vector bundle, 2-vector bundle, (∞,1)-vector bundle
real, complex/holomorphic, quaternionic
For a topos and any object the over category – the slice topos or over-topos – is itself a topos: the “big little topos” incarnation of . This fact is has been called the fundamental theorem of topos theory (McLarty 1992, Thm. 17.4).
More generally, given a functor between toposes that preserves pullbacks, the comma category is again a topos, called the Artin gluing.
For a topos and any object, the slice category is itself again a topos.
A proof is spelled out for instance in MacLane-Moerdijk, IV.7 theorem 1. In particular we have
If is the subobject classifier in , then the projection regarded as an object in the slice over is the subobject classifier of .
The power object of a map is given by the equalizer of the maps :
where is the projection map and is the composition . In the internal language, this says
The map to is given by projection onto the second factor.
The fact that the slice is a topos, and particularly the construction of power objects above, can be deduced from a more general result: that the category of coalgebras of a pullback-preserving comonad is a topos. See at topos of coalgebras over a comonad. In the case of a slice topos, the comonad would be (with comultiplication induced by the diagonal , and counit induced by the projection ). This result also subsumes the weaker result where is assumed to preserve finite limits. See the Elephant, Section A, Remark 4.2.3. A proof of a still more general result may be found here.
For a Grothendieck topos and any object, the canonical projection functor is part of an essential geometric morphism
The functor is given by taking the product with :
since commuting diagrams
are evidently uniquely specified by their components .
Moreover, since in the Grothendieck topos we have universal colimits, it follows that preserves all colimits. Therefore by the adjoint functor theorem a further right adjoint exists.
One also says that is the dependent sum operation and the dependent product operation. As discussed there, this can be seen to compute spaces of sections of bundles over .
Moreover, in terms of the internal logic of the functor is the existential quantifier and is the universal quantifier .
A geometric morphism equivalent to one of the form is called an etale geometric morphism.
More generally:
For a Grothendieck topos and a morphism in , there is an induced essential geometric morphism
where is given by postcomposition with and by pullback along .
By universal colimits in the pullback functor preserves both limits and colimits. By the adjoint functor theorem and using that the over-toposes are locally presentable categories, this already implies that it has a left adjoint and a right adjoint. That the left adjoint is given by postcomposition with follows from the universality of the pullback: for in and in we have unique factorizations
in , hence an isomorphism
Generally, for a site, an object, and the sheafification of its image under the Yoneda embedding, there is an equivalence of categories
between the category of sheaves on the slice category with its evident induced structure of a site, and the slice topos of the category of sheaves on , sliced over .
This is for instance in Verdier’s exposé III.5 prop.5.4 (SGA4, p.295).
We now discuss this in more detail for the special case of over-presheaf toposes.
Let be a small category, an object of and let be the slice category of over .
for the category of presheaves on
and write for the over category of presheaves on over the presheaf , where is the Yoneda embedding.
(SGA4 I, Ex. 1 Prop. 5.11, p. 27; Kashiwara-Schapira 2006, Lemma 1.4.12, p. 26)
The functor takes to the presheaf
which is equipped with the natural transformation with component map
One readily checks (for more details see here) that a weak inverse of is given by the functor
which sends to given by
where is the pullback
Suppose the presheaf does not actually depend on the morphisms to , i.e. suppose that it factors through the forgetful functor from the over category to :
Then and hence with respect to the closed monoidal structure on presheaves.
Consider , the category of elements of . This has objects with , hence is just an arrow in . A map from to is just a map such that but this is just a morphism from to in .
Hence, the above Prop. can be rephrased as which is an instance of the following formula:
Let be a presheaf. Then there is an equivalence of categories
On objects this takes to
with obvious projection to . The inverse takes to
Kashiwara-Schapira (2006, Lemma 1.4.12, p. 26). For a more general statement involving slices of Grothendieck toposes see Mac Lane-Moerdijk (1994, p.157).
In particular, this equivalence shows that slices of presheaf toposes are presheaf toposes.
For a geometric morphism of toposes and any object, there is an induced geometric morphism between the slice-toposes
where the inverse image is the evident application of to diagrams in .
The slice adjunction is discussed here: the left adjoint is the evident induced functor. Since limits in an over-category are computed as limits in of diagrams with a single bottom element adjoined, preserves finite limits, since does, so that is indeed a geometric morphism.
We discuss topos points of over-toposes.
a point of . Then for every element there is a point of the slice topos given by the composite
Here is the slice geometric morphism of over discussed above and is the étale geometric morphism discussed above induced from the morphism .
Hence the inverse image of sends to the fiber of over .
If has enough points then so does the slice topos for every .
That has enough points means that a morphism in is an isomorphism precisely if for every point the function is an isomorphism.
A morphism in the slice topos, given by a diagram
in is an isomorphism precisely if is. By the above observation we have that under the inverse images of the slice topos points this maps to the fibers of
over all points . Since in Set every object is a coproduct of the point indexed over , and using universal colimits in , we have that if is an isomorphism for all then was already an isomorphism.
The claim then follows with the assumption that has enough points.
It turns out that all points of correspond to pairs as above, with a point of and an element. More precisely:
Let be a topos and an object in . Then the category of points of the over-topos is equivalent to the category with: as objects the pairs with a point of and an element; and as morphisms the natural transformations such that .
This is SGA4 (1972, Exposé IV, Proposition 5.12, p. 382), in the special case where . In the statement of the proposition, we used the (now standard) convention that a morphism of points (or geometric transformation) is a natural transformation . Note however that SGA4 uses the opposite convention, see SGA4 (1972, Exposé IV, 3.2, p. 328).
The point corresponding the pair is the one constructed in Observation .
Michael Artin, Alexander Grothendieck, Jean-Louis Verdier, Théorie des Topos et Cohomologie Etale des Schémas (SGA4) Tome 1: Théorie des Topos Springer LNM 269 (1972) (doi:10.1007/BFb0081551, pdf)
(In particular, exposé III.5 and exposé IV.5 on the “induced topos” - topos induit = slice topos)
Colin McLarty, Elementary Categories, Elementary Toposes, Oxford University Press 1992 (ISBN:9780198514732)
Masaki Kashiwara, Pierre Schapira, Categories and Sheaves, Springer 2006 ( doi:10.1007/3-540-27950-4, pdf)
Saunders Mac Lane, Ieke Moerdijk, Sheaves in Geometry and Logic , Springer Heidelberg 1994. (Especially section IV.7)
Last revised on June 27, 2024 at 20:07:14. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.