Lecture notes that we are finalizing at CQTS:
Hisham Sati and Urs Schreiber:
Engineering of Anyons on M5-Probes
via Flux-Quantization
lecture notes
part II of: Introduction to Hypothesis H
article-like formatting:
pdf (v2, some typos fixed)
slide-like formatting:
Abstract: These extended lecture notes survey a novel derivation of anyonic topological order (as seen in fractional quantum Hall systems) on single magnetized M5-branes probing Seifert orbi-singularities (“geometric engineering” of anyons), which we motivate from fundamental open problems in the field of quantum computing.
The rigorous construction is non-Lagrangian and non-perturbative, based on previously neglected global completion of the M5-brane‘s tensor field by flux-quantization consistent with its non-linear self-duality and its twisting by the bulk C-field: This exists only in little-studied non-abelian generalized cohomology theories, notably in a twisted equivariant (and “twistorial”) form of unstable Cohomotopy (“Hypothesis H”).
As a result, topological quantum observables form Pontrjagin homology algebras of mapping spaces from the orbi-fixed worldvolume into a classifying 2-sphere. Remarkably, theorems of algebraic topology imply from this the quantum observables and modular functor of abelian Chern-Simons theory, as well as braid group actions on defect anyons of the kind envisioned as hardware for topologically protected quantum gates.
Readers are expected to be acquainted with the topic of part I of the lecture notes:
Presented at:
45th Srní Winter School on Geometry & Physics
18-25 Jan 2025, Srní, Czechia
Based on:
Part of:
Related presentations:
Last revised on March 13, 2025 at 08:19:49. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.