nLab D=2 Yang-Mills theory



Quantum Field Theory

algebraic quantum field theory (perturbative, on curved spacetimes, homotopical)



field theory:

Lagrangian field theory


quantum mechanical system, quantum probability

free field quantization

gauge theories

interacting field quantization



States and observables

Operator algebra

Local QFT

Perturbative QFT

Differential cohomology


1. Idea

D=2 Yang-Mills theory (D=2 YM theory) studies the Yang-Mills equations over a base manifold with dimension D=2D=2. This special case allows the definition of the Yang-Mills measure.

As with ordinary 4d Yang-Mills theory being the basis of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), so coupling suitable fermion physics (“quarks”) to D=2D=2 Yang-Mills theory leads to the “‘t Hooft model” also called D=2 QCD.

2. Basics


  • GG a Lie group,

  • BB an orientable Riemannian 2-manifold,

  • EBE\twoheadrightarrow B a principal G G -bundle,

  • AΩ Ad 1(E,𝔤)Ω 1(B,Ad(E))A\in\Omega_{\operatorname{Ad}}^1(E,\mathfrak{g})\cong\Omega^1(B,\operatorname{Ad}(E)) a connection,

  • F Ad AA=dA+[AA]Ω Ad 2(E,𝔤)Ω 2(B,Ad(E))F_A \coloneqq \mathrm{d}_A A=\mathrm{d}A+[A\wedge A]\in\Omega_{\operatorname{Ad}}^2(E,\mathfrak{g})\cong\Omega^2(B,\operatorname{Ad}(E)) its curvature.

Chern-Weil theory implies that the first Chern class of the gauge bundle is

(1)c 1(E),[B]=c 1(Ad(E)),[B]=i2π Btr(F A), \big\langle c_1(E),[B] \big\rangle \,=\, \big\langle c_1\big(\operatorname{Ad}(E)\big), [B] \big\rangle \,=\, -\frac{\mathrm{i}}{2\pi} \int_B \operatorname{tr}(F_A) \;\in\; \mathbb{Z} \,,

3. Application on the 2-sphere

The complex Hopf fibration is a principal U ( 1 ) U(1) -bundle over S 2 S^2 , which encodes the charge quantization of the magnetic charge of a magnetic monopole in three dimensions (Dirac monopole) using:

Prin U(1)(S 2)[S 2,BU(1)]=π 2(BU(1))π 1(U(1))π 1S 1. \operatorname{Prin}_{\operatorname{U}(1)}(S^2) \;\cong\; \big[ S^2,\operatorname{BU}(1) \big] \;=\; \pi_2\big( \operatorname{BU}(1) \big) \;\cong\; \pi_1\big( \operatorname{U}(1) \big) \;\cong\; \pi_1 S^1 \;\cong\; \mathbb{Z} \,.

Given an mm\in\mathbb{Z}, the corresponding principal bundle is given by pullback of the universal principal bundle EU(1)BU(1)EU(1)\twoheadrightarrow BU(1) along the composition of the canonical inclusion S 2P 1P BU(1)S^2\cong\mathbb{C}P^1\hookrightarrow\mathbb{C}P^\infty\cong BU(1) and the map BU(1)BU(1)BU(1)\rightarrow BU(1) induced by U(1)U(1),zz m\mathrm{U}(1)\rightarrow \mathrm{U}(1),z\mapsto z^m.

5. References

See also the references at D=2 QCD.

The original reference:

Further developments:

On D=2 QCD

and its relation to string theory, the “Gross-Taylor model”:

and the Hořava model:

In the context of generalized global symmetries:

In the more general context of volume-dependent theories:

Discussion of lattice 2d Yang-Mills theory via derived algebraic geometry and prefactorization algebras:

Last revised on September 12, 2024 at 07:20:54. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.