geometric representation theory
representation, 2-representation, ∞-representation
Grothendieck group, lambda-ring, symmetric function, formal group
principal bundle, torsor, vector bundle, Atiyah Lie algebroid
Eilenberg-Moore category, algebra over an operad, actegory, crossed module
The objects of equivariant stable homotopy theory – genuine G-spectra – are very rich: Already the fixed point spectra of equivariant suspension spectra contain considerably more information than just the suspension spectra of the plain underlying fixed point spaces – the latter are just the geometric fixed point spectra.
The tom Dieck splitting (tom Dieck 75, Lewis-May-Steinberger 86, V.11) gives an explicit description of all the wedge summands appearing in fixed point spectra of equivariant suspension spectra. These wedge sums start out with the geometric fixed point spectra and then have one summand for each conjugacy class of subgroups , given by the plain suspension spectra of the homotopy quotient of the -fixed point spaces by the corresponding Weyl group-action.
Induced from this wedge sum splitting formula for the spectra themselves is a corresponding direct sum-formula of the equivariant stable homotopy groups in terms of plain stable homotopy groups.
The richness of this splitting, hence of G-spectra, is witnessed by its simplest non-trivial example, which is the equivariant stable homotopy groups of the equivariant sphere spectrum: This yields the abelian group underlying the Burnside ring, which is freely generated from the conjugacy classes of subgroups of (see below).
For a subgroup, write
for its conjugacy class;
for its Weyl group, the quotient group of the normalizer subgroup (of in ) by ;
for the universal principal bundle of the Weyl group.
The fixed point spectrum of an equivariant suspension spectrum is given by the wedge sum formula
where is the plain suspension spectrum construction.
(e.g. Guillou-May 12, theorem 5.3, Schwede 15, example 7.7)
In particular, since and , the extremal summands for and are just the suspension spectrum of the plain fixed point space and of the homotopy quotient (equivalently the Borel construction ) of the full space, respectively:
Here the first summand is the geometric fixed point spectrum inside the full fixed point spectrum
It follows that for a pointed topological G-space, its equivariant homotopy groups are
where the direct sum is over conjugacy classes of subgroups of .
(e.g. Schwede 15, theorem 6.12)
For finite and for rational equivariant stable homotopy theory this becomes (Greenlees, 6.2)
where the product is over conjugacy classes of subgroups of and denotes the Weyl group of in
For the equivariant sphere spectrum the tom Dieck splitting says that its 0th equivariant homotopy group is the free abelian group on the set of conjugacy classes of subgroups of :
(e.g. Schwede 15, p. 64)
This is the group underlying the Burnside ring.
The theorem at the level of stable homotopy groups is due to
The refinement to spectra is achieved in section V.11 of
An alternative proof is in
Detailed lecture notes are in
Stefan Schwede, section 6 of Lectures on Equivariant Stable Homotopy Theory, 2015 (pdf)
Andrew Blumberg, section 2.7 of The Burnside category, 2017 (pdf, GitHub)
A brief mentioning appears in this survey of rational equivariant stable homotopy theory:
Last revised on March 16, 2021 at 18:34:49. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.