Schreiber Quantum Language via Linear Homotopy Types

A mini-course that I will have given:

Based on:

[1] The Quantum Monadology [arXiv:2310.15735]

[2] Entanglement of Sections [arXiv:2309.07245]

[3] Quantum and Reality [arXiv:2311.11035]

Abstract. It is well-appreciated that (intuitionistic but otherwise) classical (functional, programming) language is essentially the internal logic to cartesian closed categories (of data types), in particular to (higher) toposesand that epistemology and other modality expressing physical observations and effects are reflected by (idempotent) co/monads on these categories.

In the course we explore how this classical situation naturally extends to subsume quantum logic of quantum systems controlled and measured by classical observers:

Here doubly closed monoidal categories (of entangled quantum data types parameterized by classical data), such as higher tangent toposes, reflect in their linear slices the substructural (no-deleting/no-cloning) quantum coherence, while their base change co/monads between linear slices turn out to know everything about decoherent quantum measurement (wavefunction collapse), including the ancient Born rule as well as contemporary spider-fusion in ZX-calculus string diagrams.

For example, the infamous quantum measurement paradox resolves in the internal logic to the deferred measurement principle which obtains a rigorous proof as the Kleisli equivalence of the quantum necessity modality. Diligent choice of do-notation for these quantum modalities gives a pleasantly natural universal quantum language which should be admissibly embeddable in some form of linear homotopy type theory to serve as a certifiable quantum programming language (working title: “QS”).

Lecture notes:

  • [to appear here]

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Last revised on January 29, 2025 at 10:00:54. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.