homotopy theory, (∞,1)-category theory, homotopy type theory
flavors: stable, equivariant, rational, p-adic, proper, geometric, cohesive, directed…
models: topological, simplicial, localic, …
see also algebraic topology
Paths and cylinders
Homotopy groups
Basic facts
geometric representation theory
representation, 2-representation, ∞-representation
Grothendieck group, lambda-ring, symmetric function, formal group
principal bundle, torsor, vector bundle, Atiyah Lie algebroid
Eilenberg-Moore category, algebra over an operad, actegory, crossed module
The equivariant Whitehead theorem is the generalization of the Whitehead theorem from (stable) homotopy to (stable) equivariant homotopy theory:
Assume that the equivariance group be a compact Lie group (Matumoto 71, Illman 72, James-Segal 78, Waner 80). (This assumption is used, e.g. in Waner 80, Rem. 7.4, to guarantee that Cartesian products of coset spaces are themselves G-CW-complexes, which follows for compact Lie groups, e.g. by the equivariant triangulation theorem.)
Then: -homotopy equivalences between G-CW complexes are equivalent to equivariant weak homotopy equivalences, hence to maps that induce weak homotopy equivalences on all fixed point spaces for all closed subgroups .
This is due to Matumoto 71, Thm. 5.3, Illman 72, Prop. 2.5, Waner 80, Theorem 3.4, see also James-Segal 78, Thm. 1.1 with Kwasik 81, review in Shah 10, Blumberg 17, Cor. 1.2.14.
An analogous statement holds in stable equivariant homotopy theory:
A map between genuine G-spectra is a weak equivalence (isomorphism in the equivariant stable homotopy category) if it induces isomorphisms on all equivariant homotopy group Mackey functors (e. g. Greenlees-May 95, theorem 2.4, Bohmann, theorem 3.2).
Proofs for general G-CW-complexes (for a compact Lie group) are due to
following a partial result in
and, independently, due to
Sören Illman, Prop. 3.3 in: Equivariant Algebraic Topology, Princeton University 1972 (pdf)
Sören Illman, Prop. 2.5 in: Equivariant singular homology and cohomology for actions of compact lie groups (doi:10.1007/BFb0070055) In: H. T. Ku, L. N. Mann, J. L. Sicks, J. C. Su (eds.), Proceedings of the Second Conference on Compact Transformation Groups Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol 298. Springer 1972 (doi:10.1007/BFb0070029)
See also:
Discussion in equivariant stable homotopy theory:
Review and Lecture notes:
A proof for -ANRs is due to:
Proof that these -ANRs have the equivariant homotopy type of G-CW-complexes (for a compact Lie group):
Textbook account for -ANRs:
For the case of stable equivariant homotopy theory:
Last revised on January 8, 2025 at 10:39:33. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.