constructive mathematics, realizability, computability
propositions as types, proofs as programs, computational trinitarianism
A ring equipped with an tight apartness relation such that all ring operations are strongly extensional in that they reflect the tight apartness relation.
In classical mathematics, every tight apartness relation is logically equivalent to the denial inequality, so tight apartness rings are equivalent to rings. But in constructive mathematics, not every tight apartness relation is logically equivalent to denial inequality; hence the concept of a ring with tight apartness or a tight apartness ring.
In some parts of the constructive algebra literature, it is common for the unadorned term “ring” to refer to tight apartness rings, and for “algebra” to refer to tight apartness -algebras.
A ring is an tight apartness ring or a ring with tight apartness if it comes with an tight apartness relation such that
for all , implies that or
for all , implies that
for all , implies that or
While rings are algebraic in the sense that they can be defined inside of a Lawvere theory, tight apartness rings can only be defined in a Heyting category due to the negation used in the tightness condition of the tight apartness relation of a tight apartness ring and the disjunction used in the strong extensionality of the binary ring operations, and thus are not algebraic in the above sense.
The category of tight apartness rings is the category whose objects are tight apartness rings and whose morphisms are strongly extensional ring homomorphisms. The initial object is the ring of integers , and the terminal object is the trivial ring .
Every Heyting field is an apartness ring where the tight apartness relation is given by invertibility of .
Every Heyting integral domain is an apartness ring where the tight apartness relation is given by cancellativity of .
Every normed ring is an apartness ring where the tight apartness relation is given by .
Every pseudo-ordered ring is an apartness ring where the apartness relation is given by the relation . In the presence of excluded middle, pseudo-ordered rings are totally ordered rings where is given by the negation of the total order .
In constructive mathematics, a ring is said to be discrete if it is a tight apartness ring whose apartness relation is also decidable relation. Thus, discrete integral domains and discrete fields are discrete rings. In classical mathematics, every ring is discrete in this sense due to excluded middle. Note that the use of “discrete ring” in constructive algebra is not the same as the notion of topologically discrete topological rings in topological algebra and analysis.
Anne Sjerp Troelstra, Dirk van Dalen: Constructivism in Mathematics – An introduction, Volume II, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 123: North Holland (1988) [ISBN:9780444703583]
Michael Shulman, Affine logic for constructive mathematics. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Volume 28, Issue 3, September 2022. pp. 327 - 386 (doi:10.1017/bsl.2022.28, arXiv:1805.07518)
Last revised on January 2, 2025 at 22:57:48. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.