higher geometry / derived geometry
geometric little (∞,1)-toposes
geometric big (∞,1)-toposes
derived smooth geometry
hom-set, hom-object, internal hom, exponential object, derived hom-space
loop space object, free loop space object, derived loop space
An inertia orbifold is (a particular representative of) the free loop space object of an orbifold (or of a plain groupoid or smooth groupoid/differentiable stack etc.): the (smooth) groupoid whose
In the special “global” case where is a quotient stack (action groupoid) of a group action, then the points of the inertia orbifold are the “inert” actions, consisting of elements of stabilizer subgroups (also “isotropy groups”) for points in (compare also the terminology “inertia group” for stabilizer subgroups used in number theory, e.g here).
Definition 2.1. (inertia groupoid)
Given a groupoid (internal to Sets) with
one defines its inertia groupoid as the groupoid whose
set of objects is the set of automorphisms in , i.e. the equalizer of the source and target maps :
whose hom-set from to consists of the commutative squares with the same vertical maps of the form
i.e. of the morphisms in such that .
Proposition 2.2. The inertia groupoid (Def. 2.1) is equivalent (in fact isomorphic as groupoid objects) to the functor groupoid
denotes the delooping groupoid of the additive group of integers, i.e. the free groupoid on a single object with a single automorphism.
Proposition 2.3. The inertia groupoid (Def. 2.1) is also equivalent to the free loop space object of in the (2,1)-category of groupoids.
The same construction can be performed for groupoid objects internal to any finitely complete category, or more generally whenever the relevant limits exist.
If a (differential, topological or algebraic) stack (or, in particular, an orbifold) is represented by a groupoid, then the inertia groupoid of that groupoid represents its inertia stack. In particular, an orbifold corresponds to a Morita equivalence class of a proper étale groupoid. The inertia groupoid of is the Morita equivalence class of the (proper étale) action groupoid for the conjugation action of on the subspace of closed loops.
Remark 2.4. (different notions of loop orbifolds)
For the case of orbifolds, the cohesion of the loops leads to a distinction between various in-equivalent notions of “free loop spaces” of orbifolds:
be an orbifold, regarded as a smooth groupoid, regarded as a differentiable stack.
be the circle with its standard cohesive structure as a smooth manifold, and hence as a differentiable stack.
Notice that the shape of (in the cohesive) (2,1)-topos of smooth ∞-groupoids is the delooping groupoid of the integers, regarded as a discrete smooth groupoid
denote the mapping stack-construction.
Then we have:
The cohesive free loop orbifold of is
The inertia orbifold of is
which is the actual free loop space object formed in smooth groupoids.
The shape modality-unit induces a canonical comparison morphism between the two
When is a global quotient orbifold of a smooth manifold (for instance for a good orbifold, but could more generally be a diffeological space for the present discussion), then this inclusion is the faithful inclusion of the cohesively constant loops, namely those that map to points in the naive quotient space of .
Remark 2.5. For quantum field theory on orbifolds, or rather string theory on orbifolds, the inertia orbifold is related to so called twisted sectors of the corresponding QFT. (…)
Proposition 3.1. (skeleton of inertia orbifold for proper good orbifolds)
If is a good orbifold presented as the global quotient orbifold of a smooth manifold with smooth proper group action by a discrete group , then its inertia orbifold is equivalent to the following disjoint union of global quotient orbifolds
is the set of conjugacy classes of ;
is the fixed locus of the action of (the cyclic group generated by) (which is again a smooth manifold by the discussion here);
is the centralizer of .
For a finite group (most of the following holds more generally for discrete groups), we discuss the inertia groupoid of the delooping groupoid .
Remark 4.1. (delooping groupoid and simplicial classifying space of finite group)
The nerve of the delooping groupoid of a discrete group is isomorphic to the simplicial classifying space of (see this Example):
For notational brevity we will be referring to in the following, but it may be helpful to keep thinking of the nerve of the delooping groupoid. From that perspective, an n-simplex in , which is an n-tuple of group elements, is suggestively denoted as a sequence of composable arrows:
Proposition 4.2. The inertia groupoid is isomorphic to the action groupoid of the adjoint action of on itself:
Proposition 4.3. The groupoid convolution algebra of the inertia groupoid of the delooping groupoid is the Drinfeld double of the group convolution algebra of .
Definition 4.4. (minimal simplicial circle)
for the simplicial set with exactly two non-degenerate cells,
one of which in degree 0, which we denote by ,
and one in degree 1, which we denote by .
The following proposition follows on abstract grounds, but the explicit component-based proof we give is necessary in order to understand the transgression-formula for cocycles in the group cohomology of to cocycles on the inertia groupoid.
Proposition 4.5. The nerve of the inertia groupoid of a delooping groupoid of a finite group is isomorphic to the simplicial hom complex out of the minimal simplicial circle (Def. 4.4) into the simplicial classifying space (Rem. 4.1):
Proof. We claim that the isomorphism is given by sending, for each , any n-simplex of , being a sequence of natural transformations of the form
to the homomorphism of simplicial sets
which, in turn, sends a non-degenerate -simplex in of the form (in the path notation discussed at product of simplices)
to the -simplex in (Rem. 4.1) of the form
As a consequence, the evaluation map on the inertia groupoid has essentially this same expression, too, which explains the traditional formula for transgression in group cohomology (see the details there).
Original articles:
Review and further development:
Ernesto Lupercio, Bernardo Uribe, Section 4 of: Inertia orbifolds, configuration spaces and the ghost loop space, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 55 2 (2004) 185-201 (arxiv:math.AT/0210222, doi:10.1093/qmath/hag053)
Ieke Moerdijk, Section 6 in: Orbifolds as Groupoids: an Introduction, in: Alejandro Adem, Jack Morava, Yongbin Ruan (eds.) Orbifolds in Mathematics and Physics, Contemporary Math 310 , AMS (2002), 205–222 (arXiv:math.DG/0203100)
Ulrich Bunke, Markus Spitzweck, Thomas Schick, Inertia and delocalized twisted cohomology, Homotopy, Homology and Applications 10(1) 129–180 (2008)math.KT/0609576
See also:
In relation to Drinfeld doubles:
In view of the Chern character for twisted orbifold K-theory:
See also the references at free loop orbifold.
On transgression in group cohomology, for discrete groups, to groupoid cohomology of inertia groupoids:
Simon Willerton, Section 1 of: The twisted Drinfeld double of a finite group via gerbes and finite groupoids, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 8 (2008) 1419-1457 (arXiv:math/0503266)
Jean-Louis Tu, Ping Xu, Section 3 of: The ring structure for equivariant twisted K-theory, J. Reine Angew. Math. 635 (2009), 97–148 (arXiv:math/0604160, doi:10.1515/CRELLE.2009.077)
Alejandro Adem, Yongbin Ruan, Bin Zhang, Section 4 of: A Stringy Product on Twisted Orbifold K-theory, Morfismos (10th Anniversary Issue), Vol. 11, No 2 (2007), 33-64. (arXiv:math/0605534, Morfismos pdf)
Last revised on April 30, 2024 at 12:53:30. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.