higher geometry / derived geometry
geometric little (∞,1)-toposes
geometric big (∞,1)-toposes
derived smooth geometry
topology (point-set topology, point-free topology)
see also differential topology, algebraic topology, functional analysis and topological homotopy theory
Basic concepts
fiber space, space attachment
Extra stuff, structure, properties
Kolmogorov space, Hausdorff space, regular space, normal space
sequentially compact, countably compact, locally compact, sigma-compact, paracompact, countably paracompact, strongly compact
Basic statements
closed subspaces of compact Hausdorff spaces are equivalently compact subspaces
open subspaces of compact Hausdorff spaces are locally compact
compact spaces equivalently have converging subnet of every net
continuous metric space valued function on compact metric space is uniformly continuous
paracompact Hausdorff spaces equivalently admit subordinate partitions of unity
injective proper maps to locally compact spaces are equivalently the closed embeddings
locally compact and second-countable spaces are sigma-compact
Analysis Theorems
A topological stack is a geometric stack on the site Top: a topological groupoid regarded as presenting an object in the (2,1)-sheaf (2,1)-topos .
Let Top be the category of compactly generated spaces and continuous function. When equipped with a Grothendieck topology given by usual open covers this becomes a subcanonical large site.
Consider the (2,1)-topos of (2,1)-sheaves=stacks
of groupoids on ; by Yoneda is a full sub-(2,1)-category
By analogy with the case of algebraic stacks one says that a morphism of 1-stacks in is a representable morphism of stacks if for any morphism of 1-stacks from a (stack associated to a) topological space to the pullback is (2-isomorphic to the stack associated to) a topological space.
Let be a property of a map of topological spaces. is said to be invariant under change of base if for all with property , if is any continuous map, the induced map also has property . is said to be invariant under restriction if this holds whenever is an embedding. A property which is invariant under restriction is said to be local on the target if any for which there exists an open cover such that the induced map has property , must also have property .
Examples of such properties are being an open map, covering map, closed map, local homeomorphism etc.
A representable map of stacks is said to have property if for any map from a topological space, the induced map has property
A 1-stack of groupoids over having a representable epimorphism from a topological space is a topological stack. Such a representable epimorphism is called an atlas (or chart).
This is what is called pretopological stack in Noohi. The terminology topological stack is reserved for those stacks whose atlas can be chosen to belong to a class of “local fibrations”; there are axioms which the class of local fibrations have to satisfy; there are several natural choices of this class which modify the variant of topological stacks considered.
Any map from a topological space to a topological stack is representable (i.e. diagonal is always representable). For a topological stack , if is invariant under restriction and local on the target, a representable morphism of 1-stacks has this property if there exists an atlas such that the induced map has property .
If is an atlas for a topological stack, then is a topological groupoid, . The stackification of the presheaf of groupoids is (2-iso to) (where is considered as a topological groupoid with only identity arrows).
Conversely, given a topological groupoid , we can consider the stackification of the presheaf . By direct inspection, one sees that is the groupoid of principal G-bundles over , . The canonical map yields a map . If is any map from a space, then is the total space of the principal -bundle over which corresponds to via Yoneda. If, under the correspondence between principal bundles and generalized homomorphims, corresponds to a map , then factors through the map . If instead corresponds to a map where is a cover, then factors through locally; hence, is an epimorphism. Therefore an alternative equivalent definition of a topological stack is:
A 1-stack of groupoids over is a topological stack if it is equivalent to the stack of groupoid-principal bundles for some topological groupoid .
By the Yoneda lemma, for all . Moreover, if is another topological groupoid, , where is the groupoid of principal -bundles over . In fact, one can use this to show that the 2-category of topological stacks is equivalent to the bicategory of topological groupoids and principal bundles. One may also show that topological stacks are equivalent to the bicategory of fractions of topological groupoids with respect to formally inverting Morita-equivalences.
topological stack, topological groupoid, topological infinity-groupoid
Behrang Noohi, Foundations of Topological Stacks I (arXiv:math.AG/0503247)
David Carchedi, Categorical Properties of Topological and Diffentiable Stacks, PhD thesis, Universiteit Utrecht, 2011 (dspace:1874/208971, pdf. pdf)
David Carchedi, Compactly Generated Stacks: A Cartesian Closed Theory of Topological Stacks, Advances in Mathematics 229 6 (2012) 3339-3397 [doi:10.1016/j.aim.2012.02.006, arXiv:0907.3925]
Metzler, Topological and smooth stacks (arXiv:math/0306176)
On geometric realization of topological stacks:
Behrang Noohi, Homotopy types of topological stacks, Advances in Mathematics Volume 230, Issues 4–6, July–August 2012, Pages 2014-2047 (arXiv:0808.3799)
Johannes Ebert, The homotopy type of a topological stack (arXiv:0901.3295)
On mapping stacks of topological stacks:
and in the special case of free loop stacks:
Last revised on January 14, 2025 at 14:04:34. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.