symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category of spectra
analysis (differential/integral calculus, functional analysis, topology)
metric space, normed vector space
open ball, open subset, neighbourhood
convergence, limit of a sequence
compactness, sequential compactness
continuous metric space valued function on compact metric space is uniformly continuous
A normed ring is a ring compatibly equipped with a norm on the underlying abelian group.
If this is suitably complete with respect to the norm, then a normed ring is called a Banach ring. A normed ring which is a field is, naturally, called a normed field, and if the norm is multiplicative it is also called a valued field.
The Berkovich spectrum of a normed ring is the set of multiplicative seminorms on that are bounded by the norm on .
A normed commutative ring is a commutative ring equipped with a function
to the non-negative real numbers such that for all
precisely if ;
(e.g Ozaki, Kashiwagi & Tsuboi 1953)
One might also define a normed ring to be a commutative monoid internal to the monoidal category of normed groups. If the morphisms in are taken to be the short group homomorphisms and the projective cross norm is used on the tensor product, then this reproduces the definition above. If (as is often seen) the morphisms are generalized to bounded group homomrophisms, then this generalizes the third clause in def. to
there is such that for all
see e.g. (Bassat-Kremnitzer 13, remark 6.32)
A normed field is of course in particular a normed ring.
For a normed commutative ring, then for each the matrix algebra becomes a normed ring with norm
Notice that even if if the norm on is multiplicative (is an absolute value) that on is not in general. If is a Banach ring, then so is .
(e.g. Jarden 11).
The notion of normed rings originates with:
Early further discussion:
See also:
Siegfried Bosch, Ulrich Güntzer, Reinhold Remmert, Non-Archimedean Analysis – A systematic approach to rigid analytic geometry, Grundlehren der Mathem. Wissen. 261 (1984) [ ISBN:9783540125464, pdf]
Naoki Kimura, A note on normed ring, Kodai Math. Sem. Rep. 1 3-4 (1949) 23-24 [euclid:kmj/1138833472]
Mark Naimark, Normed Rings, Groningen, Netherlands: P. Noordhoff N. V. (1959)
M. Jarden, Normed rings, chapter 2 of: Algebraic patching, Springer Monographs in Mathematics (2011) [pdf]
Vladimir Berkovich, Non-archimedean analytic spaces, lectures at the Advanced School on -adic Analysis and Applications, ICTP, Trieste, 31 August - 11 September 2009 [pdf]
Oren Ben-Bassat, Kobi Kremnizer, section 6.5 of Non-Archimedean analytic geometry as relative algebraic geometry (arXiv:1312.0338)
ProofWiki, Norm (Division ring)
For more see the references at Banach ring.
Last revised on January 2, 2025 at 22:20:55. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.