to def. 2.53) is canonically a commutative monoid in the category of pre-excisive functors (def. 2.12).
Moreover, by example 2.16, every object of (def. 2.53) is canonically a module object over . We may therefore tautologically identify the category of pre-excisive functors with the module category over the sphere spectrum:
Lemma 2.55. Identified as a functor with smash product under prop. 2.51, the pre-excisive sphere spectrum from def. 2.53 is given by the identity natural transformation
Proof. We claim that this is in fact the unique structure of a monoidal functor that may be imposed on the canonical inclusion , hence it must be the one in question. To see the uniqueness, observe that naturality of the matural transformation in particular says that there are commuting squares of the form
where the vertical morphisms pick any two points in and , respectively, and where the top morphism is necessarily the canonical identification since there is only one single isomorphism , namely the identity. This shows that the bottom horizontal morphism has to be the identity on all points, hence has to be the identity. ▮
We now consider restricting the domain of the pre-excisive functors of def. 2.53.
Definition 2.56. Define the following pointed topologically enriched (def.) symmetric monoidal categories (def. 2.5):
is the category whose objects are the natural numbers and which has only identity morphisms and zero morphisms on these objects, hence the hom-spaces are
The tensor product is the addition of natural numbers, , and the tensor unit is 0. The braiding is, necessarily, the identity.
is the standard skeleton of the core of FinSet with zero morphisms adjoined: its objects are the finite sets for (hence is the empty set), all non-zero morphisms are automorphisms and the automorphism group of is the symmetric group on elements, hence the hom-spaces are the following discrete topological spaces:
The tensor product is the disjoint union of sets, tensor unit is the empty set. The braiding
is given by the canonical permutation in that shuffles the first elements past the remaining elements
has as objects the finite dimenional real linear inner product spaces and as non-zero morphisms the linear isometric isomorphisms between these; hence the automorphism group of the object is the orthogonal group ; the monoidal product is direct sum of linear spaces, the tensor unit is the 0-vector space; again we turn this into a -enriched category by adjoining a basepoint to the hom-spaces;
The tensor product is the direct sum of linear inner product spaces, tensor unit is the 0-vector space. The braiding
is the canonical orthogonal transformation that switches the summands.
Notice that in the notation of example 2.28
the full subcategory of on is ;
the full subcategory of on is ;
the full subcategory of on is .
Moreover, after discarding the zero morphisms, then these categories are the disjoint union of categories of the form , and , respectively.
There is a sequence of canonical faithful pointed topological subcategory inclusions
into the pointed topological category of pointed compactly generated topological spaces of finite CW-type (def. 2.53).
Here denotes the one-point compactification of . On morphisms is the canonical inclusion of permutation matrices into orthogonal matrices and is on the topological subspace inclusions of the pointed homeomorphisms that are induced under forming one-point compactification from linear isometries of (“representation spheres”).
Below we will often use these identifications to write just “” for any of these objects, leaving implicit the identifications .
Consider the pointed topological diagram categries (def. 2.30, exmpl.) over these categories:
is called the category of sequences of pointed topological spaces (e.g. HSS 00, def. 2.3.1);
is called the category of symmetric sequences (e.g. HSS 00, def. 2.1.1);
is called the category of orthogonal sequences.
Consider the sequence of restrictions of topological diagram categories, according to prop. 2.52 along the above inclusions:
for the restriction of the excisive functor incarnation of the sphere spectrum (from def. 2.53) along these inclusions.
Proposition 2.57. The functors , and in def. 2.56 become strong monoidal functors (def. 2.46) when equipped with the canonical isomorphisms
Moreover, and are braided monoidal functors (def. 2.46) (hence symmetric monoidal functors, remark 2.47). But is not braided monoidal.
Proof. The first statement is clear from inspection.
For the second statement it is sufficient to observe that all the nontrivial braiding of n-spheres in is given by the maps induced from exchanging coordinates in the realization of -spheres as one-point compactifications of Cartesian spaces . This corresponds precisely to the action of the symmetric group inside the orthogonal group acting via the canonical action of the orthogonal group on . This shows that and are braided, for they include precisely these objects (the -spheres) with these braidings on them. Finally it is clear that is not braided, because the braiding on is trivial, while that on is not, so necessrily fails to preserve precisely these non-trivial isomorphisms. ▮
Remark 2.58. Since the standard excisive incarnation of the sphere spectrum (def. 2.53) is the tensor unit with repect to the Day convolution product on pre-excisive functors, and since it is therefore canonically a commutative monoid, by example 2.13, prop. 2.52 says that the restricted sphere spectra , and are still monoids, and that under restriction every pre-excisive functor, regarded as a -module via remark 2.54, canonically becomes a module under the restricted sphere spectrum:
Since all three functors , and are strong monoidal functors by prop. 2.57, all three restricted sphere spectra , and canonically are monoids, by prop. 2.52. Moreover, according to prop. 2.57, and are braided monoidal functors, while functor is not braided, therefore prop. 2.52 furthermore gives that and are commutative monoids, while is not commutative:
sphere spectrum | ||||
monoid | yes | yes | yes | yes |
commutative monoid | yes | yes | yes | no |
tensor unit | yes | no | no | no |
Lemma 2.59. The monoids from def. 2.56 are, when identified as functors with smash product via prop. 2.51 given by assigning
respectively, with product given by the canonical isomorphisms
Proof. By construction these functors with smash products are the composites, according to prop. 2.48, of the monoidal functors , , , respectively, with the lax monoidal functor corresponding to . The former have as structure maps the canonical identifications by definition, and the latter has as structure map the canonical identifications by lemmma 2.55. ▮
Proposition 2.60. There is an equivalence of categories
which identifies the category of modules (def. 2.15) over the monoid (remark 2.58) in the Day convolution monoidal structure (prop. 2.43) over the topological functor category from def. 2.56 with the category of sequential spectra (def.)
Under this equivalence, an -module is taken to the sequential pre-spectrum whose component spaces are the values of the pre-excisive functor on the standard n-sphere
and whose structure maps are the images of the action morphisms
under the isomorphism of corollary 2.42
evaluated at
(Hovey-Shipley-Smith 00, prop. 2.3.4)
Proof. After unwinding the definitions, the only point to observe is that due to the action property,
any -action
is indeed uniquely fixed by the components of the form
This is because under corollary 2.42 the action property is identified with the componentwise property
where the left vertical morphism is an isomorphism by the nature of . Hence this fixes the components to be the -fold composition of the structure maps . ▮
However, since, by remark 2.60, is not commutative, there is no tensor product induced on under the identification in prop. 2.60. But since and are commutative monoids by remark 2.60, it makes sense to consider the following definition.
Definition 2.61. In the terminology of remark 2.58 we say that
is the category of orthogonal spectra; and that
is the category of symmetric spectra.
By remark 2.58 and by prop. 2.21 these categories canonically carry a symmetric monoidal tensor product and , respectively. This we call the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra. We usually just write for short
In the next section we work out what these symmetric monoidal categories of orthogonal and of symmetric spectra look like more explicitly.
We now define symmetric spectra and orthogonal spectra and their symmetric monoidal smash product. We proceed by giving the explicit definitions and then checking that these are equivalent to the abstract definition 2.61 from above.
Literature. ( Hovey-Shipley-Smith 00, section 1, section 2, Schwede 12, chapter I)
Definition 2.62. A topological symmetric spectrum is
a sequence of pointed compactly generated topological spaces;
a basepoint preserving continuous right action of the symmetric group on ;
a sequence of morphisms
such that
for all the composite
intertwines the -action.
A homomorphism of symmetric spectra is
such that
each intetwines the -action;
the following diagrams commute
We write for the resulting category of symmetric spectra.
(Hovey-Shipley-Smith 00, def. 1.2.2, Schwede 12, I, def. 1.1)
The definition of orthogonal spectra has the same structure, just with the symmetric groups replaced by the orthogonal groups.
Definition 2.63. A topological orthogonal spectrum is
a sequence of pointed compactly generated topological spaces;
a basepoint preserving continuous right action of the orthogonal group on ;
a sequence of morphisms
such that
for all the composite
intertwines the -action.
A homomorphism of orthogonal spectra is
such that
each intetwines the -action;
the following diagrams commute
We write for the resulting category of orthogonal spectra.
(e.g. Schwede 12, I, def. 7.2)
Proposition 2.64. Definitions 2.62 and 2.63 are indeed equivalent to def. 2.61:
orthogonal spectra are euqivalently the module objects over the incarnation of the sphere spectrum
and symmetric spectra sre equivalently the module objects over the incarnation of the sphere spectrum
(Hovey-Shipley-Smith 00, prop. 2.2.1)
Proof. We discuss this for symmetric spectra. The proof for orthogonal spectra is of the same form.
First of all, by example 2.28 an object in is equivalently a “symmetric sequence”, namely a sequence of pointed topological spaces , for , equipped with an action of (def. 2.56).
By corollary 2.42 and lemma 2.59, the structure morphism of an -module object on
is equivalently (as a functor with smash products) a natural transformation
over . This means equivalently that there is such a morphism for all and that it is -equivariant.
Hence it only remains to see that these natural transformations are uniquely fixed once the one for is given. To that end, observe that lemma 2.59 says that in the following commuting squares (exhibiting the action property on the level of functors with smash product, where we are notationally suppressing the associators) the left vertical morphisms are isomorphisms:
This says exactly that the action of has to be the composite of the actions of followed by that of . Hence the statement follows by induction.
Finally, the definition of homomorphisms on both sides of the equivalence are just so as to preserve precisely this structure, hence they conincide under this identification. ▮
Definition 2.65. Given two symmetric spectra, def. 2.62, then their smash product of spectra is the symmetric spectrum
with component spaces the coequalizer
where has components given by the structure maps
while has components given by the structure maps conjugated by the braiding in and the permutation action (that shuffles the element on the right to the left)
Finally The structure maps of are those induced under the coequalizer by
Analogously for orthogonal spectra.
Proposition 2.66. Under the identification of prop. 2.64, the explicit smash product of spectra in def. 2.65 is equivalent to the abstractly defined tensor product in def. 2.61:
in the case of symmetric spectra:
in the case of orthogonal spectra:
Proof. By def. 2.20 the abstractly defined tensor product of two -modules and is the coequalizer
The Day convolution product appearing here is over the category from def. 2.56. By example 2.28 and unwinding the definitions, this is for any two symmetric spectra and given degreewise by the wedge sum of component spaces summing to that total degree, smashed with the symmetric group with basepoint adjoined and then quotiented by the diagonal action of the symmetric group acting on the degrees separately:
This establishes the form of the coequalizer diagram. It remains to see that under this identification the two abstractly defined morphisms are the ones given in def. 2.65.
To see this, we apply the adjunction isomorphism between the Day convolution product and the external tensor product (cor. 2.42) twice, to find the following sequence of equivalent incarnations of morphisms:
This establishes the form of the morphism . By the same reasoning as in the proof of prop. 2.64, we may restrict the coequalizer to without changing it.
The form of the morphism is obtained by the analogous sequence of identifications of morphisms, now with the parenthesis to the left. That it involves and the permutation action as shown above follows from the formula for the braiding of the Day convolution tensor product from the proof of prop. 2.43:
by translating it to the components of the precomposition
via the formula from the proof of prop. 2.37 for the left Kan extension (prop. 2.41):
This last expression is the function on morphisms which precomposes components under the coend with the braiding in topological spaces and postcomposes them with the image of the functor of the braiding in . But the braiding in is, by def. 2.56, given by the respective shuffle permutations , and by prop. 2.64 the image of these under is via the given -action on .
Finally to see that the structure map is as claimed: By prop. 2.64 the structure morphisms are the degree-1 components of the -action, and by prop. 2.20 the -action on a tensor product of -modules is induced via the action on the left tensor factor. ▮
Definition 2.67. A commutative symmetric ring spectrum is
a sequence of component spaces for ;
a basepoint preserving continuous left action of the symmetric group on ;
for all a multiplication map
(a morphism in )
two unit maps
such that
(equivariance) intertwines the -action;
(associativity) for all the following diagram commutes (where we are notationally suppressing the associators of )
(unitality) for all the following diagram commutes
where the diagonal morphisms and are the left and right unitors in , respectively.
(commutativity) for all the following diagram commutes
where the top morphism is the braiding in (def. 2.9) and where denotes the permutation action which shuffles the first elements past the last elements.
A homomorphism of symmetric commutative ring spectra is a sequence of -equivariant pointed continuous functions such that the following diagrams commute for all
and and .
for the resulting category of symmetric commutative ring spectra.
We regard a symmetric ring spectrum in particular as a symmetric spectrum (def. 2.62) by taking the structure maps to be
This defines a forgetful functor
There is an analogous definition of orthogonal ring spectrum and we write
for the category that these form.
(e.g. Schwede 12, def. 1.3)
We discuss examples below in a dedicated section Examples.
Proposition 2.68. The symmetric (orthogonal) commutative ring spectra in def. 2.67 are equivalently the commutative monoids in (def. 2.12) the symmetric monoidal category () of def. 2.61 with respect to the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra (). Hence there are equivalences of categories
Moreover, under these identifications the canonical forgetful functor
coincides with the forgetful functor defined in def. 2.67.
Proof. We discuss this for symmetric spectra. The proof for orthogonal spectra is directly analogous.
By prop. 2.24 and def. 2.61, the commutative monoids in are equivalently commtutative monoids in equipped with a homomorphism of monoids . In turn, by prop. 2.51 this are equivalently braided lax monoidal functors (which we denote by the same symbols, for convenience) of the form
equipped with a monoidal natural transformation (def. 2.46)
The structure morphism of such a lax monoidal functor has as components precisely the morphisms . In terms of these, the associativity and braiding condition on the lax monoidal functor are manifestly the above associativity and commutativity conditions.
Moreover, by the proof of prop. 2.24 the -module structure on an an -algebra has action given by
which shows, via the identification in prop 2.64, that the forgetful functors to underlying symmetric spectra coincide as claimed.
Hence it only remains to match the nature of the units. The above unit morphism has components
for all , and the unitality condition for and is manifestly as in the statement above.
We claim that the other components are uniquely fixed by these:
By lemma 2.59, the product structure in is by isomorphisms , so that the commuting square for the coherence condition of this monoidal natural transformation
says that . This means that is uniquely fixed once and are given.
Finally it is clear that homomorphisms on both sides of the equivalence precisely respect all this structure under both sides of the equivalence. ▮
Definition 2.69. Given a symmetric (orthogonal) commutative ring spectrum (def. 2.67), then a left symmetric (orthogonal) module spectrum over is
a sequence of component spaces for ;
a basepoint preserving continuous left action of the symmetric group on ;
for all an action map
(a morphism in )
such that
(equivariance) intertwines the -action;
(action property) for all the following diagram commutes (where we are notationally suppressing the associators of )
(unitality) for all the following diagram commutes
A homomorphism of left -module spectra is a sequence of pointed continuous functions such that for all the following diagrams commute:
We write
for the resulting category of symmetric (orthogonal) -module spectra.
(e.g. Schwede 12, I, def. 1.5)
Proposition 2.70. Under the identification, from prop. 2.68, of commutative ring spectra with commutative monoids with respect to the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra, the -module spectra of def. 2.69 are equivalently the left module objects (def. 2.15) over the respective monoids, i.e. there are equivalences of categories
where on the right we have the categories of modules from def. 2.15.
Proof. The proof is directly analogous to that of prop. 2.68. Now prop. 2.24 and prop. 2.51 give that the module objects in question are equivalently modules over a monoidal functor (def. 2.50) and writing these out in components yields precisely the above structures and properties. ▮
In Introduction to Stable homotopy theory – 1-1 we obtained the strict/level model structure on topological sequential spectra by identifying the category of sequential spectra with a category of topologically enriched functors with values in (prop.) and then invoking the general existence of the projective model structure on functors (thm.).
Here we discuss the analogous construction for the more general structured spectra from above.
Proposition 2.71. Let be a topologically enriched monoidal category (def. 2.1), and let be a monoid in (def. 2.12) the pointed topological Day convolution monoidal category over from prop. 2.43.
Then the category of left A-modules (def. 2.15) is a pointed topologically enriched functor category category (exmpl.)
over the category of free modules over (prop. 2.19) on objects in (under the Yoneda embedding ). Hence the objects of are identified with those of , and its hom-spaces are
Proof. Use the identification from prop. 2.51 of with a lax monoidal functor and of any -module object as a functor with the structure of a module over a monoidal functor, given by natural transformations
Notice that these transformations have just the same structure as those of the enriched functoriality of (def.) of the form
Hence we may unify these two kinds of transformations into a single kind of the form
and subject to certain identifications.
Now observe that the hom-objects of have just this structure:
Here we used first the free-forgetful adjunction of prop. 2.19, then the enriched Yoneda lemma (prop. 2.31), then the coend-expression for Day convolution (def. 2.38) and finally the co-Yoneda lemma (prop. 2.32).
Then define a topologically enriched category to have objects and hom-spaces those of as above, and whose composition operation is defined as follows:
the equivalence is braiding in the integrand (and the Fubini theorem, prop. 2.34);
the first morphism is, in the integrand, the smash product of
forming the tensor product of hom-objects of with the identity morphism on ;
the monoidal functor incarnation of the monoid structure on ;
the second morphism is, in the integrand, given by composition in ;
the last morphism is the morphism induced on coends by regarding extranaturality in and separately as a special case of extranaturality in (and then renaming).
With this it is fairly straightforward to see that
because, by the above definition of composition, functoriality over manifestly encodes the -action property together with the functoriality over .
This way we are reduced to showing that actually .
But by construction, the image of the objects of under the Yoneda embedding are precisely the free -modules over objects of :
Since the Yoneda embedding is fully faithful, this shows that indeed
Example 2.72. For the sequential case in def. 2.56, then the opposite category of free modules on objects in over (def.) is identified as the category (def.):
Accordingly, in this case prop. 2.71 reduces to the identification (prop.) of sequential spectra as topological diagrams over :
Proof. There is one object for each . Moreover, from the expression in the proof of prop. 2.71 we compute the hom-spaces between these to be
These are the objects and hom-spaces of the category . It is straightforward to check that the definition of composition agrees, too. ▮
We consider the evident version of stable weak homotopy equivalences for structured spectra and prove a few technical lemmas about them that are needed in the proof of the stable model structure below
Definition 2.73. For one of the shapes of structured spectra from def. 2.56, let be the corresponding category of structured spectra (def. 2.53, prop. 2.60, def. 2.61).
The stable homotopy groups of an object are those of the underlying sequential spectrum (def.):
An object is a structured Omega-spectrum if the underlying sequential spectrum (def. 2.56) is a sequential Omega spectrum (def.)
A morphism in is a stable weak homotopy equivalence (or: -isomorphism) if the underlying morphism of sequential spectra is a stable weak homotopy equivalence of sequential spectra (def.);
a morphism is a stable cofibration if it is a cofibration in the strict model structure from prop. 2.87.
(MMSS 00, def. 8.3 with the notation from p. 21, Mandell-May 02, III, def. 3.1, def. 3.2)
Lemma 2.74. Given a morphism in , then there are long exact sequences of stable homotopy groups (def. 2.73) of the form
where denotes the mapping cone and the mapping cocone of (def.) formed with respect to the standard cylinder spectrum hence formed degreewise with respect to the standard reduced cylinder of pointed topological spaces.
Proof. Since limits and colimits in the diagram category are computed objectwise, the functor that restricts -modules to their underlying sequential spectra preserves both limits and colimits, hence it is sufficient to consider the statement for sequential spectra.
For the first case, there is degreewise the long exact sequence of homotopy groups to the left of pointed topological spaces (exmpl.)
Observe that the sequential colimit that defines the stable homotopy groups (def.) preserves exact sequences of abelian groups, because generally filtered colimits in Ab are exact functors (prop.). This implies that by taking the colimit over in the above sequences, we obtain a long exact sequence of stable homotopy groups as shown.
Now use that in sequential spectra the canonical morphism morphism is a stable weak homotopy equivalence and is compatible with the map (prop.) so that there is a commuting diagram of the form
Since the top sequence is exact, and since all vertical morphisms are isomorphisms, it follows that also the bottom sequence is exact. ▮
Lemma 2.75. For a CW-complex then the operation of smash tensoring preserves stable weak homotopy equivalences in .
Proof. Since limits and colimits in the diagram category are computed objectwise, the functor that restricts -modules to their underlying sequential spectra preserves both limits and colimits, and it also preserves smash tensoring. Hence it is sufficient to consider the statement for sequential spectra.
Fist consider the case of a finite cell complex .
for the stages of the cell complex , so that for each there is a pushout diagram in of the form
Equivalently these are pushoutdiagrams in of the form
Notice that it is indeed that appears in the top right, not .
Now forming the smash tensoring of any morphism in by the morphisms in the pushout on the right yields a commuting diagram in of the form
Here the horizontal morphisms on the left are degreewise cofibrations in , hence the morphism on the right is degreewise their homotopy cofiber. This way lemma 2.74 implies that there are commuting diagrams
where the top and bottom are long exact sequences of stable homotopy groups.
Now proceed by induction. For then clearly smash tensoring with preserves stable weak homotopy equivalences. So assume that smash tensoring with does, too. Observe that preserves stable weak homotopy equivalences, since is a stable weak homotopy equivalence (lemma). Hence in the above the two vertical morphisms on the left and the two on the right are isomorphism. Now the five lemma implies that also is an isomorphism.
Finally, the statement for a non-finite cell complex follows with these arguments and then using that spheres are compact and hence maps out of them into a transfinite composition factor through some finite stage (prop.). ▮
Lemma 2.76. The pushout in of a stable weak homotopy equivalence along a morphism that is degreewise a cofibration in is again a stable weak homotopy equivalence.
Proof. Given a pushout square
observe that the pasting law implies an isomorphism between the horizontal cofibers
Moreover, since cofibrations in are preserves by pushout, and since pushout of spectra are computed degreewise, both the top and the bottom horizontal sequences here are degreewise homotopy cofiber sequence in . Hence lemma 2.74 applies and gives a commuting diagram
where the top and the bottom row are both long exact sequences of stable homotopy groups. Hence the claim now follows by the five lemma. ▮
The concept of free spectrum is a generalization of that of suspension spectrum. In fact the stable homotopy types of free spectra are precisely those of iterated loop space objects of suspension spectra. But for the development of the theory what matters is free spectra before passing to stable homotopy types, for as such they play the role of the basic cells for the stable model structures on spectra analogous to the role of the n-spheres in the classical model structure on topological spaces (def. 2.88 below).
Moreover, while free sequential spectra are just re-indexed suspension spectra, free symmetric spectra and free orthogonal spectra in addition come with suitably freely generated actions of the symmetric group and the orthogonal group. It turns out that this is not entirely trivial; it leads to a subtle issue (lemma 2.85 below) where the adjuncts of certain canonical inclusions of free spectra are stable weak homotopy equivalences for sequential and orthogonal spectra, but not for symmetric spectra.
Definition 2.77. For any one of the four diagram shapes of def. 2.56, and for each , the functor
that sends a structured spectrum to the th component space of its underlying sequential spectrum has, by prop. 2.37, a left adjoint
This is called the free structured spectrum-functor.
For the special case it is also called the structured suspension spectrum functor and denoted
(Hovey-Shipley-Smith 00, def. 2.2.5, MMSS 00, section 8)
Lemma 2.78. Let be any one of the four diagram shapes of def. 2.56. Then
the free spectrum on (def. 2.77) is equivalently the smash tensoring with (def.) of the free module (def. 2.19) over (remark 2.58) on the representable
on its value is given by the following coend expression (def. 2.27)
In particular the structured sphere spectrum is the free spectrum in degree 0 on the 0-sphere:
and generally for then
is the smash tensoring of the strutured sphere spectrum with .
(Hovey-Shipley-Smith 00, below def. 2.2.5, MMSS00, p. 7 with theorem 2.2)
Proof. Under the equivalence of categories
from prop. 2.71, the expression for is equivalently the smash tensoring with of the functor that represents over :
(by fully faithfulness of the Yoneda embedding).
This way the first statement is a special case of the following general fact: For a pointed topologically enriched category, and for any object, then there is an adjunction
(saying that evaluation at is right adjoint to smash tensoring the functor represented by ) witnessed by the following composite natural isomorphism:
The first is the characteristic isomorphism of tensoring from prop. 2.36, while the second is the enriched Yoneda lemma of prop. 2.31.
From this, the second statement follows by the proof of prop. 2.71.
For the last statement it is sufficient to observe that is the tensor unit under Day convolution by prop. 2.43 (since is the tensor unit in ), so that
Proposition 2.79. Explicitly, the free spectra according to def. 2.77, look as follows:
For sequential spectra:
for symmetric spectra:
for orthogonal spectra:
where “” is as in example 2.28.
(e.g. Schwede 12, example 3.20)
Proof. With the formula in item 2 of lemma 2.78 we have for the case of orthogonal spectra
where in the second line we used that the coend collapses to ranging in the full subcategory
on the object and then we applied example 2.28. The case of symmetric spectra is verbatim the same, with the symmetric group replacing the orthogonal group, and the case of sequential spectra is again verbatim the same, with the orthogonal group replaced by the trivial group. ▮
Lemma 2.80. For the diagram shape for orthogonal spectra, symmetric spectra or sequential spectra, then the free structured spectra
from def. 2.77 have component spaces that admit the structure of CW-complexes.
Proof. We consider the case of orthogonal spectra. The case of symmetric spectra works verbatim the same, and the case of sequential spectra is tivial.
By prop. 2.79 we have to show that for all the topological spaces of the form
admit the structure of CW-complexes.
To that end, use the homeomorphism
which is a diffeomorphism away from the basepoint and hence such that the action of the orthogonal group induces a smooth action on (which happens to be constant on ).
Also observe that we may think of the above quotient by the group action
as being the quotient by the diagonal action
given by
Using this we may rewrite the space in question as
Here has the structure of a smooth manifold with boundary and equipped with a smooth action of the compact Lie group . Under these conditions (Illman 83, corollary 7.2) states that admits the structure of a G-CW complex for , and moreover (Illman 83, line above theorem 7.1) states that this may be chosen such that the boundary is a -CW subcomplex.
Now the quotient of a -CW complex by is a CW complex, and so the last expression above exhibits the quotient of a CW-complex by a subcomplex, hence exhibits CW-complex structure. ▮
Proposition 2.81. Let be the diagram shape of either pre-excisive functors, orthogonal spectra or symmetric spectra. Then under the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra (def. 2.53, def. 2.53, def.2.61) the free structured spectra of def. 2.77 behave as follows
In particular for structured suspension spectra (def. 2.77) this gives isomorphisms
Hence the structured suspension spectrum functor is a strong monoidal functor (def. 2.46) and in fact a braided monoidal functor (def. ) from pointed topological spaces equipped with the smash product of pointed objects, to structured spectra equipped with the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra
More generally, for then
where on the right we have the smash tensoring of with .
(MMSS 00, lemma 1.8 with theorem 2.2, Mandell-May 02, prop. 2.2.6)
Proof. By lemma 2.78 the free spectra are free modules over the structured sphere spectrum of the form . By example 2.22 the tensor product of such free modules is given by
Using the co-Yoneda lemma (prop. 2.32) the expression on the right is
For the last statement we may use that , by lemma 2.78), and that is the tensor unit for by prop. 2.21.
To see that is braided, write . We need to see that
commutes. Chasing the smash factors through this diagram and using symmetry (def. 2.5) and the hexagon identities (def. 2.4) shows that indeed it does. ▮
One use of free spectra is that they serve to co-represent adjuncts of structure morphisms of spectra. To this end, first consider the following general existence statement.
Lemma 2.82. For each there exists a morphism
between free spectra (def. 2.77) such that for every structured spectrum precomposition forms a commuting diagram of the form
where the horizontal equivalences are the adjunction isomorphisms and the canonical identification, and where the right morphism is the -adjunct of the structure map of the sequential spectrum underlying (def. 2.56).
Proof. Since all prescribed morphisms in the diagram are natural transformations, this is in fact a diagram of copresheaves on
With this the statement follows by the Yoneda lemma. ▮
Now we say explicitly what these maps are:
Definition 2.83. For , write
for the adjunct under the (free structured spectrum -component)-adjunction in def. 2.77 of the composite morphism
where the first morphism is via prop. 2.79 and the second comes from the adjunction units according to def. 2.77.
(MMSS 00, def. 8.4, Schwede 12, example 4.26)
(MMSS 00, lemma 8.5, following Hovey-Shipley-Smith 00, remark 2.2.12)
Proof. Consider the case and . All other cases work analogously.
By lemma 2.79, in this case the morphism has components like so:
Now for any sequential spectrum, then a morphism is uniquely determined by its 0th components (that’s of course the very free property of ); as the compatibility with the structure maps forces the first component, in particular, to be :
But that first component is just the component that similarly determines the precompositon of with , hence is fully fixed as being the map . Therefore is the function
It remains to see that this is the -adjunct of . By the general formula for adjuncts, this is
To compare to the above, we check what this does on points: is sent to the composite
To identify this as a map we use the adjunction isomorphism once more to throw all the -s on the right back to -s the left, to finally find that this is indeed
Lemma 2.85. The maps in def. 2.83 are
stable weak homotopy equivalences for sequential spectra, orthogonal spectra and pre-excisive functors, i.e. for ;
not stable weak homotopy equivalences for the case of symmetric spectra .
(Hovey-Shipley-Smith 00, example 3.1.10, MMSS 00, lemma 8.6, Schwede 12, example 4.26)
Proof. This follows by inspection of the explicit form of the maps, via prop. 2.79. We discuss each case separately:
sequential case
Here the components of the morphism eventually stabilize to isomorphisms
and this immediately gives that is an isomorphism on stable homotopy groups.
orthogonal case
Here for the -component of is the quotient map
By the suspension isomorphism for stable homotopy groups, is a stable weak homotopy equivalence precisely if any of its suspensions is. Hence consider instead , whose -component is
Now due to the fact that -action on lifts to an -action, the quotients of the diagonal action of equivalently become quotients of just the left action. Formally this is due to the existence of the commuting diagram
which says that the image of any in the quotient is labeled by .
It follows that is the smash product of a projection map of coset spaces with the identity on the sphere:
Now finally observe that this projection function
is -connected (see here). Hence its smash product with is -connected.
The key here is the fast growth of the connectivity with . This implies that for each there exists such that becomes an isomorphism. Hence is a stable weak homotopy equivalence and therefore so is .
symmetric case
Here the morphism has the same form as in the orthogonal case above, except that all occurences of orthogonal groups are replaced by just their sub-symmetric groups.
Accordingly, the analysis then proceeds entirely analogously, with the key difference that the projection
does not become highly connected as increases, due to the discrete topological space underlying the symmetric group. Accordingly the conclusion now is the opposite: is not a stable weak homotopy equivalence in this case. ▮
Another use of free spectra is that their pushout products may be explicitly analyzed, and checking the pushout-product axiom for general cofibrations may be reduced to checking it on morphisms between free spectra.
Lemma 2.86. The symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra of the free spectrum constructions (def. 2.77) on the generating cofibrations of the classical model structure on topological spaces is given by addition of indices
Proof. By lemma 2.81 the commuting diagram defining the pushout product of free spectra
is equivalent to this diagram:
Since the free spectrum construction is a left adjoint, it preserves pushouts, and so
where in the second step we used this lemma. ▮
Theorem 2.87. The four categories of
(from def. 2.53, prop. 2.60, def. 2.61) each admit a model category structure (def.) whose weak equivalences and fibrations are those morphisms which induce on all component spaces weak equivalences or fibrations, respectively, in the classical model structure on pointed topological spaces . (thm., prop.). These are called the strict model structures (or level model structures) on structured spectra.
Moreover, under the equivalences of categories of prop. 2.60 and prop. 2.64, the restriction functors in def. 2.56 constitute right adjoints of Quillen adjunctions (def.) between these model structures:
Proof. By prop. 2.71 all four categories are equivalently categories of pointed topologically enriched functors
and hence the existence of the model structures with componentwise weak equivalences and fibrations is a special case of the general existence of the projective model structure on enriched functors (thm.).
The three restriction functors each have a left adjoint by topological left Kan extension (prop. 2.37).
Moreover, the three right adjoint restriction functors are along inclusions of objects, hence evidently preserve componentwise weak equivalences and fibrations. Hence these are Quillen adjunctions. ▮
Definition 2.88. Recall the sets
of generating cofibrations and generating acyclic cofibrations, respectively, of the classical model structure on pointed topological spaces (def.)
for the set of images under forming free spectra, def. 2.77, on the morphisms in from above. Similarly, write
for the set of images under forming free spectra of the morphisms in .
Proposition 2.89. The sets and from def. 2.88 are, respectively sets of generating cofibrations and generating acyclic cofibrations that exhibit the strict model structure from theorem 2.87 as a cofibrantly generated model category (def.).
Proof. By theorem 2.87 the strict model structure is equivalently the projective pointed model structure on topologically enriched functors
of the opposite of the category of free spectra on objects in .
By the general discussion in Part P – Classical homotopy theory (this theorem) the projective model structure on functors is cofibrantly generated by the smash tensoring of the representable functors with the elements in and . By the proof of lemma 2.78, these are precisely the morphisms of free spectra in and , respectively. ▮
By the general properties of the projective model structure on topologically enriched functors, theorem 2.87 implies that the strict model category of structured spectra inherits the structure of an enriched model category, enriched over the classical model structure on pointed topological spaces. This proceeds verbatim as for sequential spectra (in part 1.1 – Topological enrichement), but for ease of reference we here make it explicit again.
Definition 2.90. Let one of the shapes for structured spectra from def. 2.56.
Let be a morphism in (as in prop. 2.87) and let a morphism in .
Their pushout product with respect to smash tensoring is the universal morphism
denotes the smash tensoring of pointed topologically enriched functors with pointed topological spaces (def.)
Dually, their pullback powering is the universal morphism
denotes the smash powering (def.).
Finally, for and both morphisms in , then their pullback powering is the universal morphism
Proposition 2.91. The operations of forming pushout products and pullback powering with respect to smash tensoring in def. 2.90 is compatible with the strict model structure on structured spectra from theorem 2.87 and with the classical model structure on pointed topological spaces (thm., prop.) in that pushout product takes two cofibrations to a cofibration, and to an acyclic cofibration if at least one of the inputs is acyclic, and pullback powering takes a fibration and a cofibration to a fibration, and to an acylic one if at least one of the inputs is acyclic:
Dually, the pullback powering (def. 2.90) satisfies
Proof. The statement concering the pullback powering follows directly from the analogous statement for topological spaces (prop.) by the fact that, via theorem 2.87, the fibrations and weak equivalences in are degree-wise those in , and since smash tensoring and powering is defined degreewise. From this the statement about the pushout product follows dually by Joyal-Tierney calculus (prop.). ▮
Remark 2.92. In the language of model category-theory, prop. 2.91 says that is an enriched model category, the enrichment being over . This is often referred to simply as a “topological model category”.
We record some immediate consequences of prop. 2.91 that will be useful.
Proposition 2.93. Let be a retract of a cell complex (def.), then the smash-tensoring/powering adjunction from prop. 2.36 is a Quillen adjunction (def.) for the strict model structure from theorem 2.87
Proof. By assumption, is a cofibrant object in the classical model structure on pointed topological spaces (thm., prop.), hence is a cofibration in . Observe then that the the pushout product of any morphism with is equivalently the smash tensoring of with :
This way prop. 2.91 implies that preserves cofibrations and acyclic cofibrations, hence is a left Quillen functor. ▮
Lemma 2.94. Let be a structured spectrum, regarded in the strict model structure of theorem 2.87.
The smash powering of with the standard topological interval (exmpl.) is a good path space object (def.)
If is cofibrant, then its smash tensoring with the standard topological interval (exmpl.) is a good cylinder object (def.)
Proof. It is clear that we have weak equivalences as shown ( is even a homotopy equivalence), what requires proof is that the path object is indeed good in that is a fibration, and the cylinder object is indeed good in that is indeed a cofibration.
For the first statement, notice that the pullback powering (def. 2.90) of into the terminal morphism is the same as the powering :
But since every object in is fibrant, so that is a fibration, and since is a relative cell complex inclusion and hence a cofibration in , prop. 2.91 says that is a fibration.
Dually, observe that
Hence if is assumed to be cofibrant, so that is a cofibration, then prop. 2.91 implies that is a cofibration. ▮
Proposition 2.95. For a structured spectrum, any morphism of structured spectra, and for a morphism of pointed topological spaces, then the hom-spaces of def. 2.30 (via prop. 2.71) interact with the pushout-product and pullback-powering from def. 2.90 in that there is a natural isomorphism
Proof. Since the pointed compactly generated mapping space functor (exmpl.)
takes colimits in the first argument to limits (cor.) and ends in the second argument to ends (remark 2.35), and since limits and colimits in are computed objectswise (this prop. via prop. 2.71) this follows with the end-formula for the mapping space (def. 2.30):
Proposition 2.96. For two structured spectra with cofibrant in the strict model structure of def. 2.87, then there is a natural bijection
between the connected components of the hom-space (def. 2.30 via prop. 2.71) and the hom-set in the homotopy category (def.) of the strict model structure from theorem 2.87.
Proof. By prop. 2.36 the path components of the hom-space are the left homotopy classes of morphisms of structured spectra with respect to the standard cylinder spectrum :
Moreover, by lemma 2.94 the degreewise standard reduced cylinder of structured spectra is a good cylinder object on in . Hence hom-sets in the strict homotopy category out of a cofibrant into a fibrant object are given by standard left homotopy classes of morphisms
(this lemma). Since is cofibrant by assumption and since every object is fibrant in , this is the case. Hence the notion of left homotopy here is that seen by the standard interval, and so the claim follows. ▮
We now combine the concepts of model category (def.) and monoidal category (def. 2.1).
Given a category that is equipped both with the structure of a monoidal category and of a model category, then one may ask whether these two structures are compatible, in that the left derived functor (def.) of the tensor product exists to equip also the homotopy category with the structure of a monoidal category. If so, then one may furthermore ask if the localization functor is a monoidal functor (def. 2.46).
The axioms on a monoidal model category (def. 2.97 below) are such as to ensure that this is the case.
A key consequence is that, via prop. 2.49, for a monoidal model category the localization functor carries monoids to monoids. Applied to the stable model category of spectra established below, this gives that structured ring spectra indeed represent ring spectra in the homotopy category. (In fact much more is true, but requires further proof: there is also a model structure on monoids in the model structure of spectra, and with respect to that the structured ring spectra represent A-infinity rings/E-infinity rings.)
Definition 2.97. A (symmetric) monoidal model category is a model category (def.) equipped with the structure of a closed (def. 2.6) symmetric (def. 2.5) monoidal category (def. 2.1) such that the following two compatibility conditions are satisfied
(pushout-product axiom) For every pair of cofibrations and , their pushout-product, hence the induced morphism out of the cofibered coproduct over ways of forming the tensor product of these objects
is itself a cofibration, which, furthermore, is acyclic if at least one of or is.
(Equivalently this says that the tensor product is a left Quillen bifunctor.)
(unit axiom) For every cofibrant object and every cofibrant resolution of the tensor unit , the resulting morphism
is a weak equivalence.
(Hovey 99, def. 4.2.6 Schwede-Shipley 00, def. 3.1, remark 3.2)
Observe some immediate consequences of these axioms:
Remark 2.98. Since a monoidal model category (def. 2.97) is assumed to be closed monoidal (def. 2.6), for every object the tensor product is a left adjoint and hence preserves all colimits. In particular it preserves the initial object (which is the colimit over the empty diagram).
If follows that the tensor-pushout-product axiom in def. 2.97 implies that for a cofibrant object, then the functor preserves cofibrations and acyclic cofibrations, since
This implies that if the tensor unit happens to be cofibrant, then the unit axiom in def. 2.97 is already implied by the pushout-product axiom. This is because then we have a lift in
This lift is a weak equivalence by two-out-of-three (def.). Since it is hence a weak equivalence between cofibrant objects, it is preserved by the left Quillen functor (for any cofibrant ) by Ken Brown's lemma (prop.). Hence now is a weak equivalence by two-out-of-three.
Since for all the categories of spectra that we are interested in here the tensor unit is always cofibrant (it is always a version of the sphere spectrum, being the image under the left Quillen functor of the cofibrant pointed space , prop. 2.104), we may ignore the unit axiom.
Proposition 2.99. Let be a monoidal model category (def. 2.97) with cofibrant tensor unit .
Then the left derived functor (def.) of the tensor product exsists and makes the homotopy category (def.) into a monoidal category (def. 2.1) such that the localization functor (thm.) on the category of cofibrant objects (def.) carries the structure of a strong monoidal functor (def. 2.46)
The first statement is also for instance in (Hovey 99, theorem 4.3.2).
Proof. For the left derived functor (def.) of the tensor product
to exist, it is sufficient that its restriction to the subcategory
of cofibrant objects preserves acyclic cofibrations (by Ken Brown's lemma, here).
Every morphism in the product category (def. 2.25) may be written as a composite of a pairing with an identity morphisms
Now since the pushout product (with respect to tensor product) with the initial morphism is equivalently the tensor product
the pushout-product axiom (def. 2.97) implies that on the subcategory of cofibrant objects the functor preserves acyclic cofibrations. (This is why one speaks of a Quillen bifunctor, see also Hovey 99, prop. 4.3.1).
Hence exists.
By the same decomposition and using the universal property of the localization of a category (def.) one finds that for and any two categories with weak equivalences (def.) then the localization of their product category is the product category of their localizations:
With this, the universal property as a localization (def.) of the homotopy category of a model category (thm.) induces associators and unitors , on :
First write
for (the inverse of) the corresponding natural isomorphism in the localization diagram
Then consider the associators:
The essential uniqueness of derived functors shows that the left derived functor of and of is the composite of two applications of , due to the factorization
and similarly for the case with the parenthesis to the left.
So let
be the natural isomorphism exhibiting the derived functors of the two possible tensor products of three objects, as shown at the top. By pasting the second with the associator natural isomorphism of we obtain another such factorization for the first, as shown on the left below,
and hence by the universal property of the factorization through the derived functor, there exists a unique natural isomorphism such as to make this composite of natural isomorphisms equal to the one shown on the right. Hence the pentagon identity satisfied by implies a pentagon identity for , and so is an associator for .
Moreover, this equation of natural isomorphisms says that on components the following diagram commutes
This is just the coherence law for the the compatibility of the monoidal functor with the associators.
Similarly consider now the unitors.
The essential uniqueness of the derived functors gives that the left derived functor of is
Hence the left unitor of induces a derived unitor by the following factorization
Moreover, in components this equation of natural isomorphism expresses the coherence law stating the compatibility of the monoidal functor with the unitors.
Similarly for the right unitors. ▮
The restriction to cofibrant objects in prop. 2.99 serves the purpose of giving explicit expressions for the associators and unitors of the derived tensor product and hence to establish the monoidal category structure on the homotopy category of a monoidal model category. With that in hand, it is natural to ask how the localization functor on all of interacts with the monoidal structure:
Proposition 2.100. For a monoidal model category (def. 2.97) then the localization functor to its monoidal homotopy category (prop. 2.99) is a lax monoidal functor
The explicit proof of prop. 2.100 is tedious. An abstract proof using tools from homotopical 2-category theory is here.
Definition 2.101. Given monoidal model categories and (def. 2.97) with cofibrant tensor units and , then a strong monoidal Quillen adjunction between them is a Quillen adjunction
such that (hence equivalently ) has the structure of a strong monoidal functor.
Proposition 2.102. Given a strong monoidal Quillen adjunction (def. 2.101)
between monoidal model categories and with cofibrant tensor units and , then the left derived functor of canonically becomes a strong monoidal functor between homotopy categories
Proof. As in the proof of prop. 2.99, consider the following pasting composite of commuting diagams:
On the top left we have the natural transformation that exhibits as a strong monoidal functor. By universality of localization and derived functors (def.) this induces the unique factorization through the natural transformation on the bottom right. This exhibits strong monoidal structure on the left derived functor . ▮
With some general monoidal homotopy theory established, we now discuss that structured spectra indeed constitute an example. The version of the following theorem for the stable model structure of actual interest is theorem 2.119 further below.
Theorem 2.103.
The classical model structure on pointed topological spaces equipped with the smash product is a monoidal model category
Let . The strict model structures on structured spectra modeled on from theorem 2.87 equipped with the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra (def. 2.53, def. 2.61) is a monoidal model category (def. 2.97)
(MMSS 00, theorem 12.1 (iii) with prop. 12.3)
Proof. By cofibrant generation of both model structures (this theorem and prop. 2.89) it is sufficient to check the pushout-product axiom on generating (acylic) cofibrations (this is as in the proof of this proposition).
Those of are as recalled in def. 2.109. These satisfy (exmpl.) the relations
This shows that
which implies the pushout-product axiom for . (However the monoid axiom (def.) is problematic.)
Now by def. 2.88 the generating (acyclic) cofibrations of are of the form and , respectively. By prop. 2.81 these satisfy
Hence with the previous set of relations this shows that
and so the pushout-product axiom follows also for .
It is clear that in both cases the tensor unit is cofibrant: for the tensor unit is the 0-sphere, which clearly is a CW-complex and hence cofibrant. For the tensor unit is the standard sphere spectrum, which, by prop. 2.78 is the free structured spectrum (def. 2.77) on the 0-sphere
Now the free structured spectrum functor is a left Quillen functor (prop. 2.104) and hence is cofibrant. ▮
For the strict model structure on topological sequential spectra, forming suspension spectra consitutes a Quillen adjunction with the classical model structure on pointed topological spaces (prop.) which is the precursor of the stabilization adjunction involving the stable model structure (thm.). Here we briefly discuss the lift of this strict adjunction to structured spectra.
Proposition 2.104. Let be one of the shapes of structured spectra from def. 2.56.
For every , the functors of extracting the th component space of a structured spectrum, and the functors of forming the free structured spectrum in degree (def. 2.77) constitute a Quillen adjunction (def.) between the strict model structure on structured spectra from theorem 2.87 and the classical model structure on pointed topological spaces (thm., prop.):
For and writing and , this yields a strong monoidal Quillen adjunction (def. 2.101)
Moreover, these Quillen adjunctions factor as
where the Quillen adjunction is that from theorem 2.87 and where is the suspension spectrum adjunction for sequential spectra (prop.).
Proof. By the very definition of the projective model structure on functors (thm.) it is immediate that preserves fibrations and weak equivalences, hence it is a right Quillen functor. is its left adjoint by definition.
That is a strong monoidal functor is part of the statement of prop. 2.81.
Moreover, it is clear from the definitions that
hence the last statement follows by uniqueness of adjoints. ▮
Remark 2.105. In summary, we have established the following situation. There is a commuting diagram of Quillen adjunctions of the form
The top square stabilizes to the actual stable homotopy theory (thm.). On the other hand, the top square does not reflect the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra (by remark 2.58). But the total vertical composite does, in that it is a strong monoidal Quillen adjunction (def. 2.101) by prop. 2.104.
Hence to obtain a stable model category which is also a monoidal model category with respect to the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra, it is now sufficient to find such a monoidal model structure on such that becomes a Quillen equivalence (def.)
This we now turn to in the section The stable model structure on structured spectra.
Theorem 2.106. The category of orthogonal spectra carries a model category structure (def.) where
the weak equivalences are the stable weak homotopy equivalences (def. 2.73);
the cofibrations are the cofibrations of the strict model stucture of prop. 2.87;
the fibrant objects are precisely the Omega-spectra (def. 2.73).
Moreover, this is a cofibrantly generated model category (def.) with generating (acyclic) cofibrations the sets () from def. 2.88.
We give the proof below, after
The generating cofibrations and acylic cofibrations are going to be the those induced via tensoring of representables from the classical model structure on topological spaces (giving the strict model structure), together with an additional set of morphisms to the generating acylic cofibrations that will force fibrant objects to be Omega-spectra. To that end we need the following little preliminary.
Definition 2.107. For let
be the factorization as in the factorization lemma of the morphism of lemma 2.82 through its mapping cylinder (prop.) formed with respect to the standard cylinder spectrum :
Notice that:
Lemma 2.108. The factorization in def. 2.107 is through a cofibration followed followed by a left homotopy equivalence in
Proof. Since the cell is cofibrant in , and since is a left Quillen functor by prop. 2.104, the free spectrum is cofibrant in . Therefore lemma 2.94 says that its standard cylinder spectrum is a good cylinder object and then the factorization lemma (lemma) says that is a cofibration. Moreover, the morphism out of the standard mapping cylinder is a homotopy equivalence, with homotopies induced under tensoring from the standard homotopy contracting the standard cylinder. ▮
With this we may state the classes of morphisms that are going to be shown to be the classes of generating (acyclic) cofibrations for the stable model structures:
Definition 2.109. Recall the sets of generating (acyclic) cofibrations of the strict model structre def. 2.88. Set
for the disjoint union of the strict acyclic generating cofibration with the pushout products under smash tensoring of the resolved maps from def. 2.107 with the elements in .
Lemma 2.110. Let (but not ). Then every element in (def. 2.109) is both:
a cofibration with respect to the strict model structure (prop. 2.87);
a stable weak homotopy equivalence (def. 2.73).
Proof. First regarding strict cofibrations:
By the Yoneda lemma, the elements in have right lifting property against the strict fibrations, hence in particular they are strict cofibrations. Moreover, by Joyal-Tierney calculus (prop.), has left lifting against any acyclic strict fibration precisely if has left lifting against . By prop. 2.91 the latter is still a strict acyclic fibration. Since by construction is a strict cofibration, the lifting follows and hence also is a strict cofibration.
Now regarding stable weak homotopy equivalences:
The morphisms in by design are strict weak equivalences, hence they are in particular stable weak homotopy equivalences. The morphisms are stable weak homotopy equivalences by lemma 2.85 and by two-out-of-three.
To see that also the pushout products are stable weak homotopy equivalences. (e.g. Mandell-May 02, p.46):
First is still a stable weak homotopy equivalence, by lemma. 2.75.
Moreover, observe that is degreewise a relative cell complex inclusion, hence degreewise a cofibration in the classical model structure on pointed topological spaces. This follows from lemma 2.80, which says that is degreewise the smash product of a CW complex with , and from the fact that smashing with CW-complexes is a left Quillen functor (prop.) and hence preserves cofibrations.
Altogether this implies by lemma 2.76 that the pushout of the stable weak homotopy equivalence along the degreewise cofibration is still a stable weak homtopy equivalence, and so the pushout product is, too, by two-out-of-three. ▮
The point of the class in def. 2.88 is to make the following true:
Lemma 2.111. A morphism in is a -injective morphism (for from def. 2.109) precisely if
it is a fibration in the strict model structure (hence degreewise a fibration);
for all the commuting squares of structure map compatibility on the underlying sequential spectra
are homotopy pullbacks (def.).
Proof. By prop 2.89, lifting against alone characterizes strict fibrations, hence degreewise fibrations. Lifting against the remaining pushout product morphism is, by Joyal-Tierney calculus, equivalent to left lifting against the dual pullback product of , which means that is a weak homotopy equivalence. But by construction of and by lemma 2.82, is the comparison morphism into the homotopy pullback under consideration. ▮
Corollary 2.112. The -injective objects are precisely the Omega-spectra (def. 2.73).
Lemma 2.113. A morphism in which is both
a stable weak homotopy equivalence (def. 2.73);
is an acyclic fibration in the strict model structure of prop. 2.87, hence is degreewise a weak homotopy equivalence and Serre fibration of topological spaces;
Proof. Let be both a stable weak homotopy equivalence as well as a -injective morphism. Since contains, by prop. 2.89, the generating acyclic cofibrations for the strict model structure of prop. 2.87, is in particular a strict fibration, hence a degreewise fibration. Therefore the fiber of is its homotopy fiber in the strict model structure.
Hence by lemma 2.74 there is an exact sequence of stable homotopy groups of the form
By exactness and by the assumption that is an isomorphism, this implies that , hence that is a stable weak homotopy equivalence.
Observe also that , being the pullback of a -injective morphisms (by the standard closure properties) is a -injective object, so that by corollary 2.112 is an Omega-spectrum. Since stable weak homotopy equivalences between Omega-spectra are already degreewise weak homotopy equivalences, together this says that is a weak equivalence in the strict model structure, hence degreewise a weak homotopy equivalence. From this the long exact sequence of homotopy groups implies that is a weak homotopy equivalence for all and for each homotopy group in positive degree.
To deduce the remaining case that also is an isomorphism, observe that, by assumption of -injectivity, lemma 2.111 gives that is a homotopy pullback (in topological spaces) of . But, by the above, is a weak homotopy equivalence, since . Therefore is the homotopy pullback of a weak homotopy equivalence and hence itself a weak homotopy equivalence. ▮
Lemma 2.114. The retracts of -relative cell complexes are precisely the morphisms which are
Proof. Since all elements of are stable weak homotopy equivalences as well as strict cofibrations by lemma 2.110, it follows that every retract of a relative -cell complex has the same property.
In the other direction, if is a stable weak homotopy equivalence and a strict cofibration, by the small object argument it factors as a relative -cell complex followed by a -injective morphism . By the previous statement is a stable weak homotopy equivalence, and so by assumption and by two-out-of-three so is . Therefore lemma 2.113 implies that is a strict acyclic fibration. But then the assumption that is a strict cofibration means that it has the left lifting property against , and so the retract argument implies that is a retract of the relative -cell complex . ▮
Corollary 2.115. The -injective morphisms are precisely those which are injective with respect to the cofibrations of the strict model structure that are also stable weak homotopy equivalences.
Lemma 2.116. A morphism in (for ) is both
injective with respect to the cofibrations of the strict model structure that are also stable weak homotopy equivalences;
precisely if it is an acylic fibration in the strict model structure of theorem 2.87.
Proof. Every acyclic fibration in the strict model structure is injective with respect to strict cofibrations by the strict model structure; and it is a clearly a stable weak homotopy equivalence.
Conversely, a morphism injective with respect to strict cofibrations that are stable weak homotopy equivalences is a -injective morphism by corollary 2.115, and hence if it is also a stable equivalence then by lemma 2.113 it is a strict acylic fibration. ▮
Proof. (of theorem 2.106)
The non-trivial points to check are the two weak factorization systems.
That is a weak factorization system follows from lemma 2.114 and the small object argument.
By lemma 2.116 the stable acyclic fibrations are equivalently the strict acyclic fibrations and hence the weak factorization system is identified with that of the strict model structure . ▮
We show now that the model structure on orthogonal spectra from theorem 2.106 is Quillen equivalent (def.) to the stable model structure on topological sequential spectra (thm.), hence that they model the same stable homotopy theory.
Theorem 2.117. The free-forgetful adjunction of def. 2.56 and theorem 2.87 is a Quillen equivalence (def.) between the stable model structure on topological sequential spectra (thm.) and the stable model structure on orthogonal spectra from theorem 2.106.
Proof. Since the forgetful functor “creates weak equivalences”, in that a morphism of orthogonal spectra is a weak equivalence precisely if the underlying morphism of sequential spectra is (by def. 2.73) it is sufficient to show (by this prop.) that for every cofibrant sequential spectrum , the adjunction unit
is a stable weak homotopy equivalence.
By cofibrant generation of the stable model structure on topological sequential spectra (thm.) every cofibrant sequential spectrum is a retract of an -relative cell complex (def., def.), where
Since and both preserve colimits ( because it evaluates at objects and colimits in the diagram category are computed objectwise, and because it is a left adjoint) we have for a relative -decompositon of , that is equivalently
Now observe that the colimits involved in a relative -complex (the coproducts, pushouts, transfinite compositions) are all homotopy colimits (def.): First, all objects involved are cofibrant. Now for the transfinite composition all the morphisms involved are cofibrations, so that their colimit is a homotopy colimit by this example, while for the pushout one of the morphisms out of the “top” objects is a cofibration, so that this is a homotopy pushout by (def.).
It follows that if all are weak equivalences, then so is .
Unwinding this, one finds that it is sufficient to show that
is a stable weak homotopy equivalence for all .
Consider this for . Then there are canonical morphisms
whose components in degree are the identity. These are the composites of the maps for with from def. \reg{CorepresentationOfAdjunctsOfStructureMaps}. By prop. 2.85 also are weak homotopy equivalences. Hence we have commuting diagrams of the form
where the horizontal maps are stable weak homotopy equivalences by the previous argument and the right vertical morphism is an isomorphism by the formula in prop. 2.79.Hence the left vertical morphism is a stable weak homotopy equivalence by two-out-of-three.
If then one reduces this to the above case by smashing with . ▮
Remark 2.118. Theorem 2.117 means that the homotopy categories of and are equivalent (prop.) via
Since is a stable model category (thm.) in that the derived suspension looping adjunction is an equivalence of categories, and and since this is a condition only on the homotopy categories, and since manifestly preserves the construction of loop space objects, this implies that we have a commuting square of adjoint equivalences of homotopy categories
and so in particular also is a stable model category.
Due to the vertical equivalences here we will usually not distinguish between these homotopy categories and just speak of the stable homotopy category (def.)
We now discuss that the monoidal model category structure of the strict model structure on orthogonal spectra (theorem 2.103) remains intact as we pass to the stable model structure of theorem 2.106.
Theorem 2.119. The stable model structure of theorem 2.106 equipped with the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra (def. 2.61) is a monoidal model category (def. 2.97) with cofibrant tensor unit
Proof. Since , the fact that the pushout product of two stable cofibrations is again a stable cofibration is part of theorem 2.103.
It remains to show that if at least one of them is a stable weak homotopy equivalence (def. 2.73), then so is the pushout-product.
Since is a cofibrantly generated model category by theorem 2.106 and since it has internal homs (mapping spectra) with respect to (prop. 2.44), it suffices (as in the proof of this prop.) to check this on generating (acylic) cofibrations, i.e. to check that
Now and so that the special case
follows again from the monoidal stucture on the strict model category of theorem 2.103.
It hence remains to see that
for all .
By lemma 2.110 is in and hence
follows, once more, from the monoidalness of the strict model structure.
Hence it only remains to show that
This we now prove by inspection:
By two-out-of-three applied to the definition of the pushout product, it is sufficient to show that for every in , the right vertical morphism in the pushout diagram
is a stable weak homotopy equivalence. Since preserves pushouts, we may equivalently check this on the underlying sequential spectra.
Consider first the top horizontal morphism in this square.
We may rewrite it as
where we used that is a left adjoint and hence preserves colimits, and we used prop. 2.81 to evaluate the smash product of free spectra.
Now by lemma 2.80 the morphism
is degreewise the smash product of a CW-complex with a relative cell complex inclusion, hence is itself degreewise a relative cell complex inclusion, and therefore its pushout
is degreewise a retract of a relative cell complex inclusion. But since it is the identity on the smash factor in the argument of the free spectra as above, the morphism is degreewise the smash tensoring with of a retract of a relative cell complex inclusion. Since the domain is degreewise a CW-complex by lemma 2.80, is degreewise the smash tensoring with of a retract of a cell complex.
The same argument applies to the domain of , and so in conclusion this morphism is degreewise the smash product of a cofibration with a cofibrant object in , and hence is itself degreewise a cofibration.
Now consider the vertical morphism in the above square
The same argument that we just used shows that this is the smash tensoring of the stable weak homotopy equivalence with a CW-complex. Hence by lemma 2.75 the left vertical morphism is a stable weak homotopy equivalence.
In conclusion, the right vertical morphism is the pushout of a stable weak homotopy equivalence along a degreewise cofibration of pointed topological spaces. Hence lemma 2.76 implies that it is itself a stable weak homotopy equivalence. ▮
Corollary 2.120. The strong monoidal Quillen adjunction (def. 2.101) on the strict model structure (prop. 2.104) descends to a strong monoidal Quillen adjunction on the stable monoidal model category from theorem 2.119:
Proof. The stable model structure is a left Bousfield localization of the strict model structure (def.) in that it has the same cofibrations and a larger class of acyclic cofibrations. Hence is still a left Quillen functor also to the stable model structure. ▮
We discuss now the consequences for the stable homotopy category (def.) of the fact that by theorem 2.117 and theorem 2.119 it is equivalently the homotopy category of a stable monoidal model category. This makes the stable homotopy category become a tensor triangulated category (def. 2.123) below. The abstract structure encoded by this governs much of stable homotopy theory (Hovey-Palmieri-Strickland 97). In particular it is this structure that gives rise to the -Adams spectral sequences which we discuss in Part 2.
Corollary 2.121. The stable homotopy category (remark 2.118) inherits the structure of a symmetric monoidal category
with tensor product the left derived functor of the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra (def. 2.61, def. 2.65, prop. 2.66) and with tensor unit the sphere spectrum (the image in of any of the structured sphere spectra from def. 2.56).
Moreover, the localization functor (def.) is a lax monoidal functor
Remark 2.122. Let be two spectra in the stable homotopy category, then the stable homotopy groups (def.) of their derived symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra (corollary 2.121) is also called the generalized homology of with coefficients in and denoted
This is conceptually dual to the concept of generalized (Eilenberg-Steenrod) cohomology (example)
In the special case that is a suspension spectrum, then
(by prop. 2.81 ) and this is called the generalized -homology of the topological space .
Since the sphere spectrum is the tensor unit for the derived smash product of spectra (corollary 2.121) we have
For that reason often one also writes for short
Notice that similarly the -generalized cohomology (exmpl.) of the sphere spectrum is
(Beware that, as usual, here we are not displaying a tilde-symbol to indicate reduced cohomology).
We discuss that the derived smash product of spectra from corollary 2.121 on the stable homotopy category interacts well with its structure of a triangulated category (def.).
Definition 2.123. A tensor triangulated category is a category equipped with
the structure of a symmetric monoidal category (def. 2.5);
the structure of a triangulated category (def.);
for all objects natural isomorphisms
such that
(tensor product is additive) for all the functors preserve finite direct sums (are additive functors);
(tensor product is exact) for each object the functors preserves distinguished triangles in that for
in , then also
is in , where the equivalence at the end is .
Jointly this says that for all objects the equivalences give the structure of a triangulated functor.
In addition we ask that
(coherence) for all the following diagram commutes
where is the associator of .
(graded commutativity) for all the following diagram commutes
where the horizontal isomorphisms are composites of the and the braidings.
(Hovey-Palmieri-Strickland 97, def. A.2.1)
Proposition 2.124. The stable homotopy category (def.) equipped with
its triangulated category structure for distinguished triangles the homotopy cofiber sequences (prop.;
the derived symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra (corollary 2.121)
is a tensor triangulated category in the sense of def. 2.123.
(e.g. Hovey-Palmieri-Strickland 97, 9.4)
We break up the proof into lemma 2.125, lemma 2.126, lemma 2.127 and lemma 2.128.
Lemma 2.125. For any spectrum in the stable homotopy category (remark 2.118), then the derived symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra (corollary 2.121)
preserves direct sums, in that for all then
Proof. The direct sum in is represented by the wedge sum in (prop., prop.). Since wedge sum of sequential spectra is the coproduct in (exmpl.) and since the forgetful functor preserves colimits (since by prop. 2.71 it acts by precomposition on functor categories, and since for these colimits are computed objectwise), it follows that also wedge sum of orthogonal spectra represents the direct sum operation in the stable homotopy category.
Now assume without restriction that , and are cofibrant orthogonal spectra representing the objects of the same name in the stable homotopy catgeory. Since wedge sum is coproduct, it follows that also the wedge sum is cofibrant.
Since is a left Quillen functor by theorem 2.119, it follows that the derived tensor product is represented by the plain symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra . By def. 2.61 (or more explicitly by prop. 2.66) this is the coequalizer
Inserting the definition of Day convolution (def. 2.38), the middle term here is
where in the second but last step we used that the smash product in distributes over wedge sum and that coends commute with wedge sums (both being colimits).
The analogous analysis applies to the left term in the coequalizer diagram. Hence the whole diagram splits as the wedge sum of the respective diagrams for and . ▮
Lemma 2.126. For any spectrum in the stable homotopy category (remark 2.118), then the derived symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra (corollary 2.121)
preserves homotopy cofiber sequences.
Proof. We may choose a cofibrant representative of in , which we denote by the same symbol. Then the functor
is a left Quillen functor in that it preserves cofibrations and acyclic cofibrations by theorem 2.119 and it is a left adjoint by prop. 2.21. Hence its left derived functor is equivalently its restriction to cofibrant objects followed by the localization functor.
But now every homotopy cofiber (def.) is represented by the ordinary cofiber of a cofibration. The left Quillen functor preserves both the cofibration as well as its cofiber. ▮
Lemma 2.127. The canonical suspension functor on the stable homotopy category
commutes with forming the derived symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra from corollary 2.121 in that for any two spectra, then there are isomorphisms
Proof. By theorem 2.119 the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra is a left Quillen functor, and by prop. 2.93 and lemma 2.94 the canonical suspension operation is the left derived functor of the left Quillen functor of smash tensoring with . Therefore all three expressions are represented by application of the underived functors on cofibrant representatives in (the fibrant replacement that is part of the derived functor construction is preserved by left Quillen functors).
So for and cofibrant orthogonal spectra (which we denote by the same symbol as the objects in the homotopy category which they represent), by def. 2.61 (or more explicitly by prop. 2.66), the object is represented by the coequalizer
where the two morphisms bing coequalized are the images of those of def. 2.61 under smash tensoring with . Now it is sufficient to observe that for any we have canonical isomorphisms
and similarly for the triple Day tensor product.
This follows directly from the definition of the Day convolution product (def. 2.38)
and the symmetry of the smash product on (example 2.9). ▮
Lemma 2.128. For then the following diagram commutes in :
Proof. It is sufficient to prove this for . From this the general statement follows by looping and using lemma 2.127.
So assume .
Observe that the sphere spectrum is represented by the orthogonal sphere spectrum (def. 2.77) and since is a left Quillen functor (prop. 2.104) and is cofibrant, this is a cofibrant orthogonal spectrum. Hence, as in the proof of lemma 2.127, is represented by
Since is a symmetric monoidal functor by prop. 2.81, it makes the following diagram commute
Now the homotopy class of in
This translates to under the identification (lemma)
and using the adjunction from prop. 2.36:
We discuss commutative monoids in the tensor triangulated stable homotopy category (prop. 2.124).
In this section the only tensor product that plays a role is the derived smash product of spectra from corollary 2.121. Therefore to ease notation, in this section (and in all of Part 2) we write for short
Definition 2.129. A commutative monoid (def. 2.12) in the monoidal stable homotopy category of corollary 2.121 is called a homotopy commutative ring spectrum.
A module object (def. 2.15) over is accordingly called a homotopy module spectrum.
Proposition 2.130. For a homotopy commutative ring spectrum (def. 2.129), its stable homotopy groups (def.)
canonically inherit the structure of a -graded-commutative ring.
Moreover, for any spectrum, then the generalized homology (remark 2.122)
(i.e. the stable homotopy groups of the free module over on (prop. 2.19)) canonically inherits the structure of a left graded -module, and similarly
canonically inherits the structure of a right graded -module.
Proof. Under the identification (lemma)
for be two elements of .
Observe that there is a canonical identification
since is the tensor unit (cor. 2.121, lemma 2.2) using lemma 2.127 (part of the tensor triangulated structure from prop. 2.124). With this we may form the composite
That this pairing is associative and unital follows directly from the associativity and unitality of and the coherence of the isomorphism on the left (prop. 2.124). Evidently the pairing is graded. That it is bilinear follows since addition of morphisms in the stable homotopy category is given by forming their direct sum (prop.) and since distributes over direct sum (lemma 2.125, part of the tensor triangulated structure of prop. 2.124)).
It only remains to show graded-commutivity of the pairing. This is exhibited by the following commuting diagram:
Here the top square is that of lemma 2.128 (part of the tensor triangulated structure of prop. 2.124)), the middle square is the naturality square of the braiding (def. 2.4, cor. 2.121), and the bottom triangle commutes by definition of being a commutative monoid (def. 2.12).
Similarly given
as before and
then an action is defined by the composite
This is clearly a graded pairing, and the action property and unitality follow directly from the associativity and unitality, respectively, of .
Analogously for the right action on . ▮
Example 2.131. (ring structure on the stable homotopy groups of spheres)
The sphere spectrum is a homotopy commutative ring spectrum (def. 2.129).
On the one hand this is because it is the tensor unit for the derived smash product of spectra (by cor. 2.121), and by example 2.13 every such is canonically a (commutative) monoid. On the other hand we have the explicit representation by the orthogonal ring spectrum (def. 2.67) , according to lemma 2.59, and the localization functor is a symmetric lax monoidal functor (prop. 2.100, and in fact a strong monoidal functor on cofibrant objects such as according to prop. 2.99) and hence preserves commutative monoids (prop. 2.49).
The stable homotopy groups of the sphere spectrum are of course the stable homotopy groups of spheres (exmpl.)
Now prop. 2.130 gives the stable homotopy groups of spheres the structure of a graded commutative ring. By the proof of prop. 2.130, the product operation in that ring sends elements to
where now not only the first morphism, but also the last morphism is an isomorphism (the isomorphism from lemma 2.2). Hence up to isomorphism, the ring structure on the stable homotopy groups of spheres is the derived smash product of spectra.
This implies that for any two spectra, then the graded abelian group (def.) of morphisms from to in the stable homotopy category canonically becomes a module over the ring
In particular for every spectrum , its stable homotopy groups (lemma) canonically form a module over . If happens to carry the structure of a homotopy commutative ring spectrum, then this module structure coincides the one induced from the unit
under prop. 2.130.
(It is straightforward to unwind all this categorical algebra to concrete component expressions by proceeding as in the proof of this lemma).)
This finally allows to uniquely characterize the stable homotopy theory that we have been discussing:
Theorem 2.132. (Schwede-Shipley uniqueness theorem)
The homotopy category (def.) of every stable homotopy category (def.) canonically has graded hom-groups with the structure of modules over (example 2.131). In terms of this, the following are equivalent:
There is a zig-zag of Quillen equivalences (def.) between and the stable model structure on topological sequential spectra (thm.) (equivalently (thm. 2.117) the stable model structure on orthogonal spectra)
there is an equivalence of categories between the homotopy category and the stable homotopy category (def.)
which is -linear on all hom-groups.
(Schwede-Shipley 02, Uniqueness theorem)
Proposition 2.133. Let be a homotopy commutative ring spectrum (def. 2.129) and let be any spectrum. Then there is a homomorphism of graded abelian groups of the form
(for the -modules according to prop. 2.130) given on elements
If is a flat module over then this is an isomorphism.
(Adams 74, part III, lemma 12.5, Schwede 12, prop. 6.20)
Proof. First of all, that the given pairing is a well defined homomorphism (descends from to ) follows from the associativity of .
We discuss that it is an isomorphism when is flat over :
First consider the case that is a suspension of the sphere spectrum. Then
Therefore in this case we have an isomorphism for all .
For general , we may without restriction assume that is represented by a sequential CW-spectrum (prop.). Then the homotopy cofibers of its cell attachment maps are suspensions of the sphere spectrum (rmk.).
First consider the case that is a CW-spectrum with finitely many cells. Consider the homotopy cofiber sequence of the st cell attachment (by that remark):
and its image
Here the bottom row is a long exact sequence since preserves homotopy cofiber sequences (by lemma 2.126, part of the tensor triangulated structure of prop. 2.124), and since sends homtopy cofiber sequences to long exact sequences (prop.). By the same reasoning of the homotopy cofiber sequence is long exact; and by the assumption that is flat, the functor preserves this exactness, so that also the top row is a long exact sequence.
Now by induction over the cells of , the outer four vertical morphisms are isomorphisms. Hence the 5-lemma implies that also the middle morphism is an isomorphism.
This shows the claim for finite CW-spectra. For the general statement, now use that
every CW-spectrum is the filtered colimit over its finite CW-subspectra;
the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra preserves colimits in its arguments separately (since it has a right adjoint by prop. 2.21);
commutes over filtered colimits of CW-spectrum inclusions (since spheres are compact);
distributes over colimits (it being a left adjoint).
Example 2.134. Let be a homotopy commutative ring spectrum (def. 2.129). Then its self--homology (remark 2.122)
naturally inherits several algebraic structures:
by example 2.14, is itself canonically a homotopy commutative ring spectrum (def. 2.129) and hence, by prop. 2.130, is canonically a graded commutative ring;
in addition is canonically both a left as well as a right module over , by prop. 2.130;
moreover the unit of gives a morphism
and if flat as a module over , then by prop. 2.133 this is equivalently a morphism of the form
finally the braiding of the derived smash product of spectra induces an automorphism
This structure, together with various compatibility conditions that it satisfies, is called a graded commutative Hopf algebroid structure. The pair equipped with this structure is called the dual -Steenrod algebra.
We discuss this in more detail in Part 2 in the section The dual E-Steenrod algebra.
For reference, we consider some basic examples of orthogonal ring spectra (def. 2.67) . By prop. 2.68 and corollary 2.121 each of these examples in particular represents a homotopy commutative ring spectrum (def. 2.129) in the tensor triangulated stable homotopy category (prop. 2.124).
We make use of these examples of homotopy commutative ring spectra in Part 2 in the computation of -Adams spectral sequences.
For constructing representations as orthogonal ring spectra of spectra that are already known as sequential spectra (def.) two principles are usefully to be kept in mind:
by prop. 2.68 it is sufficient to give an equivariant multiplicative pairing and equivariant unit maps , , from these the structure maps are already uniquely induced;
the choice of -action on is governed mainly by the demand that the unit map has to be equivariant, with respect to the -action on induced by regarding as the one-point compactification of the defining -representation on (“representation sphere”).
We already described the orthogonal sphere spectrum as an orthogonal ring spectrum in lemma 2.59. The component spaces are the spheres with their -action as representation spheres, and the multiplication maps are the canonical identifications
More generally, by prop. 2.81 the orthogonal suspension spectrum functor is a strong monoidal functor, and so by prop. 2.68 the suspension spectrum of a monoid in (for instance for a topological group) canonically carries the structure of an orthogonal ring spectrum.
The orthogonal sphere spectrum is the special case of this with for the tensor unit in (example 2.9) and hence a monoid by example 2.13.
We discuss the model of Eilenberg-MacLane spectra as symmetric spectra and orthogonal spectra. To that end, notice the following model for Eilenberg-MacLane spaces.
Definition 2.135. For an abelian group and , the reduced -linearization of the n-sphere is the topological space, whose underlying set is the quotient of the tensor product with of the free abelian group on the underlying set of ,
by the relation that identifies every formal linear combination of the basepoint of with 0. The topology is the induced quotient topology
(of the disjoint union of product topological spaces, where is equipped with the discrete topology).
(Aguilar-Gitler-Prieto 02, def. 6.4.20)
Proposition 2.136. For a countable abelian group, then the reduced -linearization (def. 2.135) is an Eilenberg-MacLane space, in that its homotopy groups are
(in particular for then there is a unique connected component and hence we need not specify a basepoint for the homotopy group).
(Aguilar-Gitler-Prieto 02, corollary 6.4.23)
Definition 2.137. For a countable abelian group, then the orthogonal Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum is the orthogonal spectrum (def. 2.63) with
component spaces
being the reduced -linearization (def. 2.135) of the representation sphere ;
-action on induced from the canonical -action on (representation sphere);
structure maps
given by
The incarnation of as a symmetric spectrum is the same, with the group action of replaced by the subgroup action of the symmetric group .
If is a commutative ring, then the Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum becomes a commutative orthogonal ring spectrum or symmetric ring spectrum (def. 2.67) by
taking the multiplication
to be given by
taking the unit maps
to be given by the canonical inclusion of generators
Proposition 2.138. The stable homotopy groups (def. 2.73) of an Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum HA (def. 2.137) are
We discuss the realization of Thom spectra as orthogonal ring spectra. For background on Thom spectra realized as sequential spectra see Part S the section Thom spectra.
Definition 2.139. As an orthogonal ring spectrum (def. 2.67), the universal Thom spectrum has
component spaces
the Thom spaces (def.) of the universal vector bundle (def.) of rank ;
left -action induced by the remaining canonical left action of ;
canonical multiplication maps (def.)
unit maps
induced by the fiber inclusion .
For the universal complex Thom spectrum MU the construction is a priori directly analogous, but with the real Cartesian space replace by the complex vector space thoughout. This makes the n-sphere be replaced by the -sphere throughout. Hence the construction requires a second step in which the resulting -spectrum (def.) is turned into an actual orthogonal spectrum. This proceeds differently than for sequential spectra (lemma) due to the need to have compatible orthogonal group-action on all spaces.
Definition 2.140. The universal complex Thom spectrum MU is represented as an orthogonal ring spectrum (def. 2.67) as follows
First consider the component spaces
given by the Thom spaces (def.) of the complex universal vector bundle (def.) of rank , and equipped with the -action which is induced via the canonical inclusions
Regard these as equipped with the canonical pairing maps (def.)
These are -equivariant, hence in particular -equivariant.
Then take the actual components spaces to be loop spaces of these:
and regard these as equipped with the conjugation action by induced by the above action on and the canonical action on .
Define the actual pairing maps
Finally in order to define the unit maps, consider the isomorphism
and then take the unit maps
to be the adjuncts of the canonical embeddings
We summarize the results about stable homotopy theory obtained above.
First of all we have established a commuting diagram of Quillen adjunctions and Quillen equivalences of the form
is the classical model structure on pointed topological spaces (thm., thm.);
is the stable model structure on topological sequential spectra (thm.);
is the stable model structure on orthogonal spectra from theorem 2.106.
Here the top part of the diagram is from remark 2.105, while the vertical Quillen equivalence is from theorem 2.106.
Moreover, the top and bottom model categories are monoidal model categories (def. 2.97): with respect to the smash product of pointed topological spaces (theorem 2.103) and as well as with respect to the symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra (theorem 2.103 and theorem 2.119); and the compsite vertical adjunction
is a strong monoidal Quillen adjunction (def. 2.101, corollary 2.120).
Under passage to homotopy categories this yields a commuting diagram of derived adjoint functors
between the (Serre-Quillen-)classical homotopy category and the stable homotopy category (remark 2.118). The latter is an additive category (def.) with direct sum the wedge sum of spectra (lemma, lemma) and in fact a triangulated category (def.) with distinguished triangles the homotopy cofiber sequences of spectra (prop.).
While this is the situation already for sequential spectra (thm.), in addition we have now that both the classical homotopy category as well as the stable homotopy category are symmetric monoidal categories with respect to derived smash product of pointed topological spaces and the derived symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra, respectively (corollary 2.121).
Moreover, the derived smash product of spectra is compatible with the additive category structure (direct sums) and the triangulated category structure (homotopy cofiber sequences), this being a tensor triangulated category (prop. 2.124).
abelian groups | spectra |
integers | sphere spectrum |
direct sum | wedge sum |
tensor product | smash product of spectra |
kernels/cokernels | homotopy fibers/homotopy cofibers |
The commutative monoids with respect to this smash product of spectra are precisely the commutative orthogonal ring spectra (def. 2.67, prop. 2.68) and the module objects over these are precisely the orthogonal module spectra (def. 2.69, prop. 2.70).
algebra | homological algebra | higher algebra |
abelian group | chain complex | spectrum |
ring | dg-ring | ring spectrum |
module | dg-module | module spectrum |
The localization functors (def.) from the monoidal model categories to their homotopy categories are lax monoidal functors
This implies that for a commutativeorthogonal ring spectrum, then its image in the stable homotopy category is a homotopy commutative ring spectrum (def. 2.129) and similarly for module spectra (prop. 2.49).
Moreover, the vertical adjunction
is a strong monoidal adjunction from the the derived smash product of pointed topological spaces to the derived symmetric smash product of spectra.
with symmetric monoidal smash product of spectra
orthogonal spectrum, model structure on orthogonal spectra
model structure on ring spectra
The model structure on orthogonal spectra and its Quillen equivalence to the model structure on sequential spectra, the model structure on symmetric spectra and the model structure on excisive functors is due to
Caveat. In (MMSS 00) the weak equivalences of the stable model structure are first defined to be the “stable equivalences”, then the proof of the model structure is given in terms of these, and afterwards it is shown that for orthogonal spectra the “stable equivalences” coincide with the stable weak homotopy equivalences (-isomorphisms) that we use here. This approach makes the proof of lemma 2.113 involve a certain detour (for the step where is concluded to be a weak equivalence, see at Model categories of diagram spectra here). On the other hand, in (Mandell-May 02) the weak equivalences are defined to be the stable weak homotopy equivalences (-isomorphisms) right away, and it is suggested that with this definition the proof of the stable (and monoidal) model structure proceeds in the same spirit as the proof in (MMSS 00). It is this analogous proof that the above discussion means to give.
The further Quillen equivalence to the model structure on S-modules is due to
The analogous result for equivariant spectra is in
The -model structure on orthogonal spectra:
The relevant theory of monoids in monoidal model categories is due to
Mark Hovey, chapter 4 of Model Categories Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Volume 63, AMS (1999) (pdf)
Anthony Elmendorf, Igor Kriz, Michael Mandell, Peter May, Rings, modules and algebras in stable homotopy theory, AMS 1997, 2014
Stefan Schwede, Brooke Shipley, Algebras and modules in monoidal model categories Proc. London Math. Soc. (2000) 80(2): 491-511 (pdf)
The analogous model structure on symmetric spectra is due to
See also
Mark Hovey, John Palmieri, Neil Strickland, Axiomatic stable homotopy theory, Memoirs of the AMS 610 (1997) (pdf)
Stefan Schwede, Brooke Shipley, A uniqueness theorem for stable homotopy theory, Math. Z. 239,803–828 (2002) (arXiv:math/0012021)
Stefan Schwede, Symmetric spectra, 2012 (pdf)
Last revised on June 26, 2022 at 23:15:59. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.