nLab apartness ring



Constructivism, Realizability, Computability



A ring equipped with an apartness relation such that all ring operations are strongly extensional in that they reflect the apartness relation.

In classical mathematics, every apartness relation is logically equivalent to the negation of an equivalence relation, so apartness rings are equivalent to rings with an equivalence relation which are ring setoids with respect to the equivalence relation. But in constructive mathematics, not every apartness relation is logically equivalent to the negation of an equivalence relation; hence the concept of a ring with apartness or an apartness ring.


A ring RR is an apartness ring or a ring with apartness if it comes with an apartness relation a#ba \# b such that

  • for all a,b,c,dRa, b, c, d \in R, a+b#c+da + b \# c + d implies that a#ca \# c or b#db \# d

  • for all a,bRa, b \in R, a#b-a \# -b implies that a#ba \# b

  • for all a,b,c,dRa, b, c, d \in R, ab#cda \cdot b \# c \cdot d implies that a#ca \# c or b#db \# d

An apartness ring RR where the apartness relation is a tight apartness relation is called a tight apartness ring.



Last revised on February 21, 2025 at 03:58:08. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.