nLab SL(2,Z)




The special linear group in dimension 2 over the integers, SL 2()SL_2(\mathbb{Z}), sometimes called the modular group (cf. Stein 2007 Def. 1.1).



As a subgroup of the general linear group of invertible matrices, SL 2()GL 2()SL_2(\mathbb{Z}) \subset GL_2(\mathbb{Z}) is generated by the two elements S,TSL 2()S,T \in SL_2(\mathbb{Z}) given by

(1)S[0 1 1 0]andT[1 1 0 1]. S \;\coloneqq\; \left[ \begin{array}{rr} 0 & 1 \\ -1 & 0 \end{array} \right] \;\;\;\;\; \text{and} \;\;\;\;\; T \;\coloneqq\; \left[ \begin{array}{rr} 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 \end{array} \right] \mathrlap{\,.}

Moreover, SL 2()SL_2(\mathbb{Z}) is presented via these generators subject to the following relations:

SL 2()S,T|S 4=e,(TS) 3=e,S 2(TS)=(TS)S 2. SL_2(\mathbb{Z}) \;\simeq\; \big\langle S, T \,\big\vert\, S^4 = \mathrm{e} ,\, (T S)^3 = \mathrm{e} ,\, S^2 (T S) = (T S)S^2 \big\rangle \,.

For the first statement, an early reference (without proof) is Serre 1973 Thm. VII.2 p 78, detailed proofs are spelled out in Conrad Thm 1.1. The second statement is made by Blanc & Déserti 2012 §2.1 with reference to Newman 1972 (proof?) and by Wehler 2021 Rem. 2.17(1) following Koecher & Krieg 2007 Remark on p. 126.

Alternatively, SL 2()SL_2(\mathbb{Z}) is presented via the generators

S[0 1 1 0]andT[1 0 1 1]. S \;\coloneqq\; \left[ \begin{array}{rr} 0 & 1 \\ -1 & 0 \end{array} \right] \;\;\;\;\; \text{and} \;\;\;\;\; T \;\coloneqq\; \left[ \begin{array}{rr} 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 \end{array} \right] \mathrlap{\,.}


SL 2()S,T|S 4=e,(ST) 3=S 2 SL_2(\mathbb{Z}) \;\simeq\; \big\langle S\,, T \,\big\vert\, S^4 = \mathrm{e} ,\, (S T)^3 = S^2 \big\rangle

(Serre 1980 p. 81, Rubinstein & Gardiner 1979, Kassel & Turaev 2008 (A.2))



Textbook accounts:


  • Keith Conrad, SL 2()SL_2(\mathbb{Z}) [pdf, pdf]

  • W. J. Harvey: Introductory Lectures on SL(2,Z)SL(2,Z) and modular forms (2008) [pdf]

More on presentations:

More on the group cohomology:

  • Filippo Callegaro, Fred Cohen, Mario Salvetti: The cohomology of the braid group B 3B_3 and of SL 2()SL_2(\mathbb{Z}) with coefficients in a geometric representation, in: Configuration Spaces, CRM Series. Edizioni della Normale, Pisa (2012) [arXiv:1204.5390, doi:10.1007/978-88-7642-431-1_8]

See also:

Representation theory


On the representation theory of SL 2()SL_2(\mathbb{Z}):

  • Nils R. Scheithauer: The Weil Representation of formula and Some Applications, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2009 8 (2009) 1488–1545 [doi:10.1093/imrn/rnn166, pdf]

  • Siu-Hung Ng, Yilong Wang, Samuel Wilson: On symmetric representations of SL 2()SL_2(\mathbb{Z}), Proceedings of the AMS, 151 4 (2023) 1415-1431 [arXiv:2203.15701, doi:10.1090/proc/16205]

  • Andrew Putman: The representation theory of SL n()SL_n(\mathbb{Z}) [pdf, pdf]

Modular data of CFTs

The SL(2,)SL(2,\mathbb{Z})-action on the characters in 2d CFT and abelian Chern-Simons theory:

Via modular tensor categories:

Last revised on March 23, 2025 at 19:27:06. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.